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Help in creating a companion


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Good afternoon everyone and happy weekend.

My apologies if this is not the right place to ask,but I just gave making my own mod a try,sadly unsuccessfully.I was trying to make a simple companion for FNV following a video tutorial and while the NPC does appear in game,she only says Hello,no options to hire(and therefore Trade,etc) appear.I did type the scripts word for word as the video lists them and I did try to search for better tutorials but couldn't find any better result.If anyone could either explain to me or leave a link to a better beginner's guide I'd appreciate it.



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Please see the 'Custom Creatures' and 'Custom NPCs' sections in the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article. Basically, you have to provide at least the minimal topics the companion wheel and game are expecting. There are several tutorials and "Tips" listed.




Thank you very much for the help.

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This is the best companion creation tutorial that I've come across. It's what I used to learn how to create companions way back when. It's also first on Dubious's list under Custom NPCs.



You MUST use the exact topics listed if you want the command wheel to work properly.


The tutorial has two quests, one that runs the companion and one that is only to hire the companion. You don't really need a quest to hire the companion. You can just do it through dialog if you want, if you really want to keep it simple.


If the topics aren't showing up, check to make sure you have Top Level checked (upper right on the quest form) and make sure that the conditions are valid. Also, trading (OpenTeammateContainer) won't work unless the NPC is set to be a teammate (you've done a SetPlayerTeammate 1 on the NPC, which is usually done when hiring the NPC).

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If you're not too bothered about dialogue and that sort of thing then NCCS is the best option, using this you can make a companion in minutes and keep adding more to the same esp if you feel like it, 90% of these are NCCS https://puu.sh/z2Oxr/96c2d8f82a.jpg the only real downside is the lack of companion wheel.



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If you're not too bothered about dialogue and that sort of thing then NCCS is the best option, using this you can make a companion in minutes and keep adding more to the same esp if you feel like it, 90% of these are NCCS https://puu.sh/z2Oxr/96c2d8f82a.jpg the only real downside is the lack of companion wheel.



Hope that I don't sound too stupid but I usually use NMM to download and install mods,so I'm not exactly sure how to go installing it .But thanks for the heads up.Sadly the link for the video wont work either.

Edited by Outofplace313
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https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/38059 try this link, I'm not sure why the other doesn't work. There's a guide that comes with it, it's really a case of loading it up in the GECK, duplicating one of the NCCS NPCs, switching it to one of the premade scripts and dumping it in game, the basic companion is done and then all you have to do is customise it.

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https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/38059 try this link, I'm not sure why the other doesn't work. There's a guide that comes with it, it's really a case of loading it up in the GECK, duplicating one of the NCCS NPCs, switching it to one of the premade scripts and dumping it in game, the basic companion is done and then all you have to do is customise it.

Sorry for the late reply,will do thank you again very much.

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