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Face Textures are wrong

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Ok so, everyone knows how face textures look.

Well there is the eye slots on the texture.

Uh-huh, well the entire face texture has been moved down the peoples faces to a noticeable amount.

So under their eyes there is Red eye slits. And it makes people look really, really, messed up.


Getting pictures may be difficult...


I re-installed oblivion a few days ago and had this problem after install.

I had no mods, but turning off mods doesn't help it.

I even tried downloading Face Texture replacer mods and they do nothing.


I thought that it may have been something to do with one of the Patch installers which includes a patch for a DLC i don't own.

Some kind of Vampirism Patch that fixes Faces.

I tried turning it off but to no avail. I've yet to uninstall it. But i'd rather it didn't come to that.


So im not sure, mesh problem or Texture problem?


Its not causing MAJOR issues, but it really detracts from gameplay.

If you know how to fix it please tell.



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Something similar happened to me once- after a reinstall also. This was my low-tech solution: I added a mod that added faces and eyes. I don't remember exactly what it was, just that it added faces and also added pretty eyes and that fixed it.

Someone else might have a far better solution than my work-around though.

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Well I've temporarily solved it by using a Hair, Face, And Eye replacer.

Which is kind of weird since other texture replacers don't do anything.


However, this causes massive FPS drops because of the Hi-rez nature of the mod.

So still looking for a fix.


I don't think its a texture issue, but rather a head mesh issue.

I DID have some mods still installed when i deleted everything from the mods folder when i uninstalled.

Its possible i have a head mesh that shouldn't be there.

So if i could get links to different head meshes i should be able to fix this.

(Because i'm terrible at searching for Mods)

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It depends on what you want now. This is happening when you're using Vanilla face textures on Head06 or the other way round.


As the Vanilla game doesn't have "any" folders or files for "meshes" and "textures" you can easily check for left-overs by browsing "meshes/characters/<insert race name here>/" and then either "headhuman.nif" or something similarly obvious in name. When you open it with NifSkope a Head06 mesh will become apparent pretty quickly through the names of some nodes even, last time I checked. Or lookc in "textures/characters/<insert race name here>/" and then either "headhuman.dds" or something similarly obvious in name for the textures.


If both files exist, then they're from different mods and not meant to be used together. If only one exists, then the other is Vanilla and one of the two has to vanish or get replaced by a fitting one. This is where it depends on what you want, Vanilla or Head06.


Don't forget there could possibly be files in BSA archives from mods as well, so even if your folders are clean, your ini or Oblivion could be instructed to still load files from the BSAs. But then again you can't put "replacements" into BSAs but only "new" files. Still this is a source for trouble, if not taken care of thoroughly.

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