Brutii Posted March 24, 2012 Share Posted March 24, 2012 (edited) Hello all! Welcome to my first rp! Warning wall of text following The Gods Of Gaudium(you may skip this first bit, it's just back story, but read the rules) The Creation of the first gods When Gaudium was still young, The elder god created two gods, Vita and Mort. Vita took the image of a elegant and beautiful young woman, and was the goddess of all things good, including life, which she held highest, while Mort took on a somewhat demonic form, with glowing red eyes, Mort was the god of all things bad, including death, which was his favorite 'toy'. The elder god empowered them, and left them to rule the world. Vita created many living things, some were beautiful and kind, others were dirty and dangerous, but all were alive and wonderful. When they died, Mort would take their soul. Les enfants terribles Then Vita fell in love with one of her creations and had a child with him, then she used her power to extend his life. Mort, feeling cheated, had an argument with Vita, who refused to let her love die, so Mort sent out his minions, souls and bodies of the dead, to kill her lover and the living, and very soon Gaudium was thrust into a seemingly endless war. While Mort's soldiers lacked the creativity of the living, and their only tactic was to endlessly pour themselves upon the living, their numbers swelled with every passing second. Morts forces had many undead monsters, and these cut through the armies of the living like a hot knife through butter. There were heros on the livings side, seeming to counter the monsters, including Vita's lover, and later their son. The war lasted for one hundred and seventeen years, and the living never gave up, but inevitably, it seemed like Mort would win, then the elder god returned. Punishment The elder god was appauled by his children, he disappointed at Vita for extending someones life and therefore unbalencing the system for personel disire, and angry at Mort for starting a needless war which caused so much misery, he stripped them both of their power, he took away the immortality Vita gave, and then aged her lover until he turned to dust, then he destroyed the mind of their child, turning him into an empty shell. Mort was not to go unpunished. The elder god brought all the dead back to life, and Mort was horrfied as he saw his work undone. The elder god stood before both his children, and told them both the error of their ways. He told Mort that without life, there would be no death, a prospect that horrfied Mort, and he told Vita that unbalencing the system for personel gain is unfair, and that she should not have used her power so selfishly. Then he condemned them both, declearing that they would have a forty-two thousand seven hundred and five year exile, a year for each day of the war, he sent them both to the river of sorrows, a seemingly endless river where they were forced to relieve their worst moments. For Vita, she seemed to be walking along the endless river, with the souls of the dead trying to grab her and drag her down with them, her lover amoungst them. For Mort, he was forced to watch the dead become alive, and to be laughed at, damaging due to his pride. The decree of the elder god The elder god then decleared that no god on Gaudium would ever be that powerful again and each god would have individual sphears instead of them having large groups of sphears, to limit their power, and created many new gods. Fallax's betrayal The elder god made many gods, all for different Sphears, one of the gods, Fallax, had the sphear of treachory. Fallax helped the elder god in any way possible, and the elder god trusted Fallax with power. But the elder god had been decieved, for Fallax used the power in an attempt to over throw the elder god. There was a war of the gods, as the elder god fought with Fallax, who had built up power. There was 10 years of war, but finnaly the elder god cast Fallax down, and Fallax became the only god of Gaudium to ever be killed. The elder god learnt from his mistake and though Fallax was replaced by a new god of treachory, the elder god refused to trust this new god. The present 250 years on, the elder god left Gaudium for his business 25 years ago, and everything seems to be going fine so far. You are one of those gods, created to rule the world while the elder god is off doing his business (what? you want to know what he's doing? How the hell should I know! I'm not a god!) Prominent historical figures of Gaudium: The Elder God: None of the gods know much about him, only that he made them, and that he is the most powerful (even though the most proud don't admit it) Vita: Vita was the goddess of all things good on Gaudium. She fell in love with a mortal, and gave him immortality so they could be together forever, this sparked Gaudiums first war. She was the sister of Mort. Her main sphear was life. Mort: Mort was the god of all things bad and evil on Gaudium. After Vita fell in love with a mortal and gave her lover immortality, he felt cheated out of a soul and had an argument with her, after which he had a war with her. He was the brother of Vita. His main sphear was death. Fallax: Fallax was one of the first of the new gods to be made. He was so proud he attempted to kill the elder god and take over, he was cast down by the elder god and became the only god to ever be killed (usually a god just fades, meaning loses their power and becomes a form of ghost until someone believes in them again, this ussually only happens to the gods who are the gods of minor things). His sphear was treachery. A few rules/ guidelines Any good rp needs limits, and while we may be playing as gods, this is no exception. 