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Lore Discussion - Orcs: Stormcloak or Imperial to the End?


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So, recently I've been wondering, would the Orcs have any reason to join the Stormcloaks? We know the races of men, Redguards, Nords, and Imperials would have reason, what with Talos being their God. Imperials would have also have reason because they too worship Talos, or as he is known in Cyrodiil, Tiber Septim. Some Imperials may be appalled at the Empires decision to hear the Elves out, the Empire they fought, bled, and lost friends for, and so join the Stormcloaks to stick it to them. The only exception really to the three races here is the Redguards, who, some more that most, follow the Yokudan Pantheon. In the most sense, Redguards would join the Stormcloaks to get back at the Empire for betraying Hammerfell.

And since the Stormcloaks aren't favorable to Elves, the Altmer in particular, I doubt any Elf would be willing to support them, and be more willing to support the Empire (or the Dominion, should they decide to roll through on the biggest "f*** You" Train to exist in the history of ever.). Same could be said for the Bretons, whose homeland, High Rock, remains one of the only few provinces left in the Empire. Since they share Elf-blood, most Nords may see them the same as the Elves. This idea can be reinforced even further from this quote from Galmar Stone-Fist, Ulfric's leading commander:

Those milk drinkers? Might as well be elves. Think they're better than us.

This quote from him occurs when Ulfric asks him whether or not High Rock has responded to the Stormcloaks request for an alliance.

And since High Rock has never had any problems with the Empire, it can be assumed High Rock and the Empire have the most stable relationship that there can be. They would be more willing to assist the Empire than the Nords any day of the bleedin' week. But this begs the question...

What about the Orcs?

The Orcs have been mistreated by everyone. But there are a couple things the Nords and Orcs share in union. But first, the reason the Orcs would serve the Empire.. Obviously, because the Orcs are great heavy infantry, shock troops, and armorers. And out of all its neighbors, the Empire has treated them the best. And for that very reason itself the Orcs of Orsinium would gladly lend its aid to the Empire. But, really, what I want to know is if the Orcs would help the Stormcloaks.

Firstly, yes, the Stormcloaks are xenophobic motherf*#@ers, but if they truly hated the Orcs, wouldn't they run the strongholds out of their territories? Several Orc Strongholds exist in Skyrim, some in Stormcloak territory, and one very close to Riften itself. Hell, Ulfric doesn't even seem to mind Narzulbur, which is a stronghold in his capital territory, Eastmarch. The Nords have always tolerated them, and maybe have even traded with them in the past. And since both Orcs and Nords both value stuff like honor and glory, it gives them similar mindsets. Similar goals, and so on. They may not believe in the same Gods, since Orcs worship Malacath and the Nords worship Talos, but they both believe in the same virtues. Which would indeed give them common ground with one another, and maybe even be a catalyst for both races to develop respect for one another. But this is really where it all ends. Orcs are tribal, and are mostly viewed as savages by the other races. Nords are more civilized, and that is one of the big differences between them, another being religion, as stated before.

But since the Orcs value honor, some would definitely believe that there is honor in fighting for what you believe in, right? Wouldn't some, in the end, decide to aid the Stormcloaks? After all, the Nords tolerated their strongholds presence throughout Skyrim with little to no fuss, with the Empire? That may a different story. The Empire is all about bringing peace and civilization to the continent of Tamriel. The latter of those two things is a threat to the tribal Orcs way of life, and with this knowledge, some would probably join the Stormcloaks to protect their way of life as well, would they not?

Of course, in the end, I am asking you guys. Please give your opinions here.

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I see the Orcs in Skyrim a bit as the Krogan in the Mass Effects series: they don't really need a reason to have a good fight. As such, they'd be inclined to join either side they deem fit. They're the only ones that have their own brand of independence. And with indications that there might have been Orcs before the Nords arrived, they maybe share a common sense of having a claim on the lands.

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But then, in that instance, wouldn't the Orcs start their own faction and rise up against Nordic rule, thus creating a three-way war? Plus lets not forget that Orcs were once mer, not.... whatever they can be considered to be now. But in the lore, it states most races of Tamriel do not recognize the Orcs in this manner, and continue to view them nothing more as barbarians.


I mean, I guess they could share a common sense of having a claim on the land of Skyrim, if they were peaceful with one another at the time the Nords arrived, but I doubt that. I mean, Ysgrammor kinda.... knocked some Elvish heads together.

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Sure. That's why the Orcs have this weird kind of independence. They're at home everywhere because they belong nowhere. They only follow their own brand of honour and creed. Those are mostly inspired by Malacath and their clan or stronghold leader. The Orsimer have been left orphaned by everyone, a bit like the Brazilian indigenous people in our world. That's why their Strongholds are tolerated, I guess.


In the end, Orcs are their own kind and follow none. So, if they join either side, it will be on individual grounds and not because they follow a certain cause as a race. My personal feeling is they'd be more tempted to side with the Stormcloaks because of a certain affinity with being trampled underfoot for no good reason. They also have less to fear from the Cloaks than from an Empire led by the Thalmor. Because, it's not the Empire that is so dangerous, it's the Thalmor. The Cloaks under Ulfric have racist tendencies, sure, but those have risen from populist talk when things went sour after the concordat.


The Thalmor are far more racist; a racism borne from a slight feeling of superiority. The latter would be far more of a threat to certainly the Orsimer who are regarded by most as a Beast race, despite their possible Mer ancestry.

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