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Why is communism a bad word?


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Comunism is evil, Marxism is evil. I have lived in two comunist countries and I have lived in my own flesh what Communism has to give: hungry, represion, a complete control o state over any single aspect of your life, zero freedom of speech, zero respect to private property, zero respect to life (mainly disident lives), zero respect to individual liberties and so on. So, dont come to me with fairy stories about comunism and the argument of: that wasnt real comunism. Communism and Marxism in theory are a lie, in real life are evil. Every time you try to implement it in any country, it will fail and will end the same way.
In my opinion, comunism and marxism are bad words and should banned for life in any school and in any country. And people (mainly young minds) who thinks Communism is beautiful, is because they dont have lived in a communist country and dont know nothing about it, I have. They are being deceived and that is bad. Instead they should be teaching them the truht about it.
I apologize for being so sensitive about this theme. This is only my opinion based in my own experiences.


Our schools seem to have issues with figuring out just what the 'truth' is...... and it varies from school to school. For the most part though, they like to call it 'socialism', not communism, as that has less negative connotations....... And you are correct, the folks espousing communism/socialism as a 'better way of life', have never lived in a communist/socialist country......



The school I went to, and every book I have ever read states quite clearly that communism and socialism are different.


Socialism: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/socialism - any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods


Communism: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/communism - a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed


And socialism is worse than communism, as socialism (by definition) puts the power and control over resources into the hands of a central authority. Communism puts the control of resources into the hands of the community.


And like the majority of the uninformed and poorly educated, you are using the word "communism" for what is actually "authoritarianism communism" or socialism.


Communism and Socialism share the same ideals: uniformity, collectivism, central authority and so on. Both are bad and lead to totalitarianism because the only way you can implement collectivism and uniformity is by force. I have seen it and I have lived it.
My "emotional" arguments, as you named them, are based on facts and lived experiecens thanks to the implementation, by force, of these "beautiful" ideals discussed here and today by "intellectuals" which, by the way, have never lived in their own flesh what is like Communism and Socialism in the practice and that pretend to know it all.
No Communism and neither Socialism work. Both lead to misery and totalitarianism and end in permanent econimic disaster. You can theorize as long as you want about it but real facts and statistics of Communism and Socialism applied will always hit you in the face.
Listen the experience of people who have lived it and no the theories of people who dont.



So what you are saying is that I should destroy all the history books, all the political science books, all the periodicals, all the documentaries, all the books on economic theory, and listen only to your overwrought, irrational and emotional ravings? Someone whose only qualification is "I was there"? No, I think not. I stand by my original statement, you are too close to be objective




Do you know what is really sad? When I emigrated from my born country because of the Communism, the Communism was starting to grow in the country where I emigrated. I tried to warn people about the dangerous of the implementation of these ideas. Many of them, like you, called my arguments emotionals and irrationals. They told me to read more and called me ignorant. But time is wiser and gave me the reason. Now all those people are suffering what is Communism in their flesh. Many have emigrated, others have lost all and live in misery and those who opposed are in jail or dead.
Reading is good, but it doesnt make you necessarily wiser if the source is wrong. You know nothing about me or my proffesion to call me ignorant or poorly educated as you have called everyone with a different point of view. But dont worry, I have no hurt feelings about it. I complied warning you. Is the least I can do and I will always do it no matter if people believe me or not. You can believe what you want, think what you want and do what you want.
Have a nice day.



What is really sad is the belief that "I was there" makes you smarter than everybody else and that the only thoughts on the subject which matter are yours.


What is really sad is that you ignore the collected learning of mankind and the lessons of history. all of which are recorded in the libraries of the world. Any society or person which ignores its past is doomed to repeat it, and deserves to.


What is really sad is that you are unable to put down you hatred and anger long enough to look at the world from any perspective but your own. And what is really, really sad is that you are trapped in that world of hatred and anger, in a prison of your own making. You wear the shackles of your past willingly and eagerly.


Like I said in the beginning, I do not which to diminish your experiences. They are what defines you and binds you.


Anger? You are the one who calls ignorant or diminishes everyone else here who does not agree with you, including me, which turns into a personal attack when everyone here is discussing about an ideology. Even so, you can not deny facts. But I understand that it can be frustrating to defend the indefendible.
But you've got a point. Yes, Marxism should be taught as it should be taught its devastating consequences.
And, BTW, I am not alone, I am not the only one, there thousands, millions who "were there". But people like you wont listen anyway. People like you think "All these people is wrong, Marx was right, we gotta try again". And the result is the same.
Basically, reading between lines, Marx thought the proletarians was a mass of ignorant people who should be leaded by people like him. Isn't that a way of thinking that people like him was superior and the rest of people was inferior? A real "deep" tought coming from a man who was unable to support himself or his family.
Yes, I have read a lot, I have read between lines, I have learnt the lesson and, by the way, I have also lived the experience. So that place you are trying to go, I went and I am came back long time ago. And I am not the only one.
Ignorant is not the one who doesnt read, ignorant is the one who read and doesnt learn anything.
"Socialism of any type leads to the destruction of the human spirit" - Alexandr Solzhenitsyn


Was Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, a man who lived the real horror, a "sad, angry, full of hate man"? Shouldnt we pay attention to his arguments because they are "emotionals" arguments? Well, I do prefer to listen the arguments of someone who lived in his flesh the horrors of the applied Socialism than to listen the arguments of Karl Marx followers, who have never lived under such regimes. That is the best way of not repeating the errors from the past.

Edited by AmaccurzerO
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Comunism is evil, Marxism is evil. I have lived in two comunist countries and I have lived in my own flesh what Communism has to give: hungry, represion, a complete control o state over any single aspect of your life, zero freedom of speech, zero respect to private property, zero respect to life (mainly disident lives), zero respect to individual liberties and so on. So, dont come to me with fairy stories about comunism and the argument of: that wasnt real comunism. Communism and Marxism in theory are a lie, in real life are evil. Every time you try to implement it in any country, it will fail and will end the same way.
In my opinion, comunism and marxism are bad words and should banned for life in any school and in any country. And people (mainly young minds) who thinks Communism is beautiful, is because they dont have lived in a communist country and dont know nothing about it, I have. They are being deceived and that is bad. Instead they should be teaching them the truht about it.
I apologize for being so sensitive about this theme. This is only my opinion based in my own experiences.


Our schools seem to have issues with figuring out just what the 'truth' is...... and it varies from school to school. For the most part though, they like to call it 'socialism', not communism, as that has less negative connotations....... And you are correct, the folks espousing communism/socialism as a 'better way of life', have never lived in a communist/socialist country......



The school I went to, and every book I have ever read states quite clearly that communism and socialism are different.


Socialism: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/socialism - any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods


Communism: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/communism - a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed


And socialism is worse than communism, as socialism (by definition) puts the power and control over resources into the hands of a central authority. Communism puts the control of resources into the hands of the community.


And like the majority of the uninformed and poorly educated, you are using the word "communism" for what is actually "authoritarianism communism" or socialism.


Communism and Socialism share the same ideals: uniformity, collectivism, central authority and so on. Both are bad and lead to totalitarianism because the only way you can implement collectivism and uniformity is by force. I have seen it and I have lived it.
My "emotional" arguments, as you named them, are based on facts and lived experiecens thanks to the implementation, by force, of these "beautiful" ideals discussed here and today by "intellectuals" which, by the way, have never lived in their own flesh what is like Communism and Socialism in the practice and that pretend to know it all.
No Communism and neither Socialism work. Both lead to misery and totalitarianism and end in permanent econimic disaster. You can theorize as long as you want about it but real facts and statistics of Communism and Socialism applied will always hit you in the face.
Listen the experience of people who have lived it and no the theories of people who dont.



