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Odd Camera Bug


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I Googled the crap out of this but to no avail, so figured I'd try asking here.


I reinstalled Oblivion last night, decided I needed a temporary change in scenery I guess (probably be back on Skyrim in no time lol). I re-downloaded some mods, HGEC, some custom armor, few quests, Deadly Reflex, OBSE, etc. Everything was working good, no problems at all. But the tiny UI and map was driving me nuts, so I saved and downloaded DarNified UI. I think this may be the issue, but I'm not sure.


Anyway, I downloaded it, much better visually. After about five minutes of playing though, my camera got all wonky. I usually play in third-person, and I found I couldn't talk to an NPC while looking at him, so I switched to first-person. Apparently my camera is off center, as when I switched views, it shifted to about a foot to the left of my character. Bigger problem is that combat and spells are still where my character is, so if I cast a spell, I see it come from the right side of my screen where my actual character is, meaning I can't rely on my crosshair. It isn't game-breaking, but it is annoying that I have to stand a foot to the right of doors and people to activate them. And even then, with people, it still goes to where my crosshair is, so I'm looking at the empty space or wall to their right instead of their faces.


I exited the game and went to bed, deciding to see if it persists in the morning. I started it up today, and lo and behold, it was back to normal. I could correctly target things, I could talk to people's faces and not the air around them, etc. After about ten minutes of gameplay though, the problem came back. I only suspect the UI mod since that was the last one I downloaded, and the problem wasn't there before that. Anyone know what's going on and/or how to fix it? Thanks! :D


EDIT: Actually, now I think of it, Amazing Jump could be a culprit too, since I downloaded that very recently. Forgot about that.

Edited by Schattenu
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Deadly Reflex 5, actually. I still had that one lying around on my computer from the last time I played Oblivion, so I just reinstalled that. And no Unnecessary Violence mods.


If it helps, this is the mod list I have:


Amazing Jump

Ancient Towers

An arena raiment replacer

Darker Daedric Armor and Weapons

Dea Obscura custom race

Deadly Reflex 5

Elven Map Redux

Several custom music additions

Glenvar Castle

HGEC + vanilla armor replacer for it

Hoarfrost Castle

Midas Magic


OBSE v0020

Shadow Armor

Skyrimized water (which I added today, after I already experienced the camera problem)

Sounds of Cyrodiil

Star's Rest

The Lost Spires

Heart of the Dead

Vampire Hunter armor

DarNified UI


Last I played Oblivion, before Skyrim, I had all of these mods and more, except the UI one, and this glitch is something completely new that I've seen.

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I'm by no means a Deadly Reflex expert, but I don't recall DR5 being mentioned in regards to a camera bug. I'm also no expert on UI mods, but again I'm not recalling anything regarding DarNified and a camera bug. Perhaps someone with more experience with DarNified can help.
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