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Problem logging into Nexus for Mod Download


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Hi folks, I'm at the end of my tether with NEXUS!!! I had an account with this site but now I can no longer access the original screen where I can download game mod files to the NEXUS manager. It keeps telling me about some guff re hacked accounts. Tried to register a new account but end up getting requested for money to set up/ register an account. Can anyone shed some light on this nonsense?

Edited by Hulkpepper
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My flashlight just ran out of batteries. You still seem to have an account since you posted this message, so, from here to anywhere else on the Nexus is but a small step. If and when you have stumbled across a "bad" link to the Nexus then you've obviously been swimming in... errr... fishy waters. If however you try to use links to the Old Design and you end up being asked for money, better contact an Administrator to report a link hi-jack.

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Well, it might need one of the devs or admins to chime in for more details, but from what I can see you returned to the site after a longer time of absence and ran into one of the "change password" reminders, which became necessary after a database leak somewhere around 2013 (I think) and too many people just ignoring the site news and leaving their (then potentially public) passwords unaltered. At this point one reminder became mandatory and you must confirm you've seen it.


If you read the whole thing to its end, there should be a button, or a checkbox and a button, to verify you've read it. So even if you do go and change your password afterwards, as long as you never confirm you've read it on that page, the page will not go away. You do not need to change your password, if you changed it already after the potential breach, but you do need to confirm you've read the reminder, or it won't let you past that page.


Relevant article from the Site News:




And as for a new account creation being only possible by paying, that's also not the case. Just as before you can still create an account completely for free. But it could be the option to do so is a little harder to see right away. I think it's just not selecting any option now, I think it should even be the default, but I wasn't able to take a look at the account creation screen anymore for ages, and it was since then changed some times.


If you're indeed facing a page which doesn't give you an option to continue for free, something's seriously not right, and you should get in contact with administration about the issue. For that you can use the Contact Us link found at the bottom of every forum page.


But please, do not just go ahead and create new accounts, while you still have an active useable one, as this is against the rules, and not all staff members will be aware of you having these issues getting onto the site and only therefor creating new accounts. Only proceed doing so once you talked it through with the administration and have their blessing. Else it could lead to an immediate ban of -all- accounts, now and in future, for violating the "only 1 account per person" rule.

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