So what you are saying is that I should destroy all the history books, all the political science books, all the periodicals, all the documentaries, all the books on economic theory, and listen only to your overwrought, irrational and emotional ravings? Someone whose only qualification is "I was there"? No, I think not. I stand by my original statement, you are too close to be objective




Do you know what is really sad? When I emigrated from my born country because of the Communism, the Communism was starting to grow in the country where I emigrated. I tried to warn people about the dangerous of the implementation of these ideas. Many of them, like you, called my arguments emotionals and irrationals. They told me to read more and called me ignorant. But time is wiser and gave me the reason. Now all those people are suffering what is Communism in their flesh. Many have emigrated, others have lost all and live in misery and those who opposed are in jail or dead.
Reading is good, but it doesnt make you necessarily wiser if the source is wrong. You know nothing about me or my proffesion to call me ignorant or poorly educated as you have called everyone with a different point of view. But dont worry, I have no hurt feelings about it. I complied warning you. Is the least I can do and I will always do it no matter if people believe me or not. You can believe what you want, think what you want and do what you want.
Have a nice day.



What is really sad is the belief that "I was there" makes you smarter than everybody else and that the only thoughts on the subject which matter are yours.


What is really sad is that you ignore the collected learning of mankind and the lessons of history. all of which are recorded in the libraries of the world. Any society or person which ignores its past is doomed to repeat it, and deserves to.


What is really sad is that you are unable to put down you hatred and anger long enough to look at the world from any perspective but your own. And what is really, really sad is that you are trapped in that world of hatred and anger, in a prison of your own making. You wear the shackles of your past willingly and eagerly.


Like I said in the beginning, I do not which to diminish your experiences. They are what defines you and binds you.


Anger? You are the one who calls ignorant or diminishes everyone else here who does not agree with you, including me, which turns into a personal attack when everyone here is discussing about an ideology. Even so, you can not deny facts. But I understand that it can be frustrating to defend the indefendible.
But you've got a point. Yes, Marxism should be taught as it should be taught its devastating consequences.
And, BTW, I am not alone, I am not the only one, there thousands, millions who "were there". But people like you wont listen anyway. People like you think "All these people is wrong, Marx was right, we gotta try again". And the result is the same.
Basically, reading between lines, Marx thought the proletarians was a mass of ignorant people who should be leaded by people like him. Isn't that a way of thinking that people like him was superior and the rest of people was inferior? A real "deep" tought coming from a man who was unable to support himself or his family.
Yes, I have read a lot, I have read between lines, I have learnt the lesson and, by the way, I have also lived the experience. So that place you are trying to go, I went and I am came back long time ago. And I am not the only one.
Ignorant is not the one who doesnt read, ignorant is the one who read and doesnt learn anything.
"Socialism of any type leads to the destruction of the human spirit" - Alexandr Solzhenitsyn


Was Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, a man who lived the real horror, a "sad, angry, full of hate man"? Shouldnt we pay attention to his arguments because they are "emotionals" arguments? Well, I do prefer to listen the arguments of someone who lived in his flesh the horrors of the applied Socialism than to listen the arguments of Karl Marx followers, who have never lived under such regimes. That is the best way of not repeating the errors from the past.



And still you cling to your hatred and anger. You shout it with every post wherein you attribute statements to me which I never wrote. You scream it every time you repeat the lie that I support socialism.


I wish no further discourse with you until you raise your level of discourse.

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Comunism is evil, Marxism is evil. I have lived in two comunist countries and I have lived in my own flesh what Communism has to give: hungry, represion, a complete control o state over any single aspect of your life, zero freedom of speech, zero respect to private property, zero respect to life (mainly disident lives), zero respect to individual liberties and so on. So, dont come to me with fairy stories about comunism and the argument of: that wasnt real comunism. Communism and Marxism in theory are a lie, in real life are evil. Every time you try to implement it in any country, it will fail and will end the same way.
In my opinion, comunism and marxism are bad words and should banned for life in any school and in any country. And people (mainly young minds) who thinks Communism is beautiful, is because they dont have lived in a communist country and dont know nothing about it, I have. They are being deceived and that is bad. Instead they should be teaching them the truht about it.
I apologize for being so sensitive about this theme. This is only my opinion based in my own experiences.


Our schools seem to have issues with figuring out just what the 'truth' is...... and it varies from school to school. For the most part though, they like to call it 'socialism', not communism, as that has less negative connotations....... And you are correct, the folks espousing communism/socialism as a 'better way of life', have never lived in a communist/socialist country......



The school I went to, and every book I have ever read states quite clearly that communism and socialism are different.


Socialism: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/socialism - any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods


Communism: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/communism - a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed


And socialism is worse than communism, as socialism (by definition) puts the power and control over resources into the hands of a central authority. Communism puts the control of resources into the hands of the community.


And like the majority of the uninformed and poorly educated, you are using the word "communism" for what is actually "authoritarianism communism" or socialism.


Communism and Socialism share the same ideals: uniformity, collectivism, central authority and so on. Both are bad and lead to totalitarianism because the only way you can implement collectivism and uniformity is by force. I have seen it and I have lived it.
My "emotional" arguments, as you named them, are based on facts and lived experiecens thanks to the implementation, by force, of these "beautiful" ideals discussed here and today by "intellectuals" which, by the way, have never lived in their own flesh what is like Communism and Socialism in the practice and that pretend to know it all.
No Communism and neither Socialism work. Both lead to misery and totalitarianism and end in permanent econimic disaster. You can theorize as long as you want about it but real facts and statistics of Communism and Socialism applied will always hit you in the face.
Listen the experience of people who have lived it and no the theories of people who dont.



So what you are saying is that I should destroy all the history books, all the political science books, all the periodicals, all the documentaries, all the books on economic theory, and listen only to your overwrought, irrational and emotional ravings? Someone whose only qualification is "I was there"? No, I think not. I stand by my original statement, you are too close to be objective




Do you know what is really sad? When I emigrated from my born country because of the Communism, the Communism was starting to grow in the country where I emigrated. I tried to warn people about the dangerous of the implementation of these ideas. Many of them, like you, called my arguments emotionals and irrationals. They told me to read more and called me ignorant. But time is wiser and gave me the reason. Now all those people are suffering what is Communism in their flesh. Many have emigrated, others have lost all and live in misery and those who opposed are in jail or dead.
Reading is good, but it doesnt make you necessarily wiser if the source is wrong. You know nothing about me or my proffesion to call me ignorant or poorly educated as you have called everyone with a different point of view. But dont worry, I have no hurt feelings about it. I complied warning you. Is the least I can do and I will always do it no matter if people believe me or not. You can believe what you want, think what you want and do what you want.
Have a nice day.



What is really sad is the belief that "I was there" makes you smarter than everybody else and that the only thoughts on the subject which matter are yours.


What is really sad is that you ignore the collected learning of mankind and the lessons of history. all of which are recorded in the libraries of the world. Any society or person which ignores its past is doomed to repeat it, and deserves to.


What is really sad is that you are unable to put down you hatred and anger long enough to look at the world from any perspective but your own. And what is really, really sad is that you are trapped in that world of hatred and anger, in a prison of your own making. You wear the shackles of your past willingly and eagerly.


Like I said in the beginning, I do not which to diminish your experiences. They are what defines you and binds you.


