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Area 51- Nuclear War- Cover up?


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The current nuclear missile of the U.S. Military is the LGM-30 Minuteman III. It has an estimated 8,100 mile operation range with a flight altitude of 700 miles. There is no way the missile could even reach the Moon, let alone another planet in our galaxy.

That's the range of the missile with full thrust and guidance. A missile flying through space doesn't need thrust. And if just needs to hit somewhere on Nibiru and not an actual strategic target, there's no need for guidance either. That'd also explain an international, multiple-launch effort – without guidance, we're basically carpet-bombing the planet.


Since every planet has an axis it rotates around the Sun on, the chances of a stray missile hitting its intended target would be extremely low. Not to mention, since there are no known alien inhabited planets in our Galaxy, it could be safely said the missile would probably take thousands, if not millions of years to hit a planet that far out when just floating in space, by which time it would have probably disintegrated.

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the original source of the Nibiru threat was put forth by a woman that claims to be in contact with an alien species via an implant in her brain

That's false. Over the years, multiple independent sources have put forward hypotheses about the Nibiru threat. They disagree on many of the details, but they all share that same name: Nibiru. That means there's at least a common kernel of truth to all of them. Or are you saying that it's more likely that they all independently settled on Nibiru just by some crazy coincidence?


Inventing the story about how it was all orchestrated by some crazy woman is classic counterintelligence – it's poisoning the well. (PS: Really? She coordinated the whole thing? That's rather amazing for an alleged schizophrenic!) See also all the crazy conspiracy theories about the coming 2012 apocalypse, the Rapture back in 2011, strange noises, magnetic reversals, etc. Why now? Why this exact moment? Something very, very big is going on, and everyone can feel it. But the powers that be are throwing out all sorts of crazy stuff so we just keep guessing.

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Since every planet has an axis it rotates around the Sun on, the chances of a stray missile hitting its intended target would be extremely low. Not to mention, since there are no known alien inhabited planets in our Galaxy, it could be safely said the missile would probably take thousands, if not millions of years to hit a planet that far out when just floating in space, by which time it would have probably disintegrated.

I don't know why I'm arguing with you if you don't understand the most absolutely fundamental mechanics of interplanetary nuclear war. This is seriously basic stuff. It's trivial to predict where Nibiru will be ten days, ten weeks, or even ten years from now, and the missile can be aimed based on that coordinate. Since the missile is flying through space, there is absolutely nothing to slow it down, so it will accelerate all the way to its target and reach a speed much higher than what it could achieve on Earth. And there is no reason why it would just "disintegrate" apropos of nothing once it left Earth's atmosphere.

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I don't know why I'm arguing with you if you don't understand the most absolutely fundamental mechanics of interplanetary nuclear war. This is seriously basic stuff. It's trivial to predict where Nibiru will be ten days, ten weeks, or even ten years from now, and the missile can be aimed based on that coordinate. Since the missile is flying through space, there is absolutely nothing to slow it down, so it will accelerate all the way to its target and reach a speed much higher than what it could achieve on Earth. And there is no reason why it would just "disintegrate" apropos of nothing once it left Earth's atmosphere.


You do know that purpose built space aircraft are designed to be able to withstand the harsh 'climate' of space? I highly doubt the LGM-30 is designed in such a manner, meaning it would not likely survive the extreme temperatures that it would have to endure that far from the Sun. It would probably gradually freeze up and disintegrate. Using the method you described to hit the planet would be a long shot if ever I saw one. There'd be too many factors to make such a mission pointless and likely impossible. I doubt the U.S. Government would be prepared to fork over $7 million per missile on the off chance that it might hit the target, and not space junk, missing completely, being intercepted by the enemy, etc.

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You do know that purpose built space aircraft are designed to be able to withstand the harsh 'climate' of space? I highly doubt the LGM-30 is designed in such a manner, meaning it would not likely survive the extreme temperatures that it would have to endure that far from the Sun. It would probably gradually freeze up and disintegrate.

Space has a "harsh climate"? For humans, maybe, but not for missiles. Let's look at the numbers: Earth's atmosphere exerts a crushing 15 psi of pressure at sea level. Oxygen and water, which both act to corrode metal, have fugacities of 5 psi and 0.4 psi. In space you have 0 psi, 0 psi, and... 0 psi. It's a missile designer's dream.


As for temperature, space does not "freeze" objects. It saps heat away very slowly, by thermal radiation. But a nuclear missile will generate its own heat by spontaneous nuclear decay. The absolute lowest temperature the missile can achieve in space is given by Q=Aσ(T-Ta)4. If a missile has 8 m2 of surface area, houses 500 kg of radioactive material generating 4 W/kg of heat, and is in a region of space where the effective ambient temperature is 20 K, then T=280 K. That's not much different than the temperature outside your house right now.

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I recall my time of military service at Area 51. Amazing things went on there. Yes, security was very tight and we were all told never to talk about anything that went on there or what we may have seen there, but that was years ago.


I recall one day having to go across the tarmac and I got a bit lost and wandered over to a hangar to get directions. I looked in the door to see if anyone was inside there and what I saw was this....



Wait just a second.... someone's at the door..... BRB.....

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I have only been in A51 once. That was an assist with the operation behind Bin Laden's death, but I can't give anything else out but the fact it had to do with the stealth helos.


A nuclear missile can be launched into space and hit another galaxy, nothing can stop it from moving up there. If we are trying to blow something up in space, it's possible. And very likely.

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