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Navmesh door triangle glitch


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I've got quite a bizzare situation today.


After editing navmesh in my new worldspace I, as usually, finalize the navmesh. But for some reason, the green triangle which indicates a portal appears not under the door, not near the marker (they are close anyway), but in some completely random location (not even the previous location of the marker).


Deleting the door and placing it anew, deleting navmesh from that place, neither helped.


I tried searching for something similar in the internet, but failed to find anything.


Why could such a problem occur? How can it be solved? Is there any way to influence the location of the marker?


Edited by Alral
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It's ok and is not a problem. Your door will function properly, followers and NPC's will use it correctly. I would get this kind of thing all the time in my mods DCInteriors and NVInteriors. The green triangle only confirms the connection and does not need to always be under the door marker.

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I've had that happen to me before. It seems to only happen if you create a navmesh, save the mod, then edit it later.


My experience is the same as chucksteel's. Every time it has happened to me the navmesh has ended up working correctly. If it really bugs you, then you can delete the entire navmesh for the cell and re-do it. No big deal for a small simple cell, but probably not something you want to do for a very complex navmesh in a large cell.

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