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TSO: activate bug


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When I try to activate Vortex for the Elder Scrolls Online, it gets stuck on the loading bar with: Starting Deployment.


Attaching my \AppData\Roaming\Vortex\Vortex.log as a txt file.

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no, i can't find it doing anything of the sort, Vortex just locks itself as soon as TSO was chosen and activated, no other window was opened.

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This is what I'm getting too. I currently have a few addons installed from another source. Perhaps that's the issue.


When I restarted vortex ESO had moved from "Detected" to "Managed". However clicking "Activate" (Skyrim is still my currently managed game) freezes the client as before. This is after deleting everything from my Addons folder in ESO.


ETA: There *was* a UAC dialogue which I clicked yes on.

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