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Dynamic Game Sounds


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I had just started a brand new play through on survival, and was going through my usual starting path. I was on my way to Sunset Tidings Co-Op to get the Wasteland Survival Guide when I ran into Stash and her crew on the dam near the Co-Op. I had my radio full blast as I don't usually run into enemy on the way and wanted something to listen too. As I approached Stash and broke into conversation, I realized I couldn't hardly hear her over the volume of the radio. So I opened up the menu, went to settings, realized the voice was all the way up already, so I turned down the radio. When I got done talking to her, I had to go back into settings and turn the radio volume up. I found this extremely annoying and took away from the game play alot. I realize I could just keep the radio at a lower volume but what fun is that. Lets be honest, even if it hasn't been in any of the fallout games so far, I seriously doubt the Fallout universe got to 2077 without some sort of headphones or a volume switch. So heres my idea. Make unimportant game sounds lower when more important ones activate. For lore purposes, there could be a volume switch and as the Sole Survivor approaches someone to talk to, he could turn the volume of his radio down quickly and talk to them, then turn it back up when he leaves. If the mod author wants too he could even add a small animation where upon entering the dialog menu, you see the Sole Survivors arms come up and take out headphones. There's two problems I have come up with that would stifle this mod's development. I am unsure how the game handles sound settings and I don't know if you could have a system that changes them on the fly like this would require. I also don't know if you could seperate this between idle chat and dialog chat. I would hate to walk through my settlement only to have my radio turn down everytime some annoying settler things that because you saved them from the wastes hes allowed to talk to you. My preference would be that the volume only lowers upon entering the dialog chat menu and goes back to default upon leaving the menu. If someone could make this, I would love you forever!

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an 'auto-duck' feature...

based on the speech-cues...

While my FO4 Mod Fu is probably not up to this task,

I'd have to second the call for that as a thing if it doesn't already exist.


that would be great to coincide with embeddable livestream aural nodes etc,

so that the various sound-cues could all be given different priority levels as need be.

similar to the render/placement priority stack and the VisualSimilarityReferenceIndex priority stuff.


even having the autoduck be a thing you can access from the pipboy companion app would be useful,

as part of the pipboyUI.

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@prashantOneTwo-Won- er

neat. any chance archival variants of that audio will ever be released as

CCA 3,0 SA-RD-Remix or OpenGNU community resource?


that has to be better quality than full30 or the Hollywood Film Implements Archive

(they have some audio for virtually every implement you can think of, but few are high-quality,

or with different munitions etc).

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