debieblue Posted March 27, 2012 Share Posted March 27, 2012 This is a fastidiously worked out 'fix' that has taken me two solid days to figure out, and that is on how to 'start' the "Helping Hands" quest that is given ONLY by "Wujeeta", a special NPC located in Riften when she is DEAD. Without this questline completion, you CANNOT become Thane or buy the house "Honeyside". Much to my dismay, when the time came to purchase Honeyside (I'm lvl 37), and do the Thane questline, I could not find "Wujeeta" anywhere. She had vanished into thin air. Well, as it turns out...BETHESDA...(so stupid dev team, way to go :wallbash: ), puts "Wujeeta" in harms way from the countless dragon attacks that occur in Riften in two locations (in front of the North gate and on the docks). So the chances are, if you cannot find "Wujeeta"...anywhere...likely she is dead, and if that is where you are, then that is what we need to find out...and fix it. I started looking for her at my "SAVE Point 278"...I went back in my countless saves (that's why you need to "make copies" folks), and discovered that "Wujeeta" DIED at "SAVE Point 117" by a Blood Dragon attack, with me never knowing it...and there was no way I was going back all that way for a 'do over'. First of all, in order for this "fix" to be successfull, you will need "on hand", BEFORE you do this, some let's start there. You will need:A "Named NPC" or "Location" Reference ID #. Any will do. I have the special NPC horse "Frost", who has a unique base # and ref #, so I used him...Frost's Reference # for those who are in this position and have him is...00097E1F Everything ingame has 'two' numbers, a "Base ID #", and a "Reference ID #"....we will be working with the "Reference ID #'s". If you do not know any Ref #'s to one of the above then go to "UESPwiki" and look one up. The reason for this "Named NPC or Location Ref #" is because if your "Wujeeta" is indeed taking a permanent dirt-nap, then by locating her, you will be "stuck in the house of the dead"...and will not be able to get back out! So pay attention! Now...To find out if "Wujeeta" is dead or alive is next on the agenda, so bring up the "console" (use the "tittle key...~..." above the 'tab key"), and type into the console: player.moveto 00019DDF If you find yourself standing by "Wujeeta" in the real world...then she is still alive, and you should be able to get/continue the questline. However, if you find your player in a very strange "electric green and pink basement, with dead bodies dropping from the ceiling", then your "Wujeeta" is dead, and you are now located in the "house of the dead of Riften". This is where all the dead bodies go that despawn in that area. Creepy place. Anyway, if you are here, check out the "dogpile" of dead bodies before you..."Wujeeta" (a lizard) should be among them. Now you must move her away from the rest. I found that by 'unsheathing my weapon, being in first person mode, placing crosshairs over "Wujeeta" and holding down "E", I could drag her out of the pile. This way it will be easier to "target her" without the other bodies getting in the way. Once you have her clear of the others...again bring up the console and Left click your mouse key to target her...what you want is the console to locate and recognize "Wujeeta's" Ref #, which will be displayed in the center of your screen. It can be difficult, but keep clicking all over her will eventually come up. Once you have her Reference # displayed, (which should be 00019DDF), type in the console the command: resurrect (DO NOT USE the "player.placeatme <Base ID #>...this will 'clone Wujeeta' into the normal world, and she will NOT give you the questline completion) Hit the enter key, then the "tittle" key to close out of the console. "Wujeeta" should stand right up, fully clothed...but, according to her dialogue, (whether you had the quest to begin with, I did not, makes no difference), the questline "helping Hands" has finished (again according to her). If this happens, then we need to "force" the questline to start and end, or just end, depending on where you were, so the Jarl meeting (which is next) can be entered into your quest log and take place. So depending where you were, you are most likely going to miss out on this small quest 'Helping Hands" because we need to 'bypass' it...which is really no loss, condisering what this broken questline will do to your game in the long run. So you don't get the silver ring reward...oh well. So..."Wujeeta" should be standing before you, but the two of you are stuck in the land of the dead...such a pitty. Now we need to force the start/furtherance of the quest by injection through console commands the necessary quest "sequences". Every questline has them, along with their own ID #'s. In the "Helping Hands" quest, its Ref ID# is written thus: FreeformRiften12 It has "5" quest sequence numbers, which are..."10, 20, 25, 200, 250"...