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Are Debates really winable?

Breton Thief Oriana

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in my opinion, of course not. for each topic there are a million different views to counter each and every arguement made by the opposing side. most of the time, the other side doesnt even listen (and vice versa). this leads to endless attacks on the opposite discussor. maybe if they were discussions, instead of debates, they would be more fun--and nobody would have a need to win, just a need to be heard.
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I think it depends on the topic, and category of the debate. Something as broad and as controversial as "Creation vs. Evolution" isnt going to winnable, sorry. Something a little (alot) more narrowed down, like "Whos the most annoying member on the boards?" (really stupid example but hey).


There is such a thing as a winnable debate, but on these boards I've only seen precious few.


@ BTO yes, we should discuss things rather than debate them, because the very meaning of a debate is to prove your point, whatever it may be. Discussions, maybe more peaceful, but less conclusive.

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that sort of depends because it could be one because the person sees that there is more against them then there is of thier idea/debate thing


but really I think debates cant be won


because it is possible to lose


if you get me... (I mean Idea)

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ah...ok then...good clarification. but you do agree that every argument has any number of dissenting opinions to it, right? thusly making the debate turn into a war of words, no longer civil? in such a thing, nobody wins.


A debate has one correct answer and any number of wrong dissenting opinions. Well, assuming you're arguing facts and not something subjective like "what's the greatest song ever." But for something like the evolution debate, yes, there is a single valid side.


I think it depends on the topic, and category of the debate. Something as broad and as controversial as "Creation vs. Evolution" isnt going to winnable, sorry. Something a little (alot) more narrowed down, like "Whos the most annoying member on the boards?" (really stupid example but hey).


Actually, you've got it backwards. Creation vs. Evolution can be argued with facts and there is a single objective truth that exists independently of our debate. Therefore one side is correct and one is not.


"Who's the most annoying" is based entirely on subjective opinions. There is no obejctive truth that states who is the most annoying. No side can win, because there is no proof for any arguments.


The problem on these forums is that we've got a few (unnamed) people who insist on poor debating:



Darnoc debating 101: If you present enough references to famous philosophers/quotes then your opponents will have no choice but to concede to your superior knowledge.


Darnoc debating 102: If option 101 fails, then your opponents will still be too confused to make an effective counter-argument


Darnoc debating 103: Always turn the discussion into one of the following instead of presenting facts and evidence:

1) Discuss the nature of the debate or debating in general.

2) Discuss the nonexistence of the world and the lack of certianty about any fact or observation.

3) If all else fails, post random philosophy until your opponents concede. See 101 and 102




Christian debating 101: When presented with an argument or question that would damage your case, ignore it. God will deal with the heretics.


Christian debating 102: Never argue facts or observations. Bible quotes and religious philosophy are far better.


Christian debating 103: If 101 fails to deal with an argument, never answer it directly. Always distort/misquote/etc until you are replying to something that is no longer the original argument, and is much easier to prove wrong. If they object, remind them that Hell is waiting for them.

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the religion thing is different,


anyone can believe whatever they want and nobody can say it is wrong


Wrong. There is an objective truth that exists no matter what we believe. If God exists, God exists even if I believe otherwise. If God doesn't exist, he doesn't exist no matter how many people believe in him. The religious belief that is the truth is the only correct one. All others are lies. Perhaps unintentional lies, but still lies.


But if you want to discuss religion specifically, there's plenty of threads for that.

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