Anger? You are the one who calls ignorant or diminishes everyone else here who does not agree with you, including me, which turns into a personal attack when everyone here is discussing about an ideology. Even so, you can not deny facts. But I understand that it can be frustrating to defend the indefendible.
But you've got a point. Yes, Marxism should be taught as it should be taught its devastating consequences.
And, BTW, I am not alone, I am not the only one, there thousands, millions who "were there". But people like you wont listen anyway. People like you think "All these people is wrong, Marx was right, we gotta try again". And the result is the same.
Basically, reading between lines, Marx thought the proletarians was a mass of ignorant people who should be leaded by people like him. Isn't that a way of thinking that people like him was superior and the rest of people was inferior? A real "deep" tought coming from a man who was unable to support himself or his family.
Yes, I have read a lot, I have read between lines, I have learnt the lesson and, by the way, I have also lived the experience. So that place you are trying to go, I went and I am came back long time ago. And I am not the only one.
Ignorant is not the one who doesnt read, ignorant is the one who read and doesnt learn anything.
"Socialism of any type leads to the destruction of the human spirit" - Alexandr Solzhenitsyn


Was Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, a man who lived the real horror, a "sad, angry, full of hate man"? Shouldnt we pay attention to his arguments because they are "emotionals" arguments? Well, I do prefer to listen the arguments of someone who lived in his flesh the horrors of the applied Socialism than to listen the arguments of Karl Marx followers, who have never lived under such regimes. That is the best way of not repeating the errors from the past.


I wouldn't bother to waste any more of your time on him. He is a pseudo intellectual with a heavy dose of ego, and arrogance. You won't be able to 'win' an argument with him, as he will simply deflect, demean your character/intelligence, and deny doing things that you only need to read back a post or two, to see that he is indeed guilty. I just put him on my ignore list, so I am spared having to read his drivel. I have better things to waste my time on.

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Comunism is evil, Marxism is evil. I have lived in two comunist countries and I have lived in my own flesh what Communism has to give: hungry, represion, a complete control o state over any single aspect of your life, zero freedom of speech, zero respect to private property, zero respect to life (mainly disident lives), zero respect to individual liberties and so on. So, dont come to me with fairy stories about comunism and the argument of: that wasnt real comunism. Communism and Marxism in theory are a lie, in real life are evil. Every time you try to implement it in any country, it will fail and will end the same way.
In my opinion, comunism and marxism are bad words and should banned for life in any school and in any country. And people (mainly young minds) who thinks Communism is beautiful, is because they dont have lived in a communist country and dont know nothing about it, I have. They are being deceived and that is bad. Instead they should be teaching them the truht about it.
I apologize for being so sensitive about this theme. This is only my opinion based in my own experiences.


Our schools seem to have issues with figuring out just what the 'truth' is...... and it varies from school to school. For the most part though, they like to call it 'socialism', not communism, as that has less negative connotations....... And you are correct, the folks espousing communism/socialism as a 'better way of life', have never lived in a communist/socialist country......



The school I went to, and every book I have ever read states quite clearly that communism and socialism are different.


Socialism: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/socialism - any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods


Communism: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/communism - a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed


And socialism is worse than communism, as socialism (by definition) puts the power and control over resources into the hands of a central authority. Communism puts the control of resources into the hands of the community.


And like the majority of the uninformed and poorly educated, you are using the word "communism" for what is actually "authoritarianism communism" or socialism.


Communism and Socialism share the same ideals: uniformity, collectivism, central authority and so on. Both are bad and lead to totalitarianism because the only way you can implement collectivism and uniformity is by force. I have seen it and I have lived it.
My "emotional" arguments, as you named them, are based on facts and lived experiecens thanks to the implementation, by force, of these "beautiful" ideals discussed here and today by "intellectuals" which, by the way, have never lived in their own flesh what is like Communism and Socialism in the practice and that pretend to know it all.
No Communism and neither Socialism work. Both lead to misery and totalitarianism and end in permanent econimic disaster. You can theorize as long as you want about it but real facts and statistics of Communism and Socialism applied will always hit you in the face.
Listen the experience of people who have lived it and no the theories of people who dont.



So what you are saying is that I should destroy all the history books, all the political science books, all the periodicals, all the documentaries, all the books on economic theory, and listen only to your overwrought, irrational and emotional ravings? Someone whose only qualification is "I was there"? No, I think not. I stand by my original statement, you are too close to be objective




Do you know what is really sad? When I emigrated from my born country because of the Communism, the Communism was starting to grow in the country where I emigrated. I tried to warn people about the dangerous of the implementation of these ideas. Many of them, like you, called my arguments emotionals and irrationals. They told me to read more and called me ignorant. But time is wiser and gave me the reason. Now all those people are suffering what is Communism in their flesh. Many have emigrated, others have lost all and live in misery and those who opposed are in jail or dead.
Reading is good, but it doesnt make you necessarily wiser if the source is wrong. You know nothing about me or my proffesion to call me ignorant or poorly educated as you have called everyone with a different point of view. But dont worry, I have no hurt feelings about it. I complied warning you. Is the least I can do and I will always do it no matter if people believe me or not. You can believe what you want, think what you want and do what you want.
Have a nice day.



What is really sad is the belief that "I was there" makes you smarter than everybody else and that the only thoughts on the subject which matter are yours.


What is really sad is that you ignore the collected learning of mankind and the lessons of history. all of which are recorded in the libraries of the world. Any society or person which ignores its past is doomed to repeat it, and deserves to.


What is really sad is that you are unable to put down you hatred and anger long enough to look at the world from any perspective but your own. And what is really, really sad is that you are trapped in that world of hatred and anger, in a prison of your own making. You wear the shackles of your past willingly and eagerly.


Like I said in the beginning, I do not which to diminish your experiences. They are what defines you and binds you.


Anger? You are the one who calls ignorant or diminishes everyone else here who does not agree with you, including me, which turns into a personal attack when everyone here is discussing about an ideology. Even so, you can not deny facts. But I understand that it can be frustrating to defend the indefendible.
But you've got a point. Yes, Marxism should be taught as it should be taught its devastating consequences.
And, BTW, I am not alone, I am not the only one, there thousands, millions who "were there". But people like you wont listen anyway. People like you think "All these people is wrong, Marx was right, we gotta try again". And the result is the same.
Basically, reading between lines, Marx thought the proletarians was a mass of ignorant people who should be leaded by people like him. Isn't that a way of thinking that people like him was superior and the rest of people was inferior? A real "deep" tought coming from a man who was unable to support himself or his family.
Yes, I have read a lot, I have read between lines, I have learnt the lesson and, by the way, I have also lived the experience. So that place you are trying to go, I went and I am came back long time ago. And I am not the only one.
Ignorant is not the one who doesnt read, ignorant is the one who read and doesnt learn anything.
"Socialism of any type leads to the destruction of the human spirit" - Alexandr Solzhenitsyn


Was Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, a man who lived the real horror, a "sad, angry, full of hate man"? Shouldnt we pay attention to his arguments because they are "emotionals" arguments? Well, I do prefer to listen the arguments of someone who lived in his flesh the horrors of the applied Socialism than to listen the arguments of Karl Marx followers, who have never lived under such regimes. That is the best way of not repeating the errors from the past.



And still you cling to your hatred and anger. You shout it with every post wherein you attribute statements to me which I never wrote. You scream it every time you repeat the lie that I support socialism.


I wish no further discourse with you until you raise your level of discourse.


You have attacked my person calling me ignorant, poorly educated, sad, full of anger and so on to diminish my arguments and the posts above prove it. So dont deny it now. I really dont mind about it but you wont win any debate using such strategy. Calling anybody arguments a "hatred speech" is, precisely, a very used resource today by people who actually lack of arguments to end a discussion they cannot win.


Since my arguments seemed irrelevant to you, I quoted Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Do you want to know more about the disastrous consequences of the Socialism and Communism? Read his books and come back later.


PS: If you support Social-Communism or not , is your choice. No hurt feelings. Good luck.

