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If useing the console (at all) is cheating, I guess I'm dubbed "cheater". At the start of a new game I set my health a bit higher than usual..(Around 100)...I have the difficulty set to 100, the giants plug-in, and a mod where the monsters aren't leveled. So I could run into a Winged Twilight while I'm at level one. And a goblins plugin where groups of level 10 goblins attack you. I'm serious, getting from Seyda-Neen to Balmora is a challenge, even with 100 health.
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Sometimes I have alot of money and want to make an enchanted item, only to find out that the item doesn't have enough enchantment points to put the enchantment in. Would you call it cheating if I made the item in the construction set but gave it to a character to sell to me for the same price it would have cost to make it anyways?
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I aggree with all of you on all of the cheating aspects, such as over-endulgence, using the console save for bugs, etc. But I beg to differ (no offense) on the standpoint of merchants' money. I made a MOD to give the Creeper more money. 500 000 to be exact. But this is not intended so that I can get a ton of money outright. I find an item or several items, and sell them to the Creeper. This way, I don't have to use the "buy-back" system and spend sixty days selling all these items in order to sell the one daedric dai-katana I have. It's a way of saving time, not cheating. I see your point if you're talking about pick-pocketing problems (but an adept pick-pocket my character is not), how you can get tremendous amounts of money for little work. This is a very valid point, but I see adding to merchants' pockets not necessarily cheating.


I say this in all civility and I mean no offense to anyone. Just stating my opinion. :)

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Cheating is defined as




player->setluck 2000000


Viola. ;-)












Also count. ;-)


Unfortunately, I'm particularly bad with TGM and TCL and setspeed 400 when your character moves about as fast as molasses in February.

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lol i cant use speedy gonzales cheats anymore, they make my game crash if i run 2 fast into new areas :P and TCL isnt necessarily a cheat, its good for fixing stuff like when u fall thru the floor and dont wanna die. ^_^
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Falling through floors? I'm afraid to ask, but how did you do that? I usually get stuck in ceiling lights or behind lanterns while trying to jump on a roof to avoid a mob of angry yokels. Anyway, using TCL for situations like that would probably not count as cheating, but anything else would. :ph34r:
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I've fallen through quite a few floors myself, most frequently in the Balmora Mage's Guild. I'm just happily running along :D , minding my own business, jumping to increase my acrobatics skill, when :huh: suddenly I fall through a perfectly solid floor and tumble to my death. :angry: I have had that happen at least three times, and once more when I somehow fell through the ceiling and landed in the same spot where I fell unharmed. Can't really explain it, it just happens.
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I wish I knew about TCL when didn't have Intervention spells. I remember a few times where I hadn't saved for like an hour or two and then my character got stuck jumping over a rope or pole fence or jumping down stairs (particularly in Balmora). Boy did that ever piss me off.
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