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I have 5 playthroughs. My current one is Abeeku, a redguard paladin. He is doing the mq, the compn and the imps questlines. He never breaks the law.


My first playthrough was baurus. Again a redguard paladin but he did also things related to the cw questline.


I also had the assassin/theif argonian, the Mage dark elf and the Orc mass murdered ;)

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Alnevar Odai- Named after the family at Odai plateau. When read it sounds like "I'll never [O] die." This has been my character's family since Morrowind. Nevar Odai, Ninevar Odai, and now Alnevar.


Dunmer agent/conjurer. Uses illusion to make enemies kill eachother, then reanimates their friends to fight the survivors. Necromancy is outlawed so that's how I keep winding up in jail even though I am never caught committing a murder or assassination. Its very hard to find a bound murder weapon. Stealth and cunning keep me alive. Magic has become a crutch but it has kept me alive on those few instances when I am discovered. Always knowing my next plan of action this family has been sought out by the emperors for tactical assistance on more than one occasion.




Miteth Gro-tufist (orc, sounds like my teeth grow too fast)

Indiip Wa'dera (Argronian, in deep water now)

Sharaki Stormkiss (Nord, named after the Axe in Morrowind)

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