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Flashing advertisements


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How do you concentrate on what you're reading, when there's a flashing ad saying "You are the millionth visitor!" jumping up- and down in your face? Non-Nexus sites do it too. It must be the millionth time that I've been the millionth visitor to just about every website I've seen on the internet!



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Well, I have premium membership, so I never see adverts. Here is the link if you want premium membership too: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/content/premium.php


Otherwise, I have no difficulty ignoring flashing adverts anywhere really so I'm not sure why they grab your attention so much.


EDIT: Another thing I just noticed is that you have posted this topic in the wrong sub-forum. I think this would have been a better match.

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Some people do get horribly annoyed by advertisements. I am one such person. But somebody's got to pay the bills around here so that's why I'm pleased that the Nexus gives us another way around it by becoming a Premium Member. That's the main reason that I became one. It also gives me a chance to give back some of what I gotten from this site over the years. Plus no ads!! I really couldn't put up with them myself.




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