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Area 51- Nuclear War- Cover up?


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Area 51 has the best security of anything on the planet, filled with theories of aliens and invasions and Russians, but what if there was something more.... sinister?



Area 51 has miles and miles of underground terrain, perfect for nuclear silos, to basically launch nukes. Strange things in the sky, like lights, could be the fire of a group of nukes being launched at someone. Or something.


What if the USA and the UK and other countries are at a nuclear war with someone? What if we're attacking an alien planet? Is it all a cover up? This can raise enough questions to fill graveyards, but it has to be considered.

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If it really was a extremely secret base you wouldn't know it existed.


It is used for aircraft testing and nothing else. That is why you see lights. The same reason you see lights in the sky at a airport. If it is used for anything else there is no evidence.


It would take years to reach the nearest planet that could support life. It would take years to even get out of our solar system.


If there was a country being attacked by the US we would know. It is not something you can just cover up. There are news reporters in every country in the world and the internet exists. No way anyone could cover that up.

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First, what reason would the Government have to hide nuclear missile sites? Neither the launch sites, nor the manufacturing site are a big secret, and you could probably find them on Google Earth with the help of Wikipedia. I actually managed to find a nuclear missile assembly plant in Texas with the help of Wikipedia, so they're not really any big secret. Francis E. Warren Air Force Base is one of three strategic nuclear missile bases.


As for the missile launches, chances are you may see them launch some, but it's for testing purposes and they're not fitted with nuclear warheads during testing. The current nuclear missile of the U.S. Military is the LGM-30 Minuteman III. It has an estimated 8,100 mile operation range with a flight altitude of 700 miles. There is no way the missile could even reach the Moon, let alone another planet in our galaxy.


Besides, what reason would we have to attack aliens unless they're hostile? Even if they were hostile, we'd have certainly known about it by now because a nation will rarely use a nuclear missile unless the target is considered an extreme threat. If the aliens you speak of were that hostile, chances are everyone on Earth would know about it.

Edited by McclaudEagle
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But the USGS is government-run, so if we were attacking Nibiru they'd be in on the conspiracy.




USGS isn't the only organization that monitors such instruments. Several countries have similar departments. Getting all of them to keep quiet about such a thing would be extremely unlikely.

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Area 51 has the best security of anything on the planet, filled with theories of aliens and invasions and Russians, but what if there was something more.... sinister?


Area 51 has miles and miles of underground terrain, perfect for nuclear silos, to basically launch nukes. Strange things in the sky, like lights, could be the fire of a group of nukes being launched at someone. Or something.



Well the first thought that came to my mind when I read this was the most secure place on earth would be Fort Knox and guess what, I checked and it is.


Most secure places on earth ... 10 most secure places on Earth ... link

Area 51 is fourth on the list, some have Area 51 as no. 5 on the list, and some even lower.

As for the "strange" stuff going on ... I'm sure you're talking about "alien's" and there's no real black on white evidence is there ?

Only thing anyone has is theory and speculation ... like Elvis is still alive or something or other ... "I'm all shook up uhumm yayay yeah" LOL.

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The current nuclear missile of the U.S. Military is the LGM-30 Minuteman III. It has an estimated 8,100 mile operation range with a flight altitude of 700 miles. There is no way the missile could even reach the Moon, let alone another planet in our galaxy.

That's the range of the missile with full thrust and guidance. A missile flying through space doesn't need thrust. And if just needs to hit somewhere on Nibiru and not an actual strategic target, there's no need for guidance either. That'd also explain an international, multiple-launch effort – without guidance, we're basically carpet-bombing the planet.


Also, to those saying the secrecy would have to be too much: There have been leaks! You're reading a leak right now, but you're just dismissing it. In the more general sense, plenty of people know about Nibiru, and they know that Nibiru poses some sort of existential threat, even if they don't accept the full truth. It's very simple to keep a secret when people won't believe what's happening even when 85% of the operational details have already leaked out.

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The current nuclear missile of the U.S. Military is the LGM-30 Minuteman III. It has an estimated 8,100 mile operation range with a flight altitude of 700 miles. There is no way the missile could even reach the Moon, let alone another planet in our galaxy.

That's the range of the missile with full thrust and guidance. A missile flying through space doesn't need thrust. And if just needs to hit somewhere on Nibiru and not an actual strategic target, there's no need for guidance either. That'd also explain an international, multiple-launch effort – without guidance, we're basically carpet-bombing the planet.


Also, to those saying the secrecy would have to be too much: There have been leaks! You're reading a leak right now, but you're just dismissing it. In the more general sense, plenty of people know about Nibiru, and they know that Nibiru poses some sort of existential threat, even if they don't accept the full truth. It's very simple to keep a secret when people won't believe what's happening even when 85% of the operational details have already leaked out.


Considering that the original source of the Nibiru threat was put forth by a woman that claims to be in contact with an alien species via an implant in her brain, and claimed Hale-Bopp comet was a hoax........ I tend to discount the conspiracy theories there...... Not to mention that trying to 'cover up' a planetary sized body on a collision course (or, near miss course) with earth would be impossible, given the number of amateur astronomers that watch the skies as well.

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