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Are Debates really winable?

Breton Thief Oriana

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Christian debating 101: When presented with an argument or question that would damage your case, ignore it. God will deal with the heretics.


Christian debating 102: Never argue facts or observations. Bible quotes and religious philosophy are far better.


Christian debating 103: If 101 fails to deal with an argument, never answer it directly. Always distort/misquote/etc until you are replying to something that is no longer the original argument, and is much easier to prove wrong. If they object, remind them that Hell is waiting for them.


I could take offence to that, but frankly I dont have the energy, or the desire to waste my time on it.




Creation vs. Evolution can be argued with facts and there is a single objective truth that exists independently of our debate. Therefore one side is correct and one is not.


Yes, one side is right, the other wrong. But you will never convince everyone to say "OK creationist/evolutionist you WON we give up, we go home. YOU are right WE are wrong." Never ever ever ever. And IMO you havent truly won until the the opposing team acgnoledges (sp) the fact that they've lost. Otherwise the are always right in their own eyes.

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I could take offence to that, but frankly I dont have the energy, or the desire to waste my time on it.


It's not aimed at you. But in all the debates I've seen, there is a consistent pattern of Christians doing exactly that. And far more often than any other group, including other religions.


Yes, one side is right, the other wrong. But you will never convince everyone to say "OK creationist/evolutionist you WON we give up, we go home. YOU are right WE are wrong." Never ever ever ever. And IMO you havent truly won until the the opposing team acgnoledges (sp) the fact that they've lost. Otherwise the are always right in their own eyes.


You're right, when arguing with stubborn fanatics you can't win by that definition of victory. But any reasonable person should concede the debate if it is clear that their side is the wrong one.

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Did you even read what I wrote? One is right, the other is wrong. The fact that we do not know which side is which (well, we don't know with 100% certianty, but all evidence says no god) does not change this fact.
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Not at you... at a couple of less than rational debaters (darnoc and hundinman) who ignore any arguments or questions that might damage their case.

well, off topic this may be but I feel that I am being called stubborn. I agree. You can't change my views in our ongoing debate about morality of God. I believe the same about you too. No matter what I say you will proably never believe what I do. But I can try right?


on topic- debates can be won, in my opinion.



Hey, is this a debate about if debates can be won? can anyone win this debate?

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Debating whether or not debates can be won? Yeesh. Well, I am of the opinion that debates can be won when those participating are willing to actually debate rather than yell. Sadly, most debates that occur today are more about volume than actual ideas. Take as an example any of the "viewpoint" shows that have, for some mysterious reason, become increasingly popular on cable news channels.


Debates are fun when you can accept that your opponent may have a point and that, yes, you may have to conceed your point. Debating has produced some of the greatest historical advances in sience and philosophy, not to mention making the after-seminar debate at the local pub worth taking part in. As mentioned by other, there is no debating with an ideologue. Victory in such situations must be achieved by making the other person look ridiculous.


That said, you're all wrong. :P

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Victory in such situations must be achieved by making the other person look ridiculous.


Well, then I seem to have won quite nicely...


*Packs up and walks away, leaving stunned opponents to watch helplessly*

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