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What do you class yourself as?


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I am a rational thinking human being. The depth and complexity of my identity as an individual cannot be even remotely defined by any group label. Also, the image I choose to present to the world does not adequately classify me in any meaningful way.


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yeah! Me and my friend think its one of the best idea's ever. They think they are so strong but they are only strong in groups. It would be so fun. One day a week you get to hit a chav, whoever you want, and whack them with whatever you want. How fun would that be!
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Is it me, or is everyone crying and calling the classing system bad, because they get called emos, then slagging off chavs? Make your bloody minds up.
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I hear those classes from highschool kids, I'm not there anymore, and I'm glad of that.

I'm working class, and always will be, I refuse to be a parasite of society.

Anybody have 5 bucks I can borrow.

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The best classification I could aspire to: TTI


Please release me as I(kiss the sky) invented my classification.TTI: that that is

The link above could be considered a hijack and religious but I do not believe in religion and I think this is a good place for the meat of the truth.

The mother is that that is.

We are that that is. And

The manipulators are that that is.

After the harvest the Mother will survive.

After the harvest some of us will be here.

But the Mother has been raped by the manipulation.

We must never take the path taken by the manipulation.

I stand on the razors edge of time and I decide that that will be.

As a TTI I accept that that is as the truth

I seek wisdom to create that that should be....

blessed be the Mother and the Father

blessed be My Lord the child who is not G.o.d.

Blessed be Family


If you have the opportunity to ask your family a question... Do IT! Mine is gone and so are all the answers that they could have enriched my life with. My hope forHumanity

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