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Why is communism a bad word?


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What is bad is the concentration of powers.


In itself communism is neither better nor worse than capitalism.

Depends on who ya ask. :D


As long as the politicians have nothing to win and everything to lose trampling people's rights the economic development always comes. In this situation whether the companies are mostly private or nationalised is a petty detail.

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What is bad is the concentration of powers.


In itself communism is neither better nor worse than capitalism.

Depends on who ya ask. :D


As long as the politicians have nothing to win and everything to lose trampling people's rights the economic development always comes. In this situation whether the companies are mostly private or nationalised is a petty detail.


But it never works that way. People in power are only concerned with one thing, staying in power. (and accumulating more....) Human nature dictates the communism simply cannot work.


And given my druthers, I'druther live in a capitalist society, where I actually have some motivation to better myself, and my living condition. Simply not possible under communism. The State decides who moves up the ladder.

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As long as the politicians have nothing to win and everything to lose trampling people's rights the economic development always comes. In this situation whether the companies are mostly private or nationalised is a petty detail.


But it never works that way. People in power are only concerned with one thing, staying in power. (and accumulating more....) Human nature dictates the communism simply cannot work.

The only things a dictator needs to oppress people are the core functions of the state.

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As long as the politicians have nothing to win and everything to lose trampling people's rights the economic development always comes. In this situation whether the companies are mostly private or nationalised is a petty detail.


But it never works that way. People in power are only concerned with one thing, staying in power. (and accumulating more....) Human nature dictates the communism simply cannot work.

The only things a dictator needs to oppress people are the core functions of the state.


Doesn't even need to be a dictator. Elected officials can do the same thing. And they do.

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As long as the politicians have nothing to win and everything to lose trampling people's rights the economic development always comes. In this situation whether the companies are mostly private or nationalised is a petty detail.


But it never works that way. People in power are only concerned with one thing, staying in power. (and accumulating more....) Human nature dictates the communism simply cannot work.

The only things a dictator needs to oppress people are the core functions of the state.


Doesn't even need to be a dictator. Elected officials can do the same thing. And they do.


Anyway no dictator never made any coup d'état by creating a welfare-state like no dictator never made any purge by nationalizing a company.


And there would be less usurpers if people knew how to distinguish the psychopaths and if all the parties had the same financing, something neither the marxist-leninists nor the right-wing/fascists never mentioned.

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  • 3 months later...




What is bad is the concentration of powers.


In itself communism is neither better nor worse than capitalism.

Depends on who ya ask. :D


As long as the politicians have nothing to win and everything to lose trampling people's rights the economic development always comes. In this situation whether the companies are mostly private or nationalised is a petty detail.


But it never works that way. People in power are only concerned with one thing, staying in power. (and accumulating more....) Human nature dictates the communism simply cannot work.


And given my druthers, I'druther live in a capitalist society, where I actually have some motivation to better myself, and my living condition. Simply not possible under communism. The State decides who moves up the ladder.


Exactly it will never work. Collectivism in every single iteration throughout history has in every single case lead to the mass murder and persecution of innocent people by the hands of that collectivist idealogy, without fail in every single point in history it's been tried. Collectivist ideologies have always failed because they bring death, take away the freedom of choice, and require enslavement to function. As in you require people to do the jobs you don't want to do.


Ask any house mover if they would want to be paid the same wage as a bugger flipper, or everyone else or rationed food. Given it's a specific job that only a small percentage of the population can do well. The average pay is over 20$ an hour. You would have to compel people to work this job. Automation can't handle it, and there are many more like it.


Furthermore, if you were to give everyone one or two pairs of shoes. What happens when the shoe does not fit or gets stolen? Do they go without? Do they get replacement shoes? Pen theft and office supply theft? How will that work on small items? Who makes the pens? which company? Will you be forced to make pens?


This is how you get a society to collapse communism/marxism/socialism.


It only works if you force people to work. That always leads to the death of innocent people.

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What is bad is the concentration of powers.


In itself communism is neither better nor worse than capitalism.

Depends on who ya ask. :D


As long as the politicians have nothing to win and everything to lose trampling people's rights the economic development always comes. In this situation whether the companies are mostly private or nationalised is a petty detail.


But it never works that way. People in power are only concerned with one thing, staying in power. (and accumulating more....) Human nature dictates the communism simply cannot work.


And given my druthers, I'druther live in a capitalist society, where I actually have some motivation to better myself, and my living condition. Simply not possible under communism. The State decides who moves up the ladder.


