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Imperial Meshes Hate Me Please Help


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Please help me fix my very first attempt at modding a classic game. :) I am getting messages that say the following

Model Load Error: Meshes\x\Eximp_plaza_end.nif cannot load file in Meshes\x\Ex_imp_plaza_end.nif. Will use the default object Marker_Error.NIF.

Model Load Error: Meshes\x\Ex_imp_wall_arch_01_ext.nif cannot load file in Meshes\x\Ex_imp_wall_arch_01_ext.nif. Will use the default object Marker_Error.NIF

. Model Load Error: Meshes\x\Ex_imp_bridge_path.nif cannot load file in Meshes\x\Ex_imp_bridge_path.nif. Will use the default object Marker_Error.NIF.


I used this paste bin guide as a general rule of thumb for installing and downloading, although I did skip some that where excessive (who needs better paper?). I believe all the meshes are in the file located on line 129. Also not sure if it is important or not but I have the Steam Version of this game.


I re-downloaded the meshes and installed properly according to directions in meshes/x, but launching the game than exiting and they are gone. I have a feeling it may be an esp or esm causing it. Here is my load order

_001_ Morrowind.esm

_002_ Tribunal.esm

_003_ Bloodmoon.esm

_004_ Morrowind Patch v1.6.6_beta.esm

_005_ Texture Fix 2.0.esm

_006_ Texture Fix - Bloodmoon 1.1.esm

_007_ Poorly Placed Object Fix 1.2.esm

_008_ wl_SolstheimOverhaul_v1.esm

_009_ Rise of House Telvanni.esm

_010_ gr_ScriptImprovements.esm

_011_ abotWhereAreAllBirdsGoing.esp

_012_ LGNPC_NoLore.esp

_013_ correctUV Ore Replacer 1.0.esp

_014_ LGNPC_SeydaNeen.esp

_015_ LGNPC_GnaarMok_v1_20.esp

_016_ LGNPC_AldVelothi_v1_20.esp

_017_ LGNPC_MaarGan.esp

_018_ LGNPC_HlaOad.esp

_019_ LGNPC_Aldruhn.esp

_020_ LGNPC_Aldruhn_suppl.esp

_021_ LGNPC_TelMora_v1_30.esp

_022_ LGNPC_Khuul_v2_21.esp

_023_ LGNPC_VivecFQ.esp

_024_ Less_Generic_Bloodmoon.esp

_025_ Less_Generic_Nerevarine.esp

_026_ LGNPC_TelUvirith.esp

_027_ LGNPC_SecretMasters_v1_30.esp

_028_ Uvirith's Legacy_3.53.esp

_029_ Building Up Uvirith's Legacy1.1.ESP

_030_ house_in_balmora_v1.0.1.esp

_031_ Illy's Solsteim Rumour Fix.esp

_032_ Bloated Caves.esp

_033_ [Official]Adamantium Armor.esp

_034_ [Official]Area Effect Arrows.esp

_035_ [Official]Bitter Coast Sounds.esp

_036_ [Official]Entertainers.esp

_037_ [Official]Helm of Tohan.esp

_038_ [Official]LeFemm Armor.esp

_039_ [Official]Siege at Firemoth.esp

_040_ Better Bodies.esp

_041_ PB_GondolierDestinations.esp

_042_ PB_SecretApperatus.esp

_043_ PB_LegionUniforms.esp

_044_ PB_NoRestAldVelothi.esp

_045_ DB_Attack_Mod.esp

_046_ Graphic Herbalism.esp

_047_ Graphic Herbalism TotSP.esp

_048_ [Official]Master Index.esp

_049_ Robert's Bodies.ESP

_050_ New Argonian Bodies - Mature.esp

_051_ New Khajiit Bodies - Mature.esp

_052_ Better Clothes_v1.1_nac.esp

_053_ More Better Clothes.ESP

_054_ BetterClothesForTB.esp

_055_ True Skyrimized Torches.esp

_056_ Animated Morrowind 1.0.esp

_057_ Antares Big Mod 7.63 .esp

_058_ Better Robes.ESP

_059_ BetterClothesBloodmoonPlus1.5.esp

_060_ Better Robes_v0.3.1 Patch.esp

_061_ Andromeda's_Fast_Travel v0.02.esp

_062_ Talrivian's State-Based HP Mod v.2.2.esp

_063_ ImprovedFollowers.esp

_064_ Animated_Morrowind - Expanded.esp

_065_ UL_3.5_RoHT_1.52_Add-on.esp

_066_ UL_Chess_Add-on.esp

_067_ XE Sky Variations.esp

_068_ Vurt's BC Tree Replacer II.ESP

_069_ Vurt's Grazelands Trees.ESP

_070_ magick_oblivion_regeneration_1.4.esp

_071_ KS_Julan_Ashlander Companion_2.0.esp


Has anybody had this problem before or have any ideal how to fix it? This is my first attempt at modding any game, so any help/information is very appreciated. Thanks!


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Get a grep tool (I use Textcrawler). Search your Data Files folder (exclude subfolders and limit to files of type *.es?) for files containing the mesh names. E.g. Eximp_plaza_end.nif


That'll show which mods refer to the .nif you searched for, then double-check you installed it right. If the archive doesn't contain the .nif then you may have to disable the mod, or ask on that mod's Discussion page.

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