Edited by AmaccurzerO
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Comunism is evil, Marxism is evil. I have lived in two comunist countries and I have lived in my own flesh what Communism has to give: hungry, represion, a complete control o state over any single aspect of your life, zero freedom of speech, zero respect to private property, zero respect to life (mainly disident lives), zero respect to individual liberties and so on. So, dont come to me with fairy stories about comunism and the argument of: that wasnt real comunism. Communism and Marxism in theory are a lie, in real life are evil. Every time you try to implement it in any country, it will fail and will end the same way.
In my opinion, comunism and marxism are bad words and should banned for life in any school and in any country. And people (mainly young minds) who thinks Communism is beautiful, is because they dont have lived in a communist country and dont know nothing about it, I have. They are being deceived and that is bad. Instead they should be teaching them the truht about it.
I apologize for being so sensitive about this theme. This is only my opinion based in my own experiences.


Our schools seem to have issues with figuring out just what the 'truth' is...... and it varies from school to school. For the most part though, they like to call it 'socialism', not communism, as that has less negative connotations....... And you are correct, the folks espousing communism/socialism as a 'better way of life', have never lived in a communist/socialist country......



The school I went to, and every book I have ever read states quite clearly that communism and socialism are different.


Socialism: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/socialism - any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods


Communism: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/communism - a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed


And socialism is worse than communism, as socialism (by definition) puts the power and control over resources into the hands of a central authority. Communism puts the control of resources into the hands of the community.


And like the majority of the uninformed and poorly educated, you are using the word "communism" for what is actually "authoritarianism communism" or socialism.


Communism and Socialism share the same ideals: uniformity, collectivism, central authority and so on. Both are bad and lead to totalitarianism because the only way you can implement collectivism and uniformity is by force. I have seen it and I have lived it.
My "emotional" arguments, as you named them, are based on facts and lived experiecens thanks to the implementation, by force, of these "beautiful" ideals discussed here and today by "intellectuals" which, by the way, have never lived in their own flesh what is like Communism and Socialism in the practice and that pretend to know it all.
No Communism and neither Socialism work. Both lead to misery and totalitarianism and end in permanent econimic disaster. You can theorize as long as you want about it but real facts and statistics of Communism and Socialism applied will always hit you in the face.
Listen the experience of people who have lived it and no the theories of people who dont.



So what you are saying is that I should destroy all the history books, all the political science books, all the periodicals, all the documentaries, all the books on economic theory, and listen only to your overwrought, irrational and emotional ravings? Someone whose only qualification is "I was there"? No, I think not. I stand by my original statement, you are too close to be objective




Do you know what is really sad? When I emigrated from my born country because of the Communism, the Communism was starting to grow in the country where I emigrated. I tried to warn people about the dangerous of the implementation of these ideas. Many of them, like you, called my arguments emotionals and irrationals. They told me to read more and called me ignorant. But time is wiser and gave me the reason. Now all those people are suffering what is Communism in their flesh. Many have emigrated, others have lost all and live in misery and those who opposed are in jail or dead.
Reading is good, but it doesnt make you necessarily wiser if the source is wrong. You know nothing about me or my proffesion to call me ignorant or poorly educated as you have called everyone with a different point of view. But dont worry, I have no hurt feelings about it. I complied warning you. Is the least I can do and I will always do it no matter if people believe me or not. You can believe what you want, think what you want and do what you want.
Have a nice day.



What is really sad is the belief that "I was there" makes you smarter than everybody else and that the only thoughts on the subject which matter are yours.


What is really sad is that you ignore the collected learning of mankind and the lessons of history. all of which are recorded in the libraries of the world. Any society or person which ignores its past is doomed to repeat it, and deserves to.


What is really sad is that you are unable to put down you hatred and anger long enough to look at the world from any perspective but your own. And what is really, really sad is that you are trapped in that world of hatred and anger, in a prison of your own making. You wear the shackles of your past willingly and eagerly.


Like I said in the beginning, I do not which to diminish your experiences. They are what defines you and binds you.


Anger? You are the one who calls ignorant or diminishes everyone else here who does not agree with you, including me, which turns into a personal attack when everyone here is discussing about an ideology. Even so, you can not deny facts. But I understand that it can be frustrating to defend the indefendible.
But you've got a point. Yes, Marxism should be taught as it should be taught its devastating consequences.
And, BTW, I am not alone, I am not the only one, there thousands, millions who "were there". But people like you wont listen anyway. People like you think "All these people is wrong, Marx was right, we gotta try again". And the result is the same.
Basically, reading between lines, Marx thought the proletarians was a mass of ignorant people who should be leaded by people like him. Isn't that a way of thinking that people like him was superior and the rest of people was inferior? A real "deep" tought coming from a man who was unable to support himself or his family.
Yes, I have read a lot, I have read between lines, I have learnt the lesson and, by the way, I have also lived the experience. So that place you are trying to go, I went and I am came back long time ago. And I am not the only one.
Ignorant is not the one who doesnt read, ignorant is the one who read and doesnt learn anything.
"Socialism of any type leads to the destruction of the human spirit" - Alexandr Solzhenitsyn


Was Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, a man who lived the real horror, a "sad, angry, full of hate man"? Shouldnt we pay attention to his arguments because they are "emotionals" arguments? Well, I do prefer to listen the arguments of someone who lived in his flesh the horrors of the applied Socialism than to listen the arguments of Karl Marx followers, who have never lived under such regimes. That is the best way of not repeating the errors from the past.


I wouldn't bother to waste any more of your time on him. He is a pseudo intellectual with a heavy dose of ego, and arrogance. You won't be able to 'win' an argument with him, as he will simply deflect, demean your character/intelligence, and deny doing things that you only need to read back a post or two, to see that he is indeed guilty. I just put him on my ignore list, so I am spared having to read his drivel. I have better things to waste my time on.



You can't successfully argue your position, so you use a straw man attack. And you do it using the very tactics you accuse me of using.


You accuse me of arrogance, when all I have done is provide you with the documented truth. Well, here is one last truth for you. You are so wrapped up in yourself and your opinions that you do not want to see any truth which does not match you preconceived notions. If a truth does not affirm your ideology, it is automatically discarded. And I assume that is why you have blocked me, so you won't have to see any more of those inconvenient and uncomfortable truths.

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Comunism is evil, Marxism is evil. I have lived in two comunist countries and I have lived in my own flesh what Communism has to give: hungry, represion, a complete control o state over any single aspect of your life, zero freedom of speech, zero respect to private property, zero respect to life (mainly disident lives), zero respect to individual liberties and so on. So, dont come to me with fairy stories about comunism and the argument of: that wasnt real comunism. Communism and Marxism in theory are a lie, in real life are evil. Every time you try to implement it in any country, it will fail and will end the same way.
In my opinion, comunism and marxism are bad words and should banned for life in any school and in any country. And people (mainly young minds) who thinks Communism is beautiful, is because they dont have lived in a communist country and dont know nothing about it, I have. They are being deceived and that is bad. Instead they should be teaching them the truht about it.
I apologize for being so sensitive about this theme. This is only my opinion based in my own experiences.


Our schools seem to have issues with figuring out just what the 'truth' is...... and it varies from school to school. For the most part though, they like to call it 'socialism', not communism, as that has less negative connotations....... And you are correct, the folks espousing communism/socialism as a 'better way of life', have never lived in a communist/socialist country......



The school I went to, and every book I have ever read states quite clearly that communism and socialism are different.


Socialism: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/socialism - any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods


Communism: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/communism - a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed


And socialism is worse than communism, as socialism (by definition) puts the power and control over resources into the hands of a central authority. Communism puts the control of resources into the hands of the community.


And like the majority of the uninformed and poorly educated, you are using the word "communism" for what is actually "authoritarianism communism" or socialism.


