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Healthcare and the Supreme Court


Opinions on the Affordable Care Act  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. If you were a Justice of the Supreme Court, how would you rule?

    • In favor of Affordable Care Act
    • Against the Affordable Care Act
  2. 2. Repeal and replace or simply repeal?

    • Repeal and replace with something else
    • Simply repeal
    • Don't repeal
  3. 3. What should replace it?

    • Single-payer health coverage
    • Expanded Medicare, but not universal
    • Smaller, targeted reforms
    • Nothing, healthcare is fine as it is
    • Other, please explain in answer

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This thread was about Heathcare was it not? Because we seem to be sidetracked with a remedial civics lesson.....just a mild observation.


Mea etaim culpa.


Health care in Germany is a mix of private and quasi-public insurance plans. More than any model in the world, the German system offers a glimpse of what health care could look like in the U.S. That's assuming any bill survives the popular revolt. Unlike many countries with national health--Canada, say, or the U.K.--where private insurance generally supplements public coverage, Germany has two separate systems that coexist, with private plans indirectly benefiting from the cost controls of the public system. It would be interesting if our resident German member could relate his experience with this system pro or con.


Just to get a bit more information about German health care and health care insurances I post here a bit from Wikipedia links

Health insurance in Germany

Health in Germany


It might give the Americans an Idea how it works here and were the gaps are that need to be reformed in Germany


Also from recent studies and debates i give here a short summary witch problems we currently in Germany debate.

- Insurance company had last year a profit of 7 billion and still want to raise the percentage of what we have to pay. Seams to me like the the same iron grip some industries have on the US government but it is easy to say and much more hard to prove.

- Last week a study surfaced that claimed there is an explosion of costs due to wages to hospital services as well as more costs on drugs ( Pharmacy industry is more a monopoly here and has a grip on the government ) but who do I need to tell in the US.

- on the last years studies, here it surfaced that Psychic health is on the rise as a cost factor. What Germany still has to learn is that the psychic health is also to respect the others psyche it seams because i follow this since 2008 now in the media. and much more important Mobbing in government officials services is still very high and in some branches it is not worked up against proper.


Now a bit of basic summary how it works in praxis.

From wage and salary (depending on the insurance company you use) around 13,5 -16 % go directly to the Insurance company ( it is shown on your wage settlement). You get a neat plastic card that ( since this year can store any information about the diseases and injuries you had treated by a Doctor. (Mixed blessing in my opinion)

If you need to go to a doctor or a hospital you are feed 10,-€ practice charge in a quarter of a year at 1st visit in that quarter. Exception to the practice charge are the dentists they are paid extra per 1st visit for a quarter of a year.

Of course you can change the Insurance company with in a given time without any losses in healthcare or a raise in pay. ( so they say. This is the standard most people use here

Private insured people have a different set of rules and mostly get a bit better treatment ( They rich don 't have to wait for any treatment because thy have to pre pay the doctor mostly before the Private insurance steps in and repays the money to the insured back. (At least that's what a friend ( Attorney with his own firm) told me.)


Hope I could help in some way here.

Edited by SilverDNA
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Hey i have an Articel here from DER SPIEGEL 14/2012 where it says, that the health insurance funds give every year about 100 Million Euros to freaking YOGA seminars because people want other people to pay for their freaking yoga seminars. Thats where the money from the people goes which were forced to pay it. I would say nothing if this would be a privat insurance company where everyone could choose if he signs a contract with or not, but this was money taken under force.


Thats what you got, paying for someone else freaking Yoga seminars.

Dumb that corrupt socialist system.

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my Insurance wouldn't pay for Yoga and in the article ( which is very popuilistic) from the 4 so called experts view written.

Since Der Spiegel claimed to had found the lost Hitler diaries (fakes) it has become more and more become neo-liberal crap.

If you uses this as resource of information be careful because every second article on any basis is not a good report but a political statement of the Axel Springer publishing house

Edit :

A physiotherapy after an accident would be paid by the insurance if the application has a validity.

Edited by SilverDNA
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Since Der Spiegel claimed to had found the lost Hitler diaries (fakes) it has become more and more become neo-liberal crap.

:rolleyes: The Fake diaries wasn't Spiegels story it was Stern. And Spiegel isn't owned by Springer its owned by Bertalsmann. And you too, you are also own3d. -.-



Before you chearleeding people be sure they say the right things.

Edited by Moveing
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Good you got it right.Seams i getting old and confused Moveing. I apologize. My error.

but still...

Bertalsmannis the only the same from my end always read carefully what they publish. they have money interests like SPringer and do the same even with in studies that are published with their money.

der Spiegel got still to much neo-libarism in it for my taste and it is still the same crap as Bild and even as dangerous,

If I wouldn't read those not carefully i could also believe in the Biefeld conspiracy.

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Oh come on this articel isn't even about studies or the evil neoliberal agenda of big bertelsmann, this is about that money which was taken from people by force is spend on bull. Hey why i have to pay for other peoples Yoga sessions?

This isn't about poor peoples cancer treatment, this isn't about fixing workmans broken legs, this showes that this hole universal healthcare for everyone BS is just a redistribution system to enforce force against people and feed useless buerocrates. No thanks, i don't wanna be a part of that.


If I wouldn't read those not carefully i could also believe in the Biefeld conspiracy.

Its the Bielefeld Conspiracy...

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Since Der Spiegel claimed to had found the lost Hitler diaries (fakes) it has become more and more become neo-liberal crap.

:rolleyes: The Fake diaries wasn't Spiegels story it was Stern. And Spiegel isn't owned by Springer its owned by Bertalsmann. And you too, you are also own3d. -.-



Before you chearleeding people be sure they say the right things.

- I have responded to this remark in a private PM.
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All right I have had about enough of this. Get back on topic (I also apologize for the steering it away from topic also however the lack of understanding of the Constitution is...well....I guess that is another topic all together, huh?. None-the-less, this is getting personal. Back on topic and keep it civil or I am going to shut this one down. Moveing, I would suggest since you are relatively new to the debates that you read the ToS and rules of the forums before posting again. Though the debates section has certain leeway, personal attacks are not permitted and some of your post tread dangerously close. The rest of you that do not seem to know what the report button is for, I suggest you remember.~Lisnpuppy
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