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Help about scripts and load order


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It's "fairly safe" mess around with the load order... The form are registered as "0123456" but they're used like "(Fallout4.esm)23456", because there's a reference table about Name -> Index for conversions.


s*** happend when Disable or Disable/re-enable mods Because unused scripts float around, using space for nothing (with Skyrim even still running if "bad scripted")


General Rule:

Avoid disable/uninstall things except if you really need to

Use the uninstall procedure suggested by the Mod author

Use a SaveGame cleaner to removed the unused element



Said so: s*** happend and things could get messy because there's always a little chance that somethings become wierd (a bug, an error, something)


As example:

if you must carry 1 glass, you pick the glass and move it

if you must carry 10 glasses probably you could carry those without problem

if you shoul carry 10000 glasses there's a change that 1 o 2 fall and broke





Keep a load order 'Correctly' isn't about "missing forms", it's about how priority works, The last loaded get priority above those before and overwrite them (this is why Fallout4.esm is the first, if it was the last you'll play the base game)

For example:

You have two mods that modify Pipers appareance, Let's say ModA (Piper's Hair Blue) and ModB (Piper's Hair Black)



00 Fallout4.esm

01 ModA.esp

02 ModB.esp


The game does this:

Piper's Hair From Fallout.esm (Vanilla) -> Piper's Hair From ModA (They become blue) -> Piper's Hair From ModB (black)

Then in game you have Piper with Black Hair



IF Load order is:

00 Fallout4.esm

01 ModB.esp

02 ModA.esp


Piper will have Blue hairs


Your sample is very simple and easy to understand. I saw a video in YouTube and there were 6 mods conflicting with each other; one had 168 records conflicting, the other 69, the other 34, another 21 and the last ones I do not remember but less numbers ... so, based on that, what would you do ? Is there a rule ? For example, should I leave the mod with more conflict records ( 168 ) on the top of the load order ? How the logic should work in this case ? Thanks ... :)

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Yes, you are right and I saw a video in YouTube about Vortex already but my question, how would I know ( let' say that I have 8 mods conflicting with each other ) which one should go last, first and in the middle ? I have no idea. Ok, Vortex will tell me ? Will tell me : hey, move this one after this one, let this 3 in the order they are and move those 3 to the top in this order ... bla, bla, bla .... it is complicated, at least for me and I am very sure, for the majority because not everybody knows how to deal with dependencies/priorities/patches and load orders.


Do you have any tips about my question ? I would appreciate it ! Thanks ... :smile:


Can't really give you a better answer than "it depends". It depens on what you value more, on the nature of the mods, even on your own load order: for example if mod A conflicts with mod B on an esp level and on a asset level then of you want mod B to take priority then you must load its esp after mod A and it is generally a good idea to have mod B overwrite the assets of mods A. It's something you have to look at on case by case basis.


Maybe you should let us know which conflicting mods you want to set up.

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I have one silly question about load order. Did someone know where exactly Vortex keep all of user metadata (e.g. dependency for load order/install order/metainfo about mod etc)?

For example MO keep this type info in meta files in mod's folder and list of mods/load order in profile's folder, but in Vortex' %appdata%_skyrim_profile folder I can't find all of this information.

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Your sample is very simple and easy to understand. I saw a video in YouTube and there were 6 mods conflicting with each other; one had 168 records conflicting, the other 69, the other 34, another 21 and the last ones I do not remember but less numbers ... so, based on that, what would you do ? Is there a rule ? For example, should I leave the mod with more conflict records ( 168 ) on the top of the load order ? How the logic should work in this case ? Thanks ... :smile:



The number of conflict dosen't define which goes first and which after (not directly at least).

[Note: a conflict is about two file with the same name, not for example Logical conflicts with two scripts]


NOT all mods are compatible with each others (and even without "file name" conflicts you could have an incompatibility)


The logic on the load order mostly relies on "Generic to Specific", personal testes and base compatibility.

GENERALLY you could consider "the bigger mod, goes first" (not the one with more conflict)


Here an example:


Vanilla Skyrim (File 1, 2, 3 ,4)

Mod A -> Changes all the assets in Skyrim to be Tropical style (File 1, 2, 3 ,4)

Mod B -> Change ONLY the flora assets (File 1 and 2)

Mod C -> A personal Edit of File 2 (for example, a texture a little more bright)


This is the "Correct Order"


Vanilla Skyrim is the bigger "Plugin" (most generic)

Then you Mod It with ModA (second generic)

Then you want to mod the game "Vanilla + ModA" and you Add Mod B...

And so on.


Your game will be: Vanilla + A + B + C


IF you install Mod C + Mod A + Mod B you'll get: Vanilla + Mod A + Mod B (because C are replaced By A, AND then Replaced again by B)



Said so:

The game still could give you problem depending on the scripts



Incompatibility -> A mod adds one spell to the PC (used to configure a mod), but another Mod (like a No magic mod) removes it automatically (here you don't CTD, but you can't configure the first mod)


Minor conflict -> A mod change/remove something that doesn't work as expected from another mod


Major conflict -> Two (or more) mods do different (and incompatible) things on the same moment, like Teleporting the PC in 5 different location all together (probably won't crash for -THAT-, but it's to understand)

OR something like

A Mod -REMOVE- an important element used from another mod and that mods variable become "none", this variable is used when *something else* is expected, the game doen't know how to handle all -> CTD




You can't know for SURE what a mods script does but the mods author knows.

A good modder will tell you:"Don't use this with a mod that change This, you'll ave problems"

or at least another player could have reported to him/her an incompatibility and the Modders use the description to make aware other users.



Ok this to be brief... let me know if something isn't clear.



I have one silly question about load order. Did someone know where exactly Vortex keep all of user metadata (e.g. dependency for load order/install order/metainfo about mod etc)?

For example MO keep this type info in meta files in mod's folder and list of mods/load order in profile's folder, but in Vortex' %appdata%_skyrim_profile folder I can't find all of this information.



I'd like to know either, but in future I think we'll get an export button to reach that datas easily

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