Communism and Socialism share the same ideals: uniformity, collectivism, central authority and so on. Both are bad and lead to totalitarianism because the only way you can implement collectivism and uniformity is by force. I have seen it and I have lived it.
My "emotional" arguments, as you named them, are based on facts and lived experiecens thanks to the implementation, by force, of these "beautiful" ideals discussed here and today by "intellectuals" which, by the way, have never lived in their own flesh what is like Communism and Socialism in the practice and that pretend to know it all.
No Communism and neither Socialism work. Both lead to misery and totalitarianism and end in permanent econimic disaster. You can theorize as long as you want about it but real facts and statistics of Communism and Socialism applied will always hit you in the face.
Listen the experience of people who have lived it and no the theories of people who dont.



So what you are saying is that I should destroy all the history books, all the political science books, all the periodicals, all the documentaries, all the books on economic theory, and listen only to your overwrought, irrational and emotional ravings? Someone whose only qualification is "I was there"? No, I think not. I stand by my original statement, you are too close to be objective




Do you know what is really sad? When I emigrated from my born country because of the Communism, the Communism was starting to grow in the country where I emigrated. I tried to warn people about the dangerous of the implementation of these ideas. Many of them, like you, called my arguments emotionals and irrationals. They told me to read more and called me ignorant. But time is wiser and gave me the reason. Now all those people are suffering what is Communism in their flesh. Many have emigrated, others have lost all and live in misery and those who opposed are in jail or dead.
Reading is good, but it doesnt make you necessarily wiser if the source is wrong. You know nothing about me or my proffesion to call me ignorant or poorly educated as you have called everyone with a different point of view. But dont worry, I have no hurt feelings about it. I complied warning you. Is the least I can do and I will always do it no matter if people believe me or not. You can believe what you want, think what you want and do what you want.
Have a nice day.



What is really sad is the belief that "I was there" makes you smarter than everybody else and that the only thoughts on the subject which matter are yours.


What is really sad is that you ignore the collected learning of mankind and the lessons of history. all of which are recorded in the libraries of the world. Any society or person which ignores its past is doomed to repeat it, and deserves to.


What is really sad is that you are unable to put down you hatred and anger long enough to look at the world from any perspective but your own. And what is really, really sad is that you are trapped in that world of hatred and anger, in a prison of your own making. You wear the shackles of your past willingly and eagerly.


Like I said in the beginning, I do not which to diminish your experiences. They are what defines you and binds you.


Anger? You are the one who calls ignorant or diminishes everyone else here who does not agree with you, including me, which turns into a personal attack when everyone here is discussing about an ideology. Even so, you can not deny facts. But I understand that it can be frustrating to defend the indefendible.
But you've got a point. Yes, Marxism should be taught as it should be taught its devastating consequences.
And, BTW, I am not alone, I am not the only one, there thousands, millions who "were there". But people like you wont listen anyway. People like you think "All these people is wrong, Marx was right, we gotta try again". And the result is the same.
Basically, reading between lines, Marx thought the proletarians was a mass of ignorant people who should be leaded by people like him. Isn't that a way of thinking that people like him was superior and the rest of people was inferior? A real "deep" tought coming from a man who was unable to support himself or his family.
Yes, I have read a lot, I have read between lines, I have learnt the lesson and, by the way, I have also lived the experience. So that place you are trying to go, I went and I am came back long time ago. And I am not the only one.
Ignorant is not the one who doesnt read, ignorant is the one who read and doesnt learn anything.
"Socialism of any type leads to the destruction of the human spirit" - Alexandr Solzhenitsyn


Was Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, a man who lived the real horror, a "sad, angry, full of hate man"? Shouldnt we pay attention to his arguments because they are "emotionals" arguments? Well, I do prefer to listen the arguments of someone who lived in his flesh the horrors of the applied Socialism than to listen the arguments of Karl Marx followers, who have never lived under such regimes. That is the best way of not repeating the errors from the past.


I wouldn't bother to waste any more of your time on him. He is a pseudo intellectual with a heavy dose of ego, and arrogance. You won't be able to 'win' an argument with him, as he will simply deflect, demean your character/intelligence, and deny doing things that you only need to read back a post or two, to see that he is indeed guilty. I just put him on my ignore list, so I am spared having to read his drivel. I have better things to waste my time on.



You can't successfully argue your position, so you use a straw man attack. And you do it using the very tactics you accuse me of using.


You accuse me of arrogance, when all I have done is provide you with the documented truth. Well, here is one last truth for you. You are so wrapped up in yourself and your opinions that you do not want to see any truth which does not match you preconceived notions. If a truth does not affirm your ideology, it is automatically discarded. And I assume that is why you have blocked me, so you won't have to see any more of those inconvenient and uncomfortable truths.


Congrats! You have successfully and thoroughly proved my point. You don't have the faintest idea who I am, or what I am about, but, you can make judgements of this nature based on our interaction on a 'debate' forum. (of which I am notorious for arguing unpopular positions......) I would put forth that YOU are the one that cannot see the truth that is right in front of you. Go back, read your own posts. I would ask that you try and be objective, but, I know that is a lost cause.... So you are so wrapped up in being 'right', that you wouldn't know a truth if it jumped up and bit you in the rear. You dismiss a mans' opinions, and direct observations, accuse him of being 'wrapped up in his own hatred', while you yourself are wrapped up in your own self-love. I have dealt with folks just like you for a good portion of my life, and came to the realization that it simply doesn't matter what I say, you will find some reason to disagree with me, and back it up with your 'facts'. Even if I appear to agree with you......


And here I am doing exactly what I accuse you of. :smile: Couple different perspectives on that. 1. Takes one to know one. Or, 2. Training in profiling. I will let you figure out on your own which it is. :D


And once more, into the breach. I am sure you will have a snappy comeback, based on stuff you have read....... (including what I have written.) Make it good, make it to the point, see how many insults you can stuff into it in as few words as possible. I know you can do it, as you are oh so good at it. See if you have any more pearls to toss. My wife needs a new necklace, and she just LOVES pearls.


Oh, and by the way, the 'thank you for your service' was genuine. From one Vet to another. So, you do have at least one redeeming characteristic.


And no response for our resident experienced man? Why not?? Someone else you won't cast any more pearls before??

Edited by HeyYou
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Comunism is evil, Marxism is evil. I have lived in two comunist countries and I have lived in my own flesh what Communism has to give: hungry, represion, a complete control o state over any single aspect of your life, zero freedom of speech, zero respect to private property, zero respect to life (mainly disident lives), zero respect to individual liberties and so on. So, dont come to me with fairy stories about comunism and the argument of: that wasnt real comunism. Communism and Marxism in theory are a lie, in real life are evil. Every time you try to implement it in any country, it will fail and will end the same way.
In my opinion, comunism and marxism are bad words and should banned for life in any school and in any country. And people (mainly young minds) who thinks Communism is beautiful, is because they dont have lived in a communist country and dont know nothing about it, I have. They are being deceived and that is bad. Instead they should be teaching them the truht about it.
I apologize for being so sensitive about this theme. This is only my opinion based in my own experiences.


Our schools seem to have issues with figuring out just what the 'truth' is...... and it varies from school to school. For the most part though, they like to call it 'socialism', not communism, as that has less negative connotations....... And you are correct, the folks espousing communism/socialism as a 'better way of life', have never lived in a communist/socialist country......



The school I went to, and every book I have ever read states quite clearly that communism and socialism are different.


Socialism: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/socialism - any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods


Communism: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/communism - a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed


And socialism is worse than communism, as socialism (by definition) puts the power and control over resources into the hands of a central authority. Communism puts the control of resources into the hands of the community.


And like the majority of the uninformed and poorly educated, you are using the word "communism" for what is actually "authoritarianism communism" or socialism.


