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GET AWAY FROM ME (Follower distance)


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This is an extremely simple mod request. Is there anything that tweaks followers' following distance so they'll stop invading my personal space? This might not sound like an issue, but as it is I can't stand followers because they're either off lost in the woods making me look for them, or they're tailgating me. There is no grey area. If I'm moving slowly or stopped, especially when I'm trying to sneak, not one single follower will ever stand farther than direct contact with my character. They are constantly PUSHING my character trying to get closer to them despite being in direct contact. Followers are already worse than useless without them blocking my shots, shooting me in the back, pushing me out of cover, diving in the way of my grenades, luring enemies directly to me when I'm trying to sneak, and killing us both with explosives.


The opposite issue of them falling six miles behind because of their godawful pathing is far less of a concern, because their apparently crippling separation anxiety makes them such a liability the only reason I would EVER have one of them around is the game is forcing me to for a quest (IE: Ada in the last mission of Automatron). If they can't follow at a reasonable distance (which is NOT halfway in my rectum, believe it or not), then I'd actually prefer them to just get lost until I need them.

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  • 1 year later...

Simply put the Follower AI is s***!


Without someone able to dissect the code and modify the AI code its self I dont see how its ever going to get any better.


To address the issues with the AI the following statements (If, Then, Else) or qualifiers need to be applied.


If Player is Engaged (actively being shot at) Follower AI Switches to Aggressive. Follower will attempt to flank or get behind Engaged enemies, Wll continue to seek targets and Fire until Cleared.

If Player is Stealth and Not actively engaged (not being shot at) the Follower AI will Switch to Passive (move no less then 10 meters away from the player)

Follower will always maintain 3 - 10 meters from player (this is to stfu and get the f*** out of my face.

If Player is in owned settlement Follower Ai will switch to Passive and Idle and maintain 10-15meters from player


The worst part about this AI, is how it will teleport to you while your literally not doing anything but crafting weapons and armor, Block your view, push you off the workbench and talk the entire f*#@ing time! Then when you tell that Follower to f*#@ off and move they cant get down from the 3stories up. I honestly love fallout but its just so poorly coded, they put No thought into this.

Edited by WinglessFlight
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I use Amazing Follower Tweaks and it has this functionality. You can set all your followers to far distance, defensive combat AI, flee combat at full health, and even prevent Dogmeat from ranging in front of you.


It has some other useful features as well but any of them can be ignored with zero gameplay effect. (For example, autoscrap a settlement is useful but if you don't like it just never use it.)

Edited by asterlacnala
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  • 2 weeks later...

Amazing Follower Tweaks does all that and a bag of chips! My favorite feature is the pre-fab settlement build where you select the option for a pre-fab and it builds out your entire settlement for you on the spot. It is GREAT if you are doing your 100th play through and are like, "Man, screw it. Not this AGAIN!" Besides, you can always go in and scrap / modify anything you don't like from the pre-fab once it is built.

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