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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Golden Galleon


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"JOHNSON""YES SIR JOHNSON SIR""SWAB THE DECK""YES SIR JOHNSON SIR" Johnson shoated to himself then decide to start brushing the deck.


Richard put the gun away and turned to the crew of the galleon (which I've forgotten the name of) "Leave him he's gone utterly mad"

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"JOHNSON""YES SIR JOHNSON SIR""FIRE THE CANNON""YES SIR JOHNSON SIR" Johnson walked over to the only cannon which was on deck. He prepared the cannon at a alarming speed and fired at richard.
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"JOHNSON""YES SIR JOHNSON SIR""FIRE THE CANNON""YES SIR JOHNSON SIR" Johnson walked over to the only cannon which was on deck. He prepared the cannon at a alarming speed and fired at richard.

OOC: Richard is on a big boat. How am I meant to take him in to the brig when he is on another boat, shooting cannon balls at me?!


"Bloody hell!" he decleared as the cannon ball flew past him "Hm, I believe we had more than enough cannons on board to deal with this, Broad side all cannons! Destroy that boat" Many cannon balls flew at the boat Johnson was on, Richard turned and walked into the captains cabin

Edited by Brutii
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OOC: My word guys, gone for 4 hours and another 30 pages? Q_Q


Thomas arrived at Ireland, as he continued to look at the map he noticed where it lead. There was a lone island, with a tiny shack built on it. As they landed Thomas quickly approached the shack and opened it, the shack seemed abandoned but there was