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no power-level mod


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Hey im looking for a mod that avoids you from leveling up your skills very fast. (Im thinking about spamming detect life at Whiterun market to Level up Alteration or autowalk sneaking and going afk.) Thats just stupid, you can max out every skill, not making any quest or exploring the world. I just want to play the game normaly without power leveling.


I asked Google for "Skyrim Anti Power Level Mod", but there are only a lot of stupid cheatmods, to Level even faster.

I found one nice mod exactly what im looking for: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14371

But unfortunately very buggy and not working. It has a nice idea: to make a "skill grind cap", so when you increase a skill, the same skill will level up slower afterwards until you sleep.


But there are also two things i maybe would like to Change. First: after one skill increase there should be no slower advance (or maybe 10% debuff only), but after second increase of same skill in short time there should be big debuff like 90%. And second: is it possible to make the debuff disappear after 5 minutes realtime rather than sleeping ingame?


Does anybody know about a mod like this, or is it easy to make one?

Edited by AtotheK
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