Communism and Socialism share the same ideals: uniformity, collectivism, central authority and so on. Both are bad and lead to totalitarianism because the only way you can implement collectivism and uniformity is by force. I have seen it and I have lived it.
My "emotional" arguments, as you named them, are based on facts and lived experiecens thanks to the implementation, by force, of these "beautiful" ideals discussed here and today by "intellectuals" which, by the way, have never lived in their own flesh what is like Communism and Socialism in the practice and that pretend to know it all.
No Communism and neither Socialism work. Both lead to misery and totalitarianism and end in permanent econimic disaster. You can theorize as long as you want about it but real facts and statistics of Communism and Socialism applied will always hit you in the face.
Listen the experience of people who have lived it and no the theories of people who dont.



So what you are saying is that I should destroy all the history books, all the political science books, all the periodicals, all the documentaries, all the books on economic theory, and listen only to your overwrought, irrational and emotional ravings? Someone whose only qualification is "I was there"? No, I think not. I stand by my original statement, you are too close to be objective




Do you know what is really sad? When I emigrated from my born country because of the Communism, the Communism was starting to grow in the country where I emigrated. I tried to warn people about the dangerous of the implementation of these ideas. Many of them, like you, called my arguments emotionals and irrationals. They told me to read more and called me ignorant. But time is wiser and gave me the reason. Now all those people are suffering what is Communism in their flesh. Many have emigrated, others have lost all and live in misery and those who opposed are in jail or dead.
Reading is good, but it doesnt make you necessarily wiser if the source is wrong. You know nothing about me or my proffesion to call me ignorant or poorly educated as you have called everyone with a different point of view. But dont worry, I have no hurt feelings about it. I complied warning you. Is the least I can do and I will always do it no matter if people believe me or not. You can believe what you want, think what you want and do what you want.
Have a nice day.



What is really sad is the belief that "I was there" makes you smarter than everybody else and that the only thoughts on the subject which matter are yours.


What is really sad is that you ignore the collected learning of mankind and the lessons of history. all of which are recorded in the libraries of the world. Any society or person which ignores its past is doomed to repeat it, and deserves to.


What is really sad is that you are unable to put down you hatred and anger long enough to look at the world from any perspective but your own. And what is really, really sad is that you are trapped in that world of hatred and anger, in a prison of your own making. You wear the shackles of your past willingly and eagerly.


Like I said in the beginning, I do not which to diminish your experiences. They are what defines you and binds you.


Anger? You are the one who calls ignorant or diminishes everyone else here who does not agree with you, including me, which turns into a personal attack when everyone here is discussing about an ideology. Even so, you can not deny facts. But I understand that it can be frustrating to defend the indefendible.
But you've got a point. Yes, Marxism should be taught as it should be taught its devastating consequences.
And, BTW, I am not alone, I am not the only one, there thousands, millions who "were there". But people like you wont listen anyway. People like you think "All these people is wrong, Marx was right, we gotta try again". And the result is the same.
Basically, reading between lines, Marx thought the proletarians was a mass of ignorant people who should be leaded by people like him. Isn't that a way of thinking that people like him was superior and the rest of people was inferior? A real "deep" tought coming from a man who was unable to support himself or his family.
Yes, I have read a lot, I have read between lines, I have learnt the lesson and, by the way, I have also lived the experience. So that place you are trying to go, I went and I am came back long time ago. And I am not the only one.
Ignorant is not the one who doesnt read, ignorant is the one who read and doesnt learn anything.
"Socialism of any type leads to the destruction of the human spirit" - Alexandr Solzhenitsyn


Was Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, a man who lived the real horror, a "sad, angry, full of hate man"? Shouldnt we pay attention to his arguments because they are "emotionals" arguments? Well, I do prefer to listen the arguments of someone who lived in his flesh the horrors of the applied Socialism than to listen the arguments of Karl Marx followers, who have never lived under such regimes. That is the best way of not repeating the errors from the past.


I wouldn't bother to waste any more of your time on him. He is a pseudo intellectual with a heavy dose of ego, and arrogance. You won't be able to 'win' an argument with him, as he will simply deflect, demean your character/intelligence, and deny doing things that you only need to read back a post or two, to see that he is indeed guilty. I just put him on my ignore list, so I am spared having to read his drivel. I have better things to waste my time on.



You can't successfully argue your position, so you use a straw man attack. And you do it using the very tactics you accuse me of using.


You accuse me of arrogance, when all I have done is provide you with the documented truth. Well, here is one last truth for you. You are so wrapped up in yourself and your opinions that you do not want to see any truth which does not match you preconceived notions. If a truth does not affirm your ideology, it is automatically discarded. And I assume that is why you have blocked me, so you won't have to see any more of those inconvenient and uncomfortable truths.


Congrats! You have successfully and thoroughly proved my point. You don't have the faintest idea who I am, or what I am about, but, you can make judgements of this nature based on our interaction on a 'debate' forum. (of which I am notorious for arguing unpopular positions......) I would put forth that YOU are the one that cannot see the truth that is right in front of you. Go back, read your own posts. I would ask that you try and be objective, but, I know that is a lost cause.... So you are so wrapped up in being 'right', that you wouldn't know a truth if it jumped up and bit you in the rear. You dismiss a mans' opinions, and direct observations, accuse him of being 'wrapped up in his own hatred', while you yourself are wrapped up in your own self-love. I have dealt with folks just like you for a good portion of my life, and came to the realization that it simply doesn't matter what I say, you will find some reason to disagree with me, and back it up with your 'facts'. Even if I appear to agree with you......


And here I am doing exactly what I accuse you of. :smile: Couple different perspectives on that. 1. Takes one to know one. Or, 2. Training in profiling. I will let you figure out on your own which it is. :D


And once more, into the breach. I am sure you will have a snappy comeback, based on stuff you have read....... (including what I have written.) Make it good, make it to the point, see how many insults you can stuff into it in as few words as possible. I know you can do it, as you are oh so good at it. See if you have any more pearls to toss. My wife needs a new necklace, and she just LOVES pearls.


Oh, and by the way, the 'thank you for your service' was genuine. From one Vet to another. So, you do have at least one redeeming characteristic.


And no response for our resident experienced man? Why not?? Someone else you won't cast any more pearls before??



I do not need to know you to draw reasonable and rational conclusions from your posts and the way in which you choose to communicate. Do you honestly think that your posts in this thread are the only ones which I have to evaluate your character? I read your posts in the thread Racial Tolerance or Just an Act. You called PoorlyAged "arrogant" and "holier than thou" in that thread, when all he did was debunk all your false arguments supporting 'racial' distinctions.


So from my chair, "arrogant" and 'holier than thou" are your opening salvo when you find your arguments failing in the face of facts. At that point, reason and logic are abandoned and you start resorting to insults and ad hominems. So being called "arrogant" and 'holier than thou" by you means I am doing something right and I consider it a badge of honor.


And finally, you use another straw man attack, using my choice to cease discussion with someone. But then again, that is par for you course. Not reading everything and assuming you know what you are talking about. So, for your education:



And still you cling to your hatred and anger. You shout it with every post wherein you attribute statements to me which I never wrote. You scream it every time you repeat the lie that I support socialism.


I wish no further discourse with you until you raise your level of discourse.


Now, either take me out of your ignore list (since you obviously aren't ignoring my posts), or respect your choice to ignore inconvenient and uncomfortable truths.

