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Oblivion Vs. Skyrim mounted combat


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Hey guys.

So in Oblivion I was led to believe that mounted combat was implemented quite promptly upon the game's release while in Skyrim there's not even a hint of anyone actually working on it so far, so what is the difference between the engine here and there that makes it that much harder to implement? I understand that Oblivion had its own tools released even before the game itself came out while we have a month or more of a delay in Skyrim. I just wanna understand the problem better to know whether or not it is wise to hold my breath waiting for this mod, I mean Bethesda did it in that DICE demo they made so it must be doable right?

All inputs appreciated :D

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Deadly reflex had the only halfway viable mounted combat that I know of for Oblivion. And it was not released until well over two years after Oblivion was released. I don't think that qualifies as 'quite promptly'. Then the mounted combat part never did work quite right and was eventually removed due to problems with it. I don't remember if it was ever put back in or not. Other parts of Deadly Reflex do work though, making it a highly rated mod.


The new game engine is actually a rewritten and improved version of the old engine. And it is actually worse at handling horses then the Oblivion version of the engine. I always thought that Beth put horses in Oblivion as an afterthought rather than as an integral part of the game. And the same in Skyrim.


I am sure there are modders trying to make a working mounted combat mod. But, without certain features that are just not in the engine, it's not going to be easy.

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