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Raven jumped out of the Mustang, her revolver at the ready, "This isn't just one werewolf, there are more. Some kind of...werewolf gang? They're after their own..."
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Wester had no idea what to do. He had definite enemies on one side, and a larger, deadlier group of potential enemies right behind him. One of them could sense what was there, and suspected him. The dog side of him felt the need to fight or flee, something was off about her. Breaking off from the werewolves, the wolfhound (The irony was not lost on Wester.)cautiously approached Amber. Her scent seemed slightly off.... perhaps she'd been possessed. He backed off quickly. Angel or Demon, he wouldn't be staying anywhere near her. He looked at the werewolves every now and then, still deciding whether attacking one would be wise. Wester had no clue what to do, if he had any potential allies here. If he sided with the werewolves, he wouldn't be betrayed by hunters later, but if they managed to take the hunters out it would only attract more. But siding with the hunters meant they could kill him later, maybe even interrogate him and find his family. Both sides were a threat to his family, he couldn't tolerate that, couldn't stand it at all. One thing he was definitely doing was staying in dog form as a disguise. Edited by Flipout6
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Deuce watched as Blacke nodded and two more wolves leapt at him, The female wolf swiped at him, he dodged the attack and as he was going to counter he hesitated and then struck her across the face with an open hand. She went down, the male wolf dove at him, Deuce stepped out of the way, grabbed his arm and bent the arm across his knee with a sickening crunch. The male wolf howled in extreme pain, Deuce silenced him with a power curb stomp that crushed his skull.


The Female swiped at him with her claws again. Deuce slapped her across the face and gave her a quick kick that sent her flying into a gas pump and laying still. The Last wolf looked at Blacke and Deuce in fear, Blacke just nodded and howled and charged Deuce with astonishing speed, Deuce fell back, large gashes across his chest. He kicked at Blacke but Blacke moved around it, Deuce slashed Blacke across the face that hit and left large bleeding wounds. Deuce shouldered the temporarily stunned Blacke over and leapt for his bike, he picked up the shotgun just as the last werewolf jumped. Deuce leveled his shotgun and fired, the silver slug imbedding itself in the wolfs heart and causing him to go flying backwards.


Deuce looked around to see a crowd forming, He looked back to Blacke to see he vanished. The crowd of people were all armed and looking at him, including a dog that smelled...off.


"Uhhh...hello." He said in a gravelly irish accent.

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Raven stared, slightly open-mouthed, wondering what the Hell just happened. She kept her revolver locked on the werewolf, but she glanced at the others, "Take out those security cameras before the cops get called."


She returned her grey gaze to the lycan, "An Irish werewolf, eh? Who the Hell are you, why in the Hell are you here, and what the Hell just happened? This gun is loaded with silver bullets, so take care how you answer."

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Wester was alarmed by the demon's sudden attempts to grab him, and barked viciously at it and skirted away, only just avoiding biting it. He growled at it if he thought he saw it move towards him. He was especially wary of the hunters. The werewolf he was particularily surprised with, but since it seemed peaceful, he cautiously approached it as well, and sniffed its hand quickly. It was a werewolf, not a shapeshifter or anything, yet it was peaceful. What was up with that? He walked away from it and positioned himself beside a car, where he could dive for cover in case the hunters decided they didn't like him. At the moment they were the ones he was wary of.
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Amber growled at the wolfhound, and called to the others,


"Oy Ladies! This ain't a dog, it's a Skinwalker. Hard to spot unless you know what you're looking for. Acting more intelligent than normal, certain hair or fur patterns, etc. This wolfhound has a human side. They are weak to silver." She kept her eyes on the dog, not letting it out of her sight, her eyes revealing themselves by switching to a glowing golden yellow.


Jennie heard what Amber had said about the dog being a skinwalker, and was puzzled.


"I've never heard of a skinwalker personally, have you guys?" She asked the others. She kept her gun pointed at the Werewolf person.

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Wester growled at the demon, and then struggled to speak. A dog's mouth was different than a human's, and he couldn't pronounce some sounds that required human lips to make.


"'asically," He said. "'e can trans-orm into dogs 'enever 'e 'ish. 'e can also 'sed it with a bite. 'ut I 'igure, you haven't shot the 'erewolf yet, you haven't killed the de'on yet. I 'ouldn't have stuck around otherwise. Now, 'ind exp'aining why you 'ant to gra' me so 'adly?" He asked the demon suspiciously. "Hell, why do you even keep a demon around? I doubt real hunters 'ould do so. Unless you're keeping her as a 'risoner, I don't see any reason you couldn't 'ee that group of demons from the hotel. I'd turn hu'an, 'ut I'd have no clothes.(Translation: "Basically, we can transform into dogs whenever we wish. We can also spread it with a bite. But I figure, you haven't shot the werewolf yet, you haven't killed the demon yet. I wouldn't have stuck around otherwise. Now, mind explaining why you want to grab me so badly? Hell, why do you even keep a demon around? I doubt real hunters would do so. Unless you're keeping her as a prisoner, I don't see any reason you couldn't be that group of demons from the hotel. I'd turn human, but I'd have no clothes.")

Edited by Flipout6
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Deuce placed the shotgun in its holster on his bike and shifted back after Blacke had left the area. 'Interesting....' he thought as he put his gear back in order and took the nozzle from his tank and placed it back on the pump. He dug into his pocket and offered the clerk his credit card.


The clerk looked at him oddly. "It's free, you had my cash register destroyed over your head..."


Deuce smiled and dug in his pocket and gave the man a twenty.


"Call it a tip..."


He turned to the hunters aiming guns at him. "Look I'm not going to kill you...I'm different from them.." He said, and then pointed at the werewolf corpses.

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