Exactly it will never work. Collectivism in every single iteration throughout history has in every single case lead to the mass murder and persecution of innocent people by the hands of that collectivist idealogy, without fail in every single point in history it's been tried. Collectivist ideologies have always failed because they bring death, take away the freedom of choice, and require enslavement to function. As in you require people to do the jobs you don't want to do.


Ask any house mover if they would want to be paid the same wage as a bugger flipper, or everyone else or rationed food. Given it's a specific job that only a small percentage of the population can do well. The average pay is over 20$ an hour. You would have to compel people to work this job. Automation can't handle it, and there are many more like it.


Furthermore, if you were to give everyone one or two pairs of shoes. What happens when the shoe does not fit or gets stolen? Do they go without? Do they get replacement shoes? Pen theft and office supply theft? How will that work on small items? Who makes the pens? which company? Will you be forced to make pens?


This is how you get a society to collapse communism/marxism/socialism.


It only works if you force people to work. That always leads to the death of innocent people.


And concerning the concentration of powers which is a common point between point between marxism-leninism and right-win/fascism do you have any comment?^^

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What is bad is the concentration of powers.


In itself communism is neither better nor worse than capitalism.

Depends on who ya ask. :D


As long as the politicians have nothing to win and everything to lose trampling people's rights the economic development always comes. In this situation whether the companies are mostly private or nationalised is a petty detail.


But it never works that way. People in power are only concerned with one thing, staying in power. (and accumulating more....) Human nature dictates the communism simply cannot work.


And given my druthers, I'druther live in a capitalist society, where I actually have some motivation to better myself, and my living condition. Simply not possible under communism. The State decides who moves up the ladder.


Exactly it will never work. Collectivism in every single iteration throughout history has in every single case lead to the mass murder and persecution of innocent people by the hands of that collectivist idealogy, without fail in every single point in history it's been tried. Collectivist ideologies have always failed because they bring death, take away the freedom of choice, and require enslavement to function. As in you require people to do the jobs you don't want to do.


Ask any house mover if they would want to be paid the same wage as a bugger flipper, or everyone else or rationed food. Given it's a specific job that only a small percentage of the population can do well. The average pay is over 20$ an hour. You would have to compel people to work this job. Automation can't handle it, and there are many more like it.


Furthermore, if you were to give everyone one or two pairs of shoes. What happens when the shoe does not fit or gets stolen? Do they go without? Do they get replacement shoes? Pen theft and office supply theft? How will that work on small items? Who makes the pens? which company? Will you be forced to make pens?


This is how you get a society to collapse communism/marxism/socialism.


It only works if you force people to work. That always leads to the death of innocent people.


And concerning the concentration of powers which is a common point between point between marxism-leninism and right-win/fascism do you have any comment?^^


That's very vague. It's universally known that certain archetypes of people seek power. Narcissists and sociopaths, psychopaths if given the opportunity will abuse that power. The issue is that with capitalism we have equal oppertunity of outcome to succeed or fail (capitalism, not crony capitalism), with the above idealogy given they are basically the same with a few differences here and there. They are all collectivist ideologies, every single one requires the enslavement of others to function.


In the collectivist ideologies, people don't have equal opportunities of the outcome, they are assigned labour.


There is little difference between collectivist ideologies regardless if they're fascism or marxism. They all require us vs them mentality. The majority are based on the founding principles of one or the other.


The sad truth is that none of the above you mentioned hold a candle to how dangerous current or modern version collectivism is. It's like a hybrid of the worst parts of each.


Many experts speculate we're in the early to middle stages of the same kind of revolution that happened in moaist china, given the modern versions of collectivism are worse. Look at what's happening all over the world Australia, Germany, the USA, Canada. China etc. rights are being eroded all across the board.


You only need to learn the phrase "you will own nothing and be happy" from the Davos group and the "Build Back Better" Slogan echoed by Trudeu, Marcon, Biden. To know were headed to some kind of dystopian collectivist hell that's far worse then anything we've seen before.


So concerning power is irrelevant when they are unstable collectivist movements to start with. They lead to deep and require people who don't care about humanity to function.


The sole reason they don't work is that you can't force people to do something without fair compensation.

Edited by richroots
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Many experts speculate we're in the early to middle stages of the same kind of revolution that happened in moaist china, given the modern versions of collectivism are worse. Look at what's happening all over the world Australia, Germany, the USA, Canada. China etc. rights are being eroded all across the board.

Now you got me curious. What exactly is happening in Germany, might I ask?

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