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It's A Supernatural Life


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July read the next message and frowned. That Jennie girl would be a terrible hunter if she's so quick to believe in demon's lies. Never trust a demon. She thought as she texted back the address of Raven's hotel. If some demons are really after them, it would be a perfect opportunity to exorcise the 'good' one as well.


The huntress loaded her gun with salt-packed bullets and glanced at Raven. "Last-minute? Nothing." July approached the window and stared outside hoping to see some way to get on the ground if they need an escape.

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Jennie's car screeched to a halt in the hotel's parking lot a few minutes later. Jennie went to head up, but Amber shook her head.


"Look dear, your friends don't seem to like me very much. I figure that if I go up there, they're gonna find a way to trap me, then either kill me or exorcise me. I'm better off outside. I got my knife. Go!" The last was punctuated by her shoving Jennie towards the hotel. Jennie made her way to the third floor, and saw the salt lines on the ground. She figured which room housed July, and knocked on the door.


Amber saw a man heading towards the hotel. Putting on the "lost woman" act, she started to approach him, until his eyes flicked black. Then she stabbed him in the gut, and watched the demon inside flash out of existence, killed by her knife. It had begun.

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Raven heard the knock and tentatively stepped forward, her revolver pointed at the door. In one fluid movement, she opened the door and prepared to fire when she saw that strange girl's face.


"Get in here!" she hissed, lowering her gun quickly.

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The slenderman stood in the back of the class room. Un seeable except to the young girl he was stalking. Her eyes watched the Slenderman with fear,

"Ms Noswad! Face the front this instant!" The teacher bellowed, angrily, this was the 7th time she had told her.

"But miss... The man at the back... he's watching me. He has no eyes and he's watching me!" The girl replied hysterically, pale in fear.

"Ms Noswad, pay attention. I have no time for your made up bogeyman."

"But miss! He is here! He's there can't you see him!" The girl raised

"Settle down, child. You look like you've seen a ghost!"

"Just watch!" The girl picked up her pencil and threw it across the candle. The slenderman quickly sidestepped and the pencil hit the wall.

"Thats it! get out!" The teacher screamed

"Please miss, you've got to believe me!"

"I said get out!" the teacher shouted, throwing her board rubber at the girl. It stopped in mid air, hovering a few centimetres in front of the girls face. The slenderman moved his now outstretched hand slightly and the board rubber flew back into the teacher, catching her by surprise. The teacher yelped before shouting, thinking the girl had thrown it, but the board rubber raised of the floor and smacked her on the back of the head. She screamed and ran towards the door, but the invisible slenderman blocked her path and she felt like she had ran into a wall. She stood up quickly and ran towards the back exit of the classroom, but she couldn't open it.


There was a mixed reaction of this event; some of the class laughed, some were too shocked to think, others looked on in horror. The teacher turned round looking round before running towards the door where the slenderman was again, looking like she was going to shoulder-barge whatever was in her way, the slenderman moved out of the way and the teacher ran straight into the door. The teacher stood up, opened the door and ran off down the hallway, screaming about ghosts and monsters, seemingly thinking the school was cursed. The slenderman now simply stood in the corner, watching the girl again. After a short pause, all the children stood up and ran from the doors, sprinting down the hallways as fast as they could.

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Jennie quickly stepped over the salt-line, and closed the door. She pulled out the Sawed Off Shotgun that used to belong to her Uncle, already loaded with Salt-packed slugs, and smiled at the group.


"Kinda obvious you don't trust Amber. She decided to stay outside with her demon-knife. You can see her from the window." She said, pointing out the window, through which Amber could be seen fending off 3 demons, while the rest of them swarmed towards the hotel. Jennie pulled out a piece of road chalk, and started drawing on the hotel's hardwood floor. She sketched from memory, having had this drilled into her head by Whistler after they had been attacked by a Demon on a camp trip when she was 13. She sketched a perfect devil's trap, and stepped back.


"There. That ought to hold them off a bit. Tell me, you lot don't seem to like me very much. Why is that? Am I too willing to give things a chance? I have hunted before you know. When I was 13, Uncle Whistler came to take me camping. Although I didn't like camping too much, I always went because I got to spend time with my uncle. He and I were attacked by Demons, and he decided to teach me. He taught me how to shoot, how to draw a demon's circle, how to banish or exorcise a demon or spirit." She never got to finish her statement, as a bash was heard on the door, and several screams were heard. Jennie cursed, and steadied her gun, preparing to shoot whatever came through the door.

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July aimed her pistol to the door. Damn. I should have brought another one. The huntress thought as she watched Jennie running into the room. She watched the girl as she drew the devil's trap. That would have been a good idea if there was a carpet or something to cover it up. She couldn't care less about that demon outside thus she didn't check to see if she's really there. For all they know maybe she's the one involved with Raven's... situation.


"If you had hunted before you'd know that you can never trust a demon!" July mumbled watching the door, her gun loaded and ready to shoot whatever will come through.

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The slenderman left the school, moving along the road, following the girl. After a while she began to run, and as they passed a motel the Slenderman stopped and looked at some people fighting outside. He could tell the fighting people were demons once he got a good look. The girl sprinted off into the distance, not looking back. The slenderman decided to find her again later. He watched the group, standing silently on the side of the road eerily. Edited by Brutii
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Deuce wasn't far out of town when he checked his pockets to find his lighter missing, he turned around and returned to the motel. When he got there a woman was standing out front holding a knife and she looked familiar. He parked his bike and glanced over to her, went inside and grabbed his lighter and came back out and lit a smoke. He tried to remember her face but he couldn't know where he saw her. "Would ye' like to tell me what yer' doin' wit' that thing miss?" He asked, his usual heavy Irish accent distorting his words.
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Raven slammed the door and locked it, making sure to secure the chain. Her grey eyes narrowed at Jennie, "I don't really give a damn about your associations with Whistler, what you've learned, or how much you want to show off. And I'm not going to trust any demon, no matter how much you want me to 'give things a chance.' Now shut up and get ready to fire if you want to live!"


At that moment, the door was bashed open, the facing ripped from the wall as it was kicked in with a loud crash. Before the demons could even think about entering the room, Raven had fired five shots into three demons.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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