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Humerous plugins


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(I checked through the plugins forum and it had no threads about this, I'm surprised.)


What are some unique entertaining plugins you have seen? I've already downloaded numerous ones and realised theres little humor. They all seem to be of more of a serious nature. So have you seen any humorous or offbeat plugins? I'm desperate for one. When i first heard about people making their own i thought there would be no end to pathetic attempts at humor, havn't seen many.

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Just about any kind of humor. Estatic characters. Offbeat quests. I just havn't seen much humor in any plugins. If it needs to be narrowed down then just name the best one.


Edit: (to next message) Yes stuff like that. I have already been to all of those people. So does anyone know any plugins for this type of thing?

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well there are probabaly some plugins around here like that...


so you mean like off the wall charactors like:


Curio:Hi sweetbits....creepy :wacko:


therana:can you do that funny hortator thing again?


M`aiq the liar: m`aiq likes eating horses...


these are some of the ones in the real game


I personnely dont know any,try google

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