("10" is the beginning of the quest, while "250" is the closing. This quest will ONLY "force initiate" from "200" do not try to go further back in the lineup. The printout of the 'quest ID with its sequence' #'s looks like this: FreeformRiften12 10FreeformRiften12 20FreeformRiften12 25FreeformRiften12 200FreeformRiften12 250 So now, open the console and type 'exactly' as written below encluding caps, and DO NOT SAVE GAME at any time during this fix, untill I say so: setstage FreeformRiften12 200 Hit 'enter' then close the console by hitting the 'tittle' key. You should see (if you did not have one before) a 'quest journal entry' being made at the top of your screen. If not, press "E" and talk to "Wujeeta" and see if she has more dialogue to offer that would start/continue the quest. If she does not, and is still telling you "thank you" for helping her, then open the console again, and type in the next command: setstage FreeformRiften12 250 (Even if "Wujeeta" dialogues with you to further the questline, you must still do the above last step to "close out" this questline sequence because "Wujeeta" is not leaving this place, nor are you coming make sure the quest closes to a finish) That should bring up the wanted quest results and place it in your log. Talk to "Wujeeta" to finalize her part of the quest. You should now have a quest entry to go see the Jarl, be finished with "Wujeeta" and ready to leave. There is nothing more you can do for "Wujeeta", she cannot leave the "house of the dead", and will remain there. That is why it is vastly important that you finish out this quest with her now, and start the next 'leg' of the quest, and that is to go see the Jarl. Check to be sure it is present in your log. Now to get out. This is where that "NPC/Location Ref #" I mentioned earlier comes into play. Open the console for the last time, and type in: player.moveto <place your reference # here> As I said, I used my horse Frost to locate to, because what you are doing is "fast traveling" to that NPC or Location. So this is what mine looked like: player.moveto 00097E1F That located me out of the 'house of the dead" and set me at Whiterun stables where Frost is located. From this point you should be back in the real world and your quest log should be updated and current. NOW DO A HARD SAVE AND RELOAD GAME. Done...tha's all folks!....;) I hope this helped. Good luck and happy dragon trails to you....... :thumbsup: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BigBodZod Posted March 28, 2012 Share Posted March 28, 2012 That is a lot of work and glad to see you were able to figure it out. I guess I have been lucky, I have caught her each time I entered into Riften with each new character I created and gave her a Healing Potion right away. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
debieblue Posted March 28, 2012 Author Share Posted March 28, 2012 That is a lot of work and glad to see you were able to figure it out. I guess I have been lucky, I have caught her each time I entered into Riften with each new character I created and gave her a Healing Potion right away. was...and I am half bald now for all the hair pulling. But I must stand corrected...I felt so terrible about having to leave poor "Wujeeta" in the "house of the dead"...truly, I felt rotten about it (talk about emersion gaming). So, I left her, finished the questline, bought Honeyside, and became Thane. Then about five game days later as I am bopping through Riften,,,who do I smack right into? "Wujeeta"!! Alive and very well. I could not have been happier (I think I actually squeeled)....ahhh...I just love those kind of endings... :yes: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yota71 Posted March 28, 2012 Share Posted March 28, 2012 who is wujetta? OO Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BigBodZod Posted March 28, 2012 Share Posted March 28, 2012 who is wujetta? OO The Argonian Skooma addict in Riften, she works at the Fishery and you have to give her a Healing Potion in order to complete the questline to purchase the home in Riften. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
misfitz1 Posted December 9, 2012 Share Posted December 9, 2012 Ive tried looking for her in real world area no dice telporting to the area the riften hall of dead lots of bodys there but hers was not among them even with the teleport id of wujeeta so i cant figure this out at all Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Leirad Posted July 15, 2014 Share Posted July 15, 2014 (edited) hey, i'm a bit late, but maybe someone wil look here later like i did. I found a way that brings back wueetja and let's you do the first quest enter: prid 00019ddfHas the same effect as going into the hall of the dead and click her py handenter: recycleactorWill place wueetja in her everyday lifeenter: moveto playerMoves wueetja to youenter: resetquest FreeFormRiften12talk to wueetja and give her a healing potionCongratulations, you know have completed "Helping Hands"enter: setsage FreeFormRiften12 200talk again to her and ask about the dealerNow the quest should go on as planned (the caps in FreeFormRiften12 or 00019DDF don't matter) Edit: do that only if she is dead Edited July 15, 2014 by Leirad Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SoullessStalker Posted October 17, 2014 Share Posted October 17, 2014 Well, she is not dead on my current play. But hot damn is annoying that I can't get the following quest after handing her the healing pot. I did all my miscellaneous quests thinking I had to finish one of them before getting the next quest from her : / I have kill/revive her, recycle her, changed relationshiprank and still nada >=( I never had this problem with her ever so I don't know what is wrong with her. Stupid lizard :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gregkrufi Posted December 7, 2016 Share Posted December 7, 2016 Thought I'd add to this thread since it's still the top Google result for "can't find wujeeta." In Skyrim Special Edition, attempting to teleport to Wujeeta's corpse results in a hard lockup. I was able to resurrect Wujeeta with the following commands, from Riften:prid 00019ddfmoveto playerresurrect You still need to set the quest stage to 200 but, from there, you can complete the quest normally. Hope this helps the next person with this problem on Special Edition. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LansDS Posted December 8, 2016 Share Posted December 8, 2016 who is wujetta? OOlol :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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