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Clean modded setup step-by-step guide


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Hello! I'm currently running a fairly stable game (GOTY) with FWE, WMK and 15 or so other mods installed. BUT, being a perfectionist, I am bugged by the fact that I still sometimes get freezes/crashes at seemingly random points.


So... I decided that I *might* do a clean install and start all over again using the information I've been picking up by lurking in this forum for the last week or so (wish I'd known it all before I started). So, I put together a step-by-step guide for myself, which is below (the green text is stuff which is specific to my setup/prefs). I'd REALLY appreciate any feedback on this - errors, omissions, etc. or just general comments. Maybe this could even be useful for others starting from scratch? I have found a couple of step-by-step guides already, but found them to be quite confusing in places and wanted to do one for myself.


Please read, digest, and comment!


1. Install FO3 into C:\Games\Fallout 3


2. Patch to v1.7


3. Defragment HD if necessary.


4. Set up graphics/performance options using Launcher:

  • Reduce shadow settings
  • Reduce water settings
  • Reduce radial blur settings
  • Reduce/switch off AA


5. Initial .ini tweaks:

  • bShowQuestMarkers=1 - If set to =0, this variable will disable the quest markers which appear at the very bottom of your compass, pointing in the direction of your active quest (FalloutPrefs.ini).
  • bBorderRegionsEnabled=1 - If set to =0, this option removes the invisible barriers around the outer edges of the game world, though not much is beyond (Fallout.ini).
  • bForceFullLOD=0 - If set to =1, this variable increases the visible number of bushes, especially in the distance. The performance impact is minor, so if you want a bit of additional foliage in the game world, enable this setting (Fallout.ini).


6. Disable autosaves from in-game menu.


7. Set key-mapping.


8. Test game (can use ~and TMM 1 and TMM 0 to toggle map markers on/off and fast travel).


9. Other .ini tweaks (to be applied and tested at various stages):

  • All of the below options relate to background loading to attempt to smooth FPS and reduce stutter. I recommend setting them all to =1 if they aren't already. At worst this will do no harm, and at best it may reduce stuttering and improve performance (Fallout.ini).
    • bBackgroundLoadLipFiles=1
    • bLoadBackgroundFaceGen=1
    • bBackgroundCellLoads=1
    • bLoadHelmetsInBackground=1
    • iBackgroundLoadLoading=1
    • bBackgroundPathing=1
    • bBackgroundNavmeshUpdate=1
    • bCloneModelsInBackground=1

    [*]All of the below variables relate to the use of the GameBryo engine's multithreading capabilities. Fallout 3 is already multi-threaded by default, however by enabling all these options you may gain additional performance if you run a multi-core CPU. Note however that I found that setting bMultiThreadAudio=1 would cause a freeze upon exiting the game every time, so you may wish to keep this variable disabled for that reason. (Fallout.ini).

    • bUseThreadedBlood=1
    • bUseThreadedMorpher=1
    • bUseThreadedTempEffects=1
    • bUseThreadedParticleSystem=1
    • bUseThreadedAI=1
    • bUseMultiThreadedFaceGen=1
    • bUseMultiThreadedTrees=1
    • bMultiThreadAudio=0
    • iNumHavokThreads=5

    [*]Some dual core and quad core CPU users have said that by inserting a new command iNumHWThreads=2 (and bUseThreadedAI=1?) under the General section of Fallout.ini, and setting it to a value of 1, 2 or 4 (typically 2), this prevents freezing at certain points in the game. In practice this setting should not be required, as it appears to restrict the number of threads used by the game, however you can experiment with different values depending on how many cores of your CPU you want the game to use.


10. Test game (can use ~and TMM 1 and TMM 0 to toggle map markers on/off and fast travel).


11. Install tools/utilities:

  • FOMM
  • FOSE
  • BOSS
  • FO3Edit


12. Toggle archive invalidation in FOMM


13. Install mods one by one following logical load order and according to mod-specific instructions, then:

  • Use FO3Edit to check mod conflicts after installing, modify if necessary.
  • Use FO3Edit to clean each mod after installing.
  • Use FO3Edit to create merged patch.
  • Use FO3Edit to check merged patch, modify if necessary.
  • Consider master updating (research more), except for the following mods:

  • FO Remastered
  • Attentator's Wasteland economy
  • Clean Deluxe mods

[*]Run game to test.


14. Repeat step 13 until all mods installed and game is stable.


15. Defragment HD if necessary.


16. Play! (about frickin time...)


EDIT: credit where credit's due - the .ini tweaks stuff is taken from tweakguides.com

Edited by jakelad
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[*]Some dual core and quad core CPU users have said that by inserting a new command iNumHWThreads=2 (and bUseThreadedAI=1?) under the General section of Fallout.ini, and setting it to a value of 1, 2 or 4 (typically 2), this prevents freezing at certain points in the game. In practice this setting should not be required, as it appears to restrict the number of threads used by the game, however you can experiment with different values depending on how many cores of your CPU you want the game to use.[/color]

Actually, the multi-core bug, as it's often called, is a very well known and documented problem. The point is that, even though FO3 can run on dual cores just fine, it will inevitably cause random crashes when you have a CPU with more then 2 cores. (mostly crashes when moving from an interior cell to any exterior cell or vice versa.)

Why? Because the gamebryo engine was made back when there weren't even any quad-cores or hex-cores or whatever.


Here's how to fix the multi-core bug:


If you have a multi-core CPU, like the Quad, and you experience a Fallout 3 crash when loading interiors (Specially in closed spaces):


- Open the folder My documents / My Games / Fallout3


- Edit the file FALLOUT.ini.


- Inside FALLOUT.ini look for a group called [general].


- Inside the general group, after all the configuration parameters, just copy and paste the following 2 lines:





Now close and save the Fallout 3 configuration file.



Consider master updating (research more)

What more is there to research about master updating?

Edited by BlackRampage
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I would recommend that the path you use when installing the game, using custom install, is C:\Games. This way, the installatin program will create the folder Bethesda Softworks with the Fallout 3 folder inside and inside the Fallout 3 folder will be all the subfolders and files needed to run the game. This way, FO3Edit, FOMM and FOSE should be able to be installed and used with making any adjustments.
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I would recommend that the path you use when installing the game, using custom install, is C:\Games. This way, the installatin program will create the folder Bethesda Softworks with the Fallout 3 folder inside and inside the Fallout 3 folder will be all the subfolders and files needed to run the game. This way, FO3Edit, FOMM and FOSE should be able to be installed and used with making any adjustments.


Really? I always install to C:\Games\Fallout 3 and never had any problems with either of those tools you mention

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