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It's A Supernatural Life


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Amy glared at Jennie "The fact you were willing to believe anything that demon said is proof enough you aren't ready for this, Clearly your dear old uncle didn't teach you how to survive in the world of Demon hunting." Amy said in a very annoyed tone, jumping alert when the three demons were shot dead. "great... how the hell are we going to get rid of evidence for this one? That thing is 'protecting' us outside, and we are being attacked in here." Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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July shot a few demons that came through the door. One way or another they will have to leave the hotel. She only hoped that they leave before the cops showed up because surely someone called them already.


Two more demons came through the door and July shot them too. "How many of them are here!?" She shouted watching the door. She hated to be stuck in this hotel room. Too small no quick way to escape if needed.

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Jennie had had just about enough.


"Alright that's enough. I don't care WHAT you say about me, but listen up b*tches. You do NOT insult my uncle. He was a good man, and a good hunter. I will not hear you insult him for what he taught me. You think I'm no good here? Fine. Defend yourselves. I don't need this bullsh*t. Also, he told me a lot of things. He told me the one thing you haven't grasped. Not everything is evil, EVEN Demons. He'd encountered one or two demons that never harmed a single person. They possessed people in Comas when they were gonna pull life support, and lived life trying to help hunters and humans. Now, you think you can do better than me? You think I'm not ready or worthless? Fine. Good evening." She stormed out of the room, shooting her way through Demons on her way out.


Amber sniffed the air, for she noticed something odd about this man. It wasn't the smell of drink, it was that his personal.. scent so to speak, smelled distinctly.. dog-like. Her brain clicked, and, her eyes flicking gold, she said,


"Leave me be, dog-man. Can't you see there are demons attacking humans here? I'm doing my best to hold them off, but the humans refuse to trust me. Oh look, there's the one human that was willing to trust me. Jennie? What's wrong?" She saw how Jennie looked both angry and miserable. Jennie accepted a brief hug, and muttered,


"They don't trust you, they believe me to be some worthless, incompetent girl who can't defend herself because Uncle Whistler taught me if it don't attack first, you don't. He told me there are creatures out there that aren't all bad. Some want to be merely left alone, or to live their lives. Finding those is easy, they are the ones who will attack you anyway if you offer peace. Now, I'm going back to Rachelle's. That is, if those.. ************* (imagine a slew of profanity) decide they need me, I'll come back." She got into her uncle's Corvette, and gunned the motor.

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Three more demons received Raven's next rounds. There was a moment of eerie silence followed by a laugh as a tall, handsome man in a black suit flashed into the doorway. His blonde hair was neatly combed, and he gave Raven a sparkling smile. His brown eyes turned yellow as he used the fallen door to cross the salt line.


"Hello again, gorgeous."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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The slenderman watched a car drive off, some woman inside, he turned his attention back to the other demon. He had heard gunfire coming from within the building and he entered. Someone was about to flee, but the slenderman raised his hand and the person stopped, turned around and walked down the hallway with the slenderman. The slenderman walked to a door, just in time to watch another demon enter, speaking to someone inside. Why were so many present today? The slenderman stood in the doorway, watching what seemed to be a group of hunters be approached by a demon.
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Amy's eyes widened as the demon strolled into the room, using the fallen door like a plank. "Oh... well this is great." She remarked sarcastically, her eyes flicking to the iron bar, and then back at the demon again... they'd have to take him elsewhere, the hotel was already breached, and an interrogation and exorcism would take time.
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July only rolled her eyes at Jennie's outburst. Some things she said were downright hilarious to her but she didn't laugh, she didn't even smiled. The huntress just kept shooting demons to nonlethal body parts so it wouldn't kill a possessed person but stop a demon.


She glared at the man in the suit. A yellow-eyed demon. That's exactly what they needed. "How about you shut up and go back to hell?" The huntress mumbled to the demon.

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Raven glared at the demon, "Vance."


His gaze flicked to July momentarily before returning to Raven, "Out of bullets aren't you, dear? How fast can you get to that crowbar, hmm? Faster than I can snap your neck? There's only so many times you can cheat death, sweetheart..."


Vance glanced at the floor and spotted the devil's trap. It effectively blocked his path to the three women. He snarled, "Oh my...things are going to get...nasty."

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As The Demon taunted Raven, Amy was hanging out of the window. She'd found a rope in one of the drawers, probably one of Ravens, and she fastened it to the radiator beneath the window. Her coat was slung over one shoulder, and she shimmied as carefully as she could down the rope. She hoped the girls would notice, and rush out as well.
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Amber realized that the hot-headed human girl had just left her friends in that hotel, and she sensed an old rival from about a hundred years ago, Vance. Those girls were screwed if she didn't try and help. She made her way into the hotel, where guests were either possessed or panicky, and stabbed any who attacked her with her demon-killing knife. She saw that Vance was being held at bay by a Devil's trap, and smiled. She decided to wait a moment and see what happened. She noticed one of the girls try to climb out of the window, and lunged, bringing her demon killing knife towards Vance's side.


Jennie did a u-turn about a half mile away and headed back towards the hotel. She cursed her hot-temper for making her this volatile. Before long, her car had screeched to a halt in the parking lot, from which she observed Amy trying to climb out of a window.

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