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Comunism is evil, Marxism is evil. I have lived in two comunist countries and I have lived in my own flesh what Communism has to give: hungry, represion, a complete control o state over any single aspect of your life, zero freedom of speech, zero respect to private property, zero respect to life (mainly disident lives), zero respect to individual liberties and so on. So, dont come to me with fairy stories about comunism and the argument of: that wasnt real comunism. Communism and Marxism in theory are a lie, in real life are evil. Every time you try to implement it in any country, it will fail and will end the same way.
In my opinion, comunism and marxism are bad words and should banned for life in any school and in any country. And people (mainly young minds) who thinks Communism is beautiful, is because they dont have lived in a communist country and dont know nothing about it, I have. They are being deceived and that is bad. Instead they should be teaching them the truht about it.
I apologize for being so sensitive about this theme. This is only my opinion based in my own experiences.


Our schools seem to have issues with figuring out just what the 'truth' is...... and it varies from school to school. For the most part though, they like to call it 'socialism', not communism, as that has less negative connotations....... And you are correct, the folks espousing communism/socialism as a 'better way of life', have never lived in a communist/socialist country......



The school I went to, and every book I have ever read states quite clearly that communism and socialism are different.


Socialism: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/socialism - any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods


Communism: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/communism - a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed


And socialism is worse than communism, as socialism (by definition) puts the power and control over resources into the hands of a central authority. Communism puts the control of resources into the hands of the community.


And like the majority of the uninformed and poorly educated, you are using the word "communism" for what is actually "authoritarianism communism" or socialism.


Communism and Socialism share the same ideals: uniformity, collectivism, central authority and so on. Both are bad and lead to totalitarianism because the only way you can implement collectivism and uniformity is by force. I have seen it and I have lived it.
My "emotional" arguments, as you named them, are based on facts and lived experiecens thanks to the implementation, by force, of these "beautiful" ideals discussed here and today by "intellectuals" which, by the way, have never lived in their own flesh what is like Communism and Socialism in the practice and that pretend to know it all.
No Communism and neither Socialism work. Both lead to misery and totalitarianism and end in permanent econimic disaster. You can theorize as long as you want about it but real facts and statistics of Communism and Socialism applied will always hit you in the face.
Listen the experience of people who have lived it and no the theories of people who dont.



So what you are saying is that I should destroy all the history books, all the political science books, all the periodicals, all the documentaries, all the books on economic theory, and listen only to your overwrought, irrational and emotional ravings? Someone whose only qualification is "I was there"? No, I think not. I stand by my original statement, you are too close to be objective




Do you know what is really sad? When I emigrated from my born country because of the Communism, the Communism was starting to grow in the country where I emigrated. I tried to warn people about the dangerous of the implementation of these ideas. Many of them, like you, called my arguments emotionals and irrationals. They told me to read more and called me ignorant. But time is wiser and gave me the reason. Now all those people are suffering what is Communism in their flesh. Many have emigrated, others have lost all and live in misery and those who opposed are in jail or dead.
Reading is good, but it doesnt make you necessarily wiser if the source is wrong. You know nothing about me or my proffesion to call me ignorant or poorly educated as you have called everyone with a different point of view. But dont worry, I have no hurt feelings about it. I complied warning you. Is the least I can do and I will always do it no matter if people believe me or not. You can believe what you want, think what you want and do what you want.
Have a nice day.



What is really sad is the belief that "I was there" makes you smarter than everybody else and that the only thoughts on the subject which matter are yours.


What is really sad is that you ignore the collected learning of mankind and the lessons of history. all of which are recorded in the libraries of the world. Any society or person which ignores its past is doomed to repeat it, and deserves to.


What is really sad is that you are unable to put down you hatred and anger long enough to look at the world from any perspective but your own. And what is really, really sad is that you are trapped in that world of hatred and anger, in a prison of your own making. You wear the shackles of your past willingly and eagerly.


Like I said in the beginning, I do not which to diminish your experiences. They are what defines you and binds you.


Anger? You are the one who calls ignorant or diminishes everyone else here who does not agree with you, including me, which turns into a personal attack when everyone here is discussing about an ideology. Even so, you can not deny facts. But I understand that it can be frustrating to defend the indefendible.
But you've got a point. Yes, Marxism should be taught as it should be taught its devastating consequences.
And, BTW, I am not alone, I am not the only one, there thousands, millions who "were there". But people like you wont listen anyway. People like you think "All these people is wrong, Marx was right, we gotta try again". And the result is the same.
Basically, reading between lines, Marx thought the proletarians was a mass of ignorant people who should be leaded by people like him. Isn't that a way of thinking that people like him was superior and the rest of people was inferior? A real "deep" tought coming from a man who was unable to support himself or his family.
Yes, I have read a lot, I have read between lines, I have learnt the lesson and, by the way, I have also lived the experience. So that place you are trying to go, I went and I am came back long time ago. And I am not the only one.
Ignorant is not the one who doesnt read, ignorant is the one who read and doesnt learn anything.
"Socialism of any type leads to the destruction of the human spirit" - Alexandr Solzhenitsyn


Was Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, a man who lived the real horror, a "sad, angry, full of hate man"? Shouldnt we pay attention to his arguments because they are "emotionals" arguments? Well, I do prefer to listen the arguments of someone who lived in his flesh the horrors of the applied Socialism than to listen the arguments of Karl Marx followers, who have never lived under such regimes. That is the best way of not repeating the errors from the past.


I wouldn't bother to waste any more of your time on him. He is a pseudo intellectual with a heavy dose of ego, and arrogance. You won't be able to 'win' an argument with him, as he will simply deflect, demean your character/intelligence, and deny doing things that you only need to read back a post or two, to see that he is indeed guilty. I just put him on my ignore list, so I am spared having to read his drivel. I have better things to waste my time on.


Yes, you are right. I already made my point. The only way he found to fight my arguments was to attack my person to diminish my arguments and later playing the victim with the strategy of calling my speech a "hatred speech" forgetting that his insults were just posts above. He forgets that even in these debates are rules and that admins save copies of originals posts so to try to delete evidence is useless. I guess he is what today the call a millenial. But I wont meet him again anyway. I dont visit or post in this forums. It is just this is a theme I know a lot about becasue I have study it a lot and experimented it in my own person.
Have a nice day.
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Comunism is evil, Marxism is evil. I have lived in two comunist countries and I have lived in my own flesh what Communism has to give: hungry, represion, a complete control o state over any single aspect of your life, zero freedom of speech, zero respect to private property, zero respect to life (mainly disident lives), zero respect to individual liberties and so on. So, dont come to me with fairy stories about comunism and the argument of: that wasnt real comunism. Communism and Marxism in theory are a lie, in real life are evil. Every time you try to implement it in any country, it will fail and will end the same way.
In my opinion, comunism and marxism are bad words and should banned for life in any school and in any country. And people (mainly young minds) who thinks Communism is beautiful, is because they dont have lived in a communist country and dont know nothing about it, I have. They are being deceived and that is bad. Instead they should be teaching them the truht about it.
I apologize for being so sensitive about this theme. This is only my opinion based in my own experiences.


Our schools seem to have issues with figuring out just what the 'truth' is...... and it varies from school to school. For the most part though, they like to call it 'socialism', not communism, as that has less negative connotations....... And you are correct, the folks espousing communism/socialism as a 'better way of life', have never lived in a communist/socialist country......



The school I went to, and every book I have ever read states quite clearly that communism and socialism are different.


Socialism: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/socialism - any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods


Communism: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/communism - a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed


And socialism is worse than communism, as socialism (by definition) puts the power and control over resources into the hands of a central authority. Communism puts the control of resources into the hands of the community.


And like the majority of the uninformed and poorly educated, you are using the word "communism" for what is actually "authoritarianism communism" or socialism.


