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So here's the deal. After searching for hours (multiple times) for a way to customize male NPCs and the male PC in game i still have no idea how to do that.

Bodyslide apparently offers sliders, but you can only use them in game (i don't want to create a mod i just want to play damnit) if you do ...uh ... something ... out of the game, and then download looksmenu and then do something in game, and even then it's only for the CBBE bodies.

There are apparently male cbbe meshes out there, but the only one i found was superhero bodies, which is the opposite of what i was trying to go for. (to not say anything bad about the mod)


So what the heck.

I just want to make the male PC be slightly shorter and maybe make Hancock slightly taller.

It can't be that i have to manually edit the goddamn meshfiles in two separate external programs for that after downloading half a dozen extra things. For every separate character at that.

Surely there must be some way to actually extend the character creation/looks menu slightly. Right?




If not can someone please at least tell me how to actually accomplish something like what i wrote? It seems the descriptions for most of these big established mods were written with people in mind who are either modders themselves or have been using the same mods since oblivion. I mean i'm not a complete scrub when it comes to modding (i have modded other games before), but i still have no idea how to accomplish even the most basic things with customizing FO4 characters beyond what the standard looks menu offers.

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I don't know about in game, but you can alter a character's appearence (including hight, etc) in the CK:


As for an ingame solution, I have no clue about scripting. Would it be possible to clone the player character, or apply his appearence to an NPC? Then you could just alter your character through the ingame function and give it some other NPC.

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The problem is that height is one of the values that the standard looksmenu that comes with the game doesn't alter.

Also CreationKit doesn't work for me for some reason. It keeps freezing, crashing and generally f*#@ing up its own UI, and completely spazzes out whenever i try to actually load something.

So... what do i do?

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Well, if the only thing you want is a shorter player and a taller Hancock, you can always ask in the mod request area if someone makes you a mod like this.

I went and made one for you now, tho. I attached the .esp to this post. Is this how you want it, or do you want an even smaller player/taller Hancock? Default height is in the middle of those two. Hancock is no at 1.05 and the player at 0.95 (0.91 in the esp). Default is 1.0


You can even get a smurf, if you want one.



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Thanks but that just sets the scale of the whole actor to be smaller.

The sliders from bodyslide let you customize more than that i think.

Also that above was just an example. I would actually be going for making a thin and short companion from one of the companion creation mods to be somewhere between child and adult sized. I would also be altering the body proportions of the player character slightly, because the legs always seemed too short compared to the height.

It's ridiculous that you can micromanage the wrinkles on the face of your character per default but you can't so much as make them slightly shorter.

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