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Wierd glow around NPCs faces


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I'm playing Oblivion for the first time on PC and I'm experiencing something I could no stand about the game on 360 years ago: All NPCs (even my PC) have a wierd glow or aura around their face whenever they are near any light source - torches, fires, even in normal daylight I've seen this happen to NPCs with paler skin tones!


Does any know what causes this? Is there a way to fix it?

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Here's a copy/paste I got from a forum post here some time way way back with some suggested settings for Oblivion.ini you could try (they are in the [blurShaderHDRInterior] and [blurShaderHDR] sections):


[blurShaderHDRInterior] Reduce blinding effect on objects and NPC's
fBrightScale = 2.2500 (Default)
Change to:
fBrightScale = 0.2500
fBrightRadius = 7.0000 (Default)
Change to:
fBrightScale = 3.5000
[blurShaderHDR] Reduce blinding effect on objects and NPC's
fBrightScale = 1.5000 (Default)
Change to:
fBrightScale = 0.5000
fBrightRadius = 4.0000 (Default)
Change to:
fBrightScale = 3.0000
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Ya it was a long time ago, but I probably did the same (looked at some old Oblivion.ini from old characters and I don't see those tweaks applied).

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Sorry for the double-post - I'm not seeing an edit button on my phone. Anyway, just tried HDR with self shadows off/on plus the .ini tweaks and no dice. NPCs are all lit up again.


I'm fine using bloom instead, though. I know HDR is better but with the tex packs I downloaded lastnight I've never played Oblivion looking this good so I'm content. ;)

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