Communism and Socialism share the same ideals: uniformity, collectivism, central authority and so on. Both are bad and lead to totalitarianism because the only way you can implement collectivism and uniformity is by force. I have seen it and I have lived it.
My "emotional" arguments, as you named them, are based on facts and lived experiecens thanks to the implementation, by force, of these "beautiful" ideals discussed here and today by "intellectuals" which, by the way, have never lived in their own flesh what is like Communism and Socialism in the practice and that pretend to know it all.
No Communism and neither Socialism work. Both lead to misery and totalitarianism and end in permanent econimic disaster. You can theorize as long as you want about it but real facts and statistics of Communism and Socialism applied will always hit you in the face.
Listen the experience of people who have lived it and no the theories of people who dont.



So what you are saying is that I should destroy all the history books, all the political science books, all the periodicals, all the documentaries, all the books on economic theory, and listen only to your overwrought, irrational and emotional ravings? Someone whose only qualification is "I was there"? No, I think not. I stand by my original statement, you are too close to be objective




Do you know what is really sad? When I emigrated from my born country because of the Communism, the Communism was starting to grow in the country where I emigrated. I tried to warn people about the dangerous of the implementation of these ideas. Many of them, like you, called my arguments emotionals and irrationals. They told me to read more and called me ignorant. But time is wiser and gave me the reason. Now all those people are suffering what is Communism in their flesh. Many have emigrated, others have lost all and live in misery and those who opposed are in jail or dead.
Reading is good, but it doesnt make you necessarily wiser if the source is wrong. You know nothing about me or my proffesion to call me ignorant or poorly educated as you have called everyone with a different point of view. But dont worry, I have no hurt feelings about it. I complied warning you. Is the least I can do and I will always do it no matter if people believe me or not. You can believe what you want, think what you want and do what you want.
Have a nice day.



What is really sad is the belief that "I was there" makes you smarter than everybody else and that the only thoughts on the subject which matter are yours.


What is really sad is that you ignore the collected learning of mankind and the lessons of history. all of which are recorded in the libraries of the world. Any society or person which ignores its past is doomed to repeat it, and deserves to.


What is really sad is that you are unable to put down you hatred and anger long enough to look at the world from any perspective but your own. And what is really, really sad is that you are trapped in that world of hatred and anger, in a prison of your own making. You wear the shackles of your past willingly and eagerly.


Like I said in the beginning, I do not which to diminish your experiences. They are what defines you and binds you.


Anger? You are the one who calls ignorant or diminishes everyone else here who does not agree with you, including me, which turns into a personal attack when everyone here is discussing about an ideology. Even so, you can not deny facts. But I understand that it can be frustrating to defend the indefendible.
But you've got a point. Yes, Marxism should be taught as it should be taught its devastating consequences.
And, BTW, I am not alone, I am not the only one, there thousands, millions who "were there". But people like you wont listen anyway. People like you think "All these people is wrong, Marx was right, we gotta try again". And the result is the same.
Basically, reading between lines, Marx thought the proletarians was a mass of ignorant people who should be leaded by people like him. Isn't that a way of thinking that people like him was superior and the rest of people was inferior? A real "deep" tought coming from a man who was unable to support himself or his family.
Yes, I have read a lot, I have read between lines, I have learnt the lesson and, by the way, I have also lived the experience. So that place you are trying to go, I went and I am came back long time ago. And I am not the only one.
Ignorant is not the one who doesnt read, ignorant is the one who read and doesnt learn anything.
"Socialism of any type leads to the destruction of the human spirit" - Alexandr Solzhenitsyn


Was Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, a man who lived the real horror, a "sad, angry, full of hate man"? Shouldnt we pay attention to his arguments because they are "emotionals" arguments? Well, I do prefer to listen the arguments of someone who lived in his flesh the horrors of the applied Socialism than to listen the arguments of Karl Marx followers, who have never lived under such regimes. That is the best way of not repeating the errors from the past.


I wouldn't bother to waste any more of your time on him. He is a pseudo intellectual with a heavy dose of ego, and arrogance. You won't be able to 'win' an argument with him, as he will simply deflect, demean your character/intelligence, and deny doing things that you only need to read back a post or two, to see that he is indeed guilty. I just put him on my ignore list, so I am spared having to read his drivel. I have better things to waste my time on.



You can't successfully argue your position, so you use a straw man attack. And you do it using the very tactics you accuse me of using.


You accuse me of arrogance, when all I have done is provide you with the documented truth. Well, here is one last truth for you. You are so wrapped up in yourself and your opinions that you do not want to see any truth which does not match you preconceived notions. If a truth does not affirm your ideology, it is automatically discarded. And I assume that is why you have blocked me, so you won't have to see any more of those inconvenient and uncomfortable truths.


Congrats! You have successfully and thoroughly proved my point. You don't have the faintest idea who I am, or what I am about, but, you can make judgements of this nature based on our interaction on a 'debate' forum. (of which I am notorious for arguing unpopular positions......) I would put forth that YOU are the one that cannot see the truth that is right in front of you. Go back, read your own posts. I would ask that you try and be objective, but, I know that is a lost cause.... So you are so wrapped up in being 'right', that you wouldn't know a truth if it jumped up and bit you in the rear. You dismiss a mans' opinions, and direct observations, accuse him of being 'wrapped up in his own hatred', while you yourself are wrapped up in your own self-love. I have dealt with folks just like you for a good portion of my life, and came to the realization that it simply doesn't matter what I say, you will find some reason to disagree with me, and back it up with your 'facts'. Even if I appear to agree with you......


And here I am doing exactly what I accuse you of. :smile: Couple different perspectives on that. 1. Takes one to know one. Or, 2. Training in profiling. I will let you figure out on your own which it is. :D


And once more, into the breach. I am sure you will have a snappy comeback, based on stuff you have read....... (including what I have written.) Make it good, make it to the point, see how many insults you can stuff into it in as few words as possible. I know you can do it, as you are oh so good at it. See if you have any more pearls to toss. My wife needs a new necklace, and she just LOVES pearls.


Oh, and by the way, the 'thank you for your service' was genuine. From one Vet to another. So, you do have at least one redeeming characteristic.


And no response for our resident experienced man? Why not?? Someone else you won't cast any more pearls before??



I do not need to know you to draw reasonable and rational conclusions from your posts and the way in which you choose to communicate. Do you honestly think that your posts in this thread are the only ones which I have to evaluate your character? I read your posts in the thread Racial Tolerance or Just an Act. You called PoorlyAged "arrogant" and "holier than thou" in that thread, when all he did was debunk all your false arguments supporting 'racial' distinctions.


So from my chair, "arrogant" and 'holier than thou" are your opening salvo when you find your arguments failing in the face of facts. At that point, reason and logic are abandoned and you start resorting to insults and ad hominems. So being called "arrogant" and 'holier than thou" by you means I am doing something right and I consider it a badge of honor.


And finally, you use another straw man attack, using my choice to cease discussion with someone. But then again, that is par for you course. Not reading everything and assuming you know what you are talking about. So, for your education:



And still you cling to your hatred and anger. You shout it with every post wherein you attribute statements to me which I never wrote. You scream it every time you repeat the lie that I support socialism.


I wish no further discourse with you until you raise your level of discourse.


Now, either take me out of your ignore list (since you obviously aren't ignoring my posts), or respect your choice to ignore inconvenient and uncomfortable truths.




I see to recall something about 'no more pearls' for me as well, yet here you are, casting more of them. Thanks for that. My wife will love the necklace I am making.


But, you are correct. You are indeed on my ignore list, so, henceforth, I shall do just that. Ignore you.

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I see to recall something about 'no more pearls' for me as well, yet here you are, casting more of them. Thanks for that. My wife will love the necklace I am making.


But, you are correct. You are indeed on my ignore list, so, henceforth, I shall do just that. Ignore you.



Matthew 7:6: ‘Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you’


Yeah, I know. The arrogant, 'holier than thou', educated, intellectual quotes from another book to make you look ... ah ... foolish.

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