1: PVP combat: You may not dictate what happens to other characters. This rule seems pretty obvious, but there are quite a few people who will ignore this rule where ever they canWhile you may say you try to hit them, you may not say you have hit them. EgAiden draws his sword and swings it many times, cutting Tina into pieces. WRONG!!!Aiden draws his sword and swings it many times, attempting to cut tina into piecesThe key to winning PVP combat is to manouver your opponet into something they can't escape from, for instance, if someone is backed up in a corner and you say:Jebidiah stabs his sword at JacobThen the only logical thing the other person can post back is:Jacob gets stub by Jebidiah 2: Do not double post: We all hate it when one person controls the rp by posting multiple times a once, please don't do it 3: Technology: This is obvious, we are basing this about medival times, but that doesn't mean there is no technology! There are recorded uses of gunpowder in china in the 5th century. And if someone decides to play as a god of inventions, then the gods servants may be slightly more advanced (in greece there was usage of steam to power doors by Heron of Alexandria) than the god of cheese (but be reasonable, no machine guns or cars (or anything past about 16th centuary tech) please) 4: Sphears: The sphear is basically what the god is god of, ever since Vita and Mort, gods (save the elder god) have only had one sphear. So choose something sensible, the Sphear of cheese is going to do you no good. You may only have a single sphear 5: Reactions: Please make your reactions seem good, if your god is the god of life, don't make them best friends with the god of death just because they are your best friend in real life 6 Avatars: An avatar is the gods choosen form, gods have the power to change form, but it takes a lot of energy, so they ussualy keep one form, you can have anything you want (baring nude or offensive content), but remember it would probably reflect the god's sphear, eg, the god of life isn't going to look like a devil 7: Swearing/ cursing: Is allowed, but do not over use itf***ing BITCHY MOTHERf*#@ING s***! WRONGDamn you, you bastard! Okay 8: Listen to me: This is my rp, I have made the rules and I aim to enforce them. If I seem to be going mad with power and god modding and breaking my own rules, inform me immediantly so I can stop (sometimes you don't know until someone tells you) 9: How powerful can you be?: Well each god is very powerful in their own sphear, and any power used which is associated with that sphear may be used (eg, god of destruction using fire ball), but if it is some scarily powerful ability, please talk to me about it first (So I can say if it is allowed, that way we don't have people making black hole's or blowing cities up with a finger point. Bringing mortals back to life is not impossible, but would probably require a sacrifice and would take a lot of power, so it is ussually not done) The more people that believe in a god, the more power the god has. This has led to heated competitions between the gods as to who gets the most believers. It is unknown how the elder god is so powerful. 10: do not make a god whose sphear is already in use: If you wanted to be god of war, and some one already has it, no moaning please, simply pick another or don't play 11: Multiple characters: Having multiple characters is allowed (kind of), you may not have multiple gods, you may control your people, however, and name them. But beware, mortals die 12: Death of a god?: Gods don't (usually) die, they fade. Should there be no one left who believes in a god, the god will fade away, a god can also be temperarily faded if they are highly injurded. Temperarily faded gods slowly regain there strength and re-appear (in other words come back when you feel, provided it isn't one post later). However, should a mortal come to believe in a faded god again, the god returns. (However, sometimes gods do properly die, this is rare and has only happened once, when a treachorous new god was killed by the elder god) 13: Flaws: Like people, gods are flawed. Some gods believe they are perfect, this is one of their flaws, their to proud and prudent. Other gods are very strong, but rather stupid. Different gods have differnt flaws, just like people. 14: Your people: Also known as your subjects, your worshipers, your servants and so on. You may see these as disposable little people who you can waste at will, but they are your life blood. They will try to please you and will do pretty much anything you tell them. Some may be led in different ways, it is likely the god of wars people will be led by a single warlord, a warlord put on the throne by the god of war himself, while the god of knowledge would likely have a council of elder, who were selected by the god. Their your people, you choose their culture. 15: I will allow players to create their own areas, landscapes, cities and other things, (again talk to me in the OOC thread) to fill my new, vast land scape, but it must be within reason. 16: Also talk to me in the ooc thread about creating your own breed of servants, it is allowed, but again within reason 17: The cardinal sphears may not be used for the reason of being over powered in every form, the cardinal sphears are:Death (Sorry Meciathe)Life Warning: These rules are subject to change, you will be informed should they change God sheet: Name: This is obvious Age: How old is your god (oldest possible age is 250, the time that has passed since the elder god exiled Vita and Mort, youngest possible age is 25, the time that has passed since the elder god left Gaudium again) Sphear: What is your god (or godess) the god (or godess) of? People (worshipers): What are you people like? Have they got a peaceful civiliasation, are they warriors, traders, nomads ect? Do they live in a small villiage, or a bustling city? Or do they live hidden away? Avatar: What is your gods choosen (and most frequent Avatar, you may change in the rp, but gods usually become attached to their favorite Avatar, and they rarely change because of the energy it takes) Background: Lets have some back ground into your god. What have they done over their godly life? Flaws: As I mentioned earlier, all gods have flaws, much like people. Personality: Give a few lines about your characters personality, but again, it will probably reflect your sphear Locations list: The pinacle of pacts, a dark ruin where pacts with Eylandria of an extremely dark nature are made, it is a dark and creepy ruin, with an altar black as night at it's center, whispers of many souls can be heard around the mountain it is located on, and all maner of pacts can be made here. This is where the pacts for things such as a massacre of a family in exchange for a soul, or the destruction of a village, the usurping of a