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A weird dream on the (imaginary) Bethesda's Skyrim studio


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Obviously I have never been to Bethesda, heck I don't even know where they are located :confused:

I have no idea where the following imagination came from :facepalm:



It starts with me standing inside some random old, mouldy apartment from the 50's

Right in front of me is a small living room with no one there and a small, dark corridor with a very dim lamp.


Walking past the corridor, I see a staircase leading to what appears to be the basement but has no doors other than an antique wall clock.

Moving the clock's needle's manually to 6:30 opens a secret door that leads to the real TES studio


Once inside, I see 20~30 computers with programmers working like as if they are embedded into the computers themselves: no talking, no movement.

Aside from that, there are some individual office rooms for higher ranking directors or designers.

Sneaking into one of them, I see some guy with two monitors, who is playing Solitaire on one monitor and drawing some concept arts on the Skyrim city of Solitude.


One of the room reads "Goods Store", and what's in there is very chaotic; filled with things such as food, books, s** toys, plastic models kits, a pile of PC parts, and some weird signboards with the Japanese words "Calamari" (イカ) "Fried Noodles" (やきそば) "Coke" (コーラ)on them


As I approached counter, the Caucasian store owner welcomed me with:

"Everything is for sale here! If I have a sister, I'd sell her in a second!"

 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄


... And this was where it ended and I woke up, confused :psyduck:

I have no idea why I had this dream, and why the heck I was visiting this imaginary Skyrim Studio :blink:

I didn't remember having accidentally joined the Thieves' Guild in my dream world either :ninja:


I hope this isn't some sort of symptoms that suggest me I should go see a doctor? :ohdear:

Edited by UNSF
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