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I have a problem that I need help with.


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My problem is that I will save my work and get off for the night, but when I resume my work in the morning like this morning, my work is all messed up. I get this weird message and I have to keep clicking OK like over two dozen times. And after that I will load my project and it will be missing some things that I did to it last night. Does this make any sense? Like some of the terrain will be completely gone.

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Are you trying to use and .esp as a master to your mod? If so that's the issue your adding objects added by the Mod.esp and when you save and close the Ckit the Mod.esp gets removed as a master.


Edit Here's a quote from another thread where I gave instructions on how to get one .esp to use another .esp as a master, (Assuming this is your issue of course)




You'll have to,


  1. open Up Horizon in FO4Edit
  2. In the File Header set the master flag (Make a backup of the original .esp or you'll later have to convert it back from .esm)
  3. Exit and Save
  4. Change it's extension to .esm
  5. create your mod that requires Horizon
  6. Open your new mod that requires Horizon in FO4Edit
  7. In the file header right click on the Horizon.esm and change it to Horizon.esp
  8. exit and save
  9. If you don't have a back up from step 2 then open Horizon.esm in FO4edit
  10. in the file header remove the master flag
  11. change it's extension back to .esp

For mods that I tend to make patches for I like to keep both an .esp and .esm version (the .esm version is only used in the Creation Kit for making or updating patches.)


Edit: If you don't know how to set the master flag, (and if you do I mean no offense)

  1. Open any mod in FO4Edit
  2. once fully loaded select the file header
  3. Int the right side window (4th down from the top) You'll See "Record Flags"
  4. Right click in the space next to it
  5. You get a warning about editing the mod
  6. Click Yes and contine
  7. Next you get a new window with .esm at the top and a lot of empty check boxes.
  8. click the .esm check box and close the window
  9. Exit and save
  10. remember to change the file extension to .esm




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