king. The goddess Eylandria personally appears at this place one a sacrifice has been made upon the altar. It is the special meeting site of the goddess Eylandria The shade of secrets: A town where it is always grey and misty, ravens sit atop the rafters of every building, the castle is dark and gothic, with Eylandria's dark worshippers patrol the halls. It is Eylandria's town. Kalidon is a large town, almost city sized, belonging to Kronan, the god of war, the streets are paved with cobble stone, and the houses seem nice enough, in each basement the family keeps trophies of their kills. Even the humblest citizen is trained in combat. This is the ooc thread, I do not mind small amounts of OOC in the main rp, but if it is a huge amount of OOC it will be done here (including talking with me about locations and powers, as mentioned in the rules) Edited March 24, 2012 by Brutii Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Naktis Posted March 24, 2012 Share Posted March 24, 2012 Sounds very interesting. I might join this cause it's in medieval times. :laugh: I just have few questions:1. Where does the RP takes place? I mean is it earth or fictional world or some sort of alternate universe? 2. What kind of spheres you allow? Can someone be God/Goddess of mischief kind of like Loki? And my last question.3. Do you have to RP as a God/Goddess or can you be something like an angel or a demon that serves a certain deity? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brutii Posted March 24, 2012 Author Share Posted March 24, 2012 (edited) Sounds very interesting. I might join this cause it's in medieval times. :laugh: I just have few questions:1. Where does the RP takes place? I mean is it earth or fictional world or some sort of alternate universe? 2. What kind of spheres you allow? Can someone be God/Goddess of mischief kind of like Loki? And my last question.3. Do you have to RP as a God/Goddess or can you be something like an angel or a demon that serves a certain deity? CHRIST! QUESTION BOMBARDMENT! 1. As I mentioned in both the title and the wall of text, it is a fictional world named Gaudium2. You can have any sphear, as I mentioned, just as long as you aren't stupid (like, god of cheese puffs)3. I'll get back to you on this, for now my comment is that I believe the response to the last part of the question is that it would probably have to be another player, because otherwise I would have to make a list of dietys Edited March 24, 2012 by Brutii Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meciathe Posted March 24, 2012 Share Posted March 24, 2012 I shall join but can i be a god of death desrtruction and deceit?If not I shall just be god of turnips and trollololols Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SubjectProphet Posted March 24, 2012 Share Posted March 24, 2012 Give me a couple hours and I'll join. My list of things to do today is LONG. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brutii Posted March 24, 2012 Author Share Posted March 24, 2012 Meciathe, I refer you to the wall of text line :The elder god then decleared that no god on Gaudium would ever be that powerful again and each god would have individual sphears instead of them having large groups of sphears, to limit their power, and created many new gods. You must have a single sphear Incorperating that line into the rules... now Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mythicdawnmaster Posted March 24, 2012 Share Posted March 24, 2012 (edited) Name: Eylandria Age: 220 Sphere: Dark Pacts People: She is favoured among nobles for granting them more power, but her true worshippers live in dark castles and forts, praying to her in darkness. Avatar: A very attractive woman who appears in her 30's, she has blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, she wears a dark crown and a black dress, with a raven-feather cape: Background: over her years of divinity, she has lurked in the dark and enticed mortals with dark pacts: they get what they want, at the price of usually there souls, one such incident she took the life of an entire town, because a beggar made the pact wrong. Flaws: She is blinded by her power and respects no other god, even going as far as interfering with there affairs. Personality: She is cold and ruthless, with an icy stare that can level you, she does not lose her temper easily, instead delivers punishment for example, on a mortals family if they have displeased her. Edited April 17, 2012 by mythicdawnmaster Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brutii Posted March 24, 2012 Author Share Posted March 24, 2012 Name: Eylandria Age: 150 Sphere: Dark Pacts People: She is favoured among nobles for granting them more power, but her true worshippers live in dark castles and forts, praying to her in darkness. Avatar: A very attractive woman who appears in her 30's, she has blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, she wears a dark crown and a black dress, with a raven-feather cape: Background: over her years of divinity, she has lurked in the dark and enticed mortals with dark pacts: they get what they want, at the price of usually there souls, one such incident she took the life of an entire town, because a beggar made the pact wrong. Flaws: She is not one who admits defeat easily, and will carry on until she has won, even if she has lost. She is blinded by her power and respects no other god, even going as far as interfering with there affairs. Personality: She is cold and ruthless, with an icy stare that can level you, she does not lose her temper easily, instead delivers punishment for example, on a mortals family if they have displeased her. HOLY s***! Wouldn't want to be in her way! Nice character, mythic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mythicdawnmaster Posted March 24, 2012 Share Posted March 24, 2012 Thank you :D this will be such fun :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Naktis Posted March 24, 2012 Share Posted March 24, 2012 Thanks for the answers! :thumbsup: The third question was the one I was really curious about. The answer to the question I mean. :rolleyes: Me wants to be an angel! :laugh: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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