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Mods not appearing in Plug Ins panel


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I sure this has seen before but I couldn't find a reference to it in other posts so...


Having troubles with the game so I did a clean install w/o copying data/mods to back ups (mistake 1)


I went to the nexus folder and copied the mods over to my FO4 Data folder in hopes that it would work (reasonably sure this is mistake 2)


Mods are in the right folder but not showing in the plug in screen. Is there a work around that doesn't require me to re-download everything and start from scratch?


I would dearly love some help here, peeps. Please?

Edited by lugnut68
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Do you know how to install mods manually? Moving archives or folders containing a mod into the Data directory won't work. You need to extract the archive, and move all the stuff inside those extracted folders into the Data directory.

But I think it's easier to show you what I mean:




"Data\Mod Extracted\mod.esp"
"Data\Mod Extracted\textures\"
"Data\Mod Extracted\meshes\"
"Data\Mod Extracted\sounds\"



Some mods have optional files in additional folders. You have to pick those you want and also move them to the same directory.

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I'm having this same problem. I uninstalled everything including NMM and reinstalled the entire thing mod by mod.

A lot of the body replacers and presets won't show up in the Plug-Ins tab, and almost none of them actually work in game.


I use CBBE in my games, and nothing. I get essentially the vanilla game.


I've already had to uninstall and reinstall everything once, I really don't want to have to do it again, especially since now I have to go through and reinstall all my Skyrim SE mods and hope they still work.

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