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SKSE "my fix" to get it and SKYUI to work


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I've been trying for a week or so to get SKSE to work with SKYUI. I'm sure most of you have had no problem with this but me I'm just stupid and couldn't get tit to not give me the "SKSE could not be found SKYUI will not work properly" error.


What I did was set the SKSE_loader to "run as administrator" for all users on my computer (windows7 64bit version) once it was set everything worked fine. So if you're having the same type of problem yopu might want to try this - it could save you a headache.


To set the run as administrator to SKSE_loader do this:


To mark SKSE (or any) application to always run as an administrator, do the following:

1. Locate the program that you want to always run as an administrator. for the SKSE_Loader it's usually found in Computer/Local Disk C:/prgram files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/skyrim)

2. Right-click the application’s shortcut, and then click Properties.

3. In the Properties dialog box, click the Compatibility tab.

4. Do one of the following:

To apply the setting to the currently logged-on user, select the Run This Program As An Administrator check box, and then click OK.

To apply the setting to all users on the computer and regardless of which shortcut is used to start the application, click Change Setting For All Users to display the Properties dialog box for the application’s .exe file, select the Run This Program As An Administrator check box, and then click OK twice.

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