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LeckerHamsters tutorials help


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Hey, Firstly, LeckerHamsters tutorials are very handy, they do go into depth and have taught me a lot about Nifskope (the area I was having problems in)


But unfortunately his tutorials follow steps in Cinema 4D, I only have 3DS max, which I thought would be fine really, but I have come across a problem, I made a sword in 3DS max, but when I export it, and import it into Nifskope, it is seperated into lots of polygons, and because of this there are more blocks than their should be, and this really mucks up the shaders as I'm pretty sure only one block can use it otherwise it jmucks it up?


What I'd like to know is how can I make a group of polys in 3DS max into one polygon? there must be a way as it is a feature that really needs to be added...Any help with this would be really, really appreciated :)

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Thx for the positive feedback.

I don't know much 'bout Max though, but this might work:


1. Select one object.

2. Right menu, MODIFY button (looks like a blue rainbow), MODIFIER LIST drop-down, EDIT MESH.

3. Now right side below appears a new menu, select ATTACH and click on all objects you want to add/merge.

4. OR select ATTACH LIST (next to ATTACH button), in the new window select all objects (CTRL+A) and press ATTACH.



Edited by ghosu
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