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Nirnroot is mocking me!


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A problem I've spent all day working on just took on a whole new dimension!


I was modding the Nirnroot plants to yield a misc object. They always gave me the ingredient Nirnroot along with it.


But now I've tried replacing the Nirnroot activators with Snowberry bushes - and these 'new' bushes still give me Snowberries AND Nirnroot!


The old bushes don't, but whatever I do with Nirnroots, even delete their script or replace them, they always - always - give me the ingredient alongside whatever I want from them.

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The nirnroot scripts were 'baked' into your save. Basically, any time you add or remove a mod you should start a new game for stability. Especially if that mod has scripts. It probably is not necessary with a simple texture replacement though.

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