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Lord of the Rings Return of the Witch King


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Tiruviel went to the small pond where she washed all the blood off. The water was pure and rather refreshing. The area around the pond was so peaceful that she decided to sit there for a while. She looked up at Spencer. "Thank you. If you hadn't showed up I would be probably dead by now." The elf said and smiled warmly at the man.
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Mariner cursed and swore as he was thrown into his cell again. Back to square one... Dammit. Mariner thought as he continued to look around to see any week spots in the wall or ways he could escape again. He saw that they're wasn't even one flaw he couldn't see. Mariner just sat down and looked around and waited for something to happen.
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He looked down and smiled " Its what I do.....but...you can't imagine what it was like. The words they spoke were piercing me as much as the dagger was piercing you....I hope never to come across them again, unless they are dead of course" They both laughed.
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Tiruviel patted the ground beside her, offering the man to join her in the short but pleasant rest. Even though Mirkwood was very much different from Lothlórien or Rivendell it still was a beautiful place. Some people said that it might be because that elves live here. She smiled slightly at the thought.

"I'm afraid that we will meet plenty of men of evil. Especially now when the Witch King had returned..." Tiruviel said sadly. Maybe she just should've left Middle Earth with other elves...

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He dipped his feet in the water and paused... "sigh, evil can bring such.....misery...such....depression. Why should anyone suffer because of them, no more should we be attacked and harassed! No more!....I'm sorry I'm just so...so...angry....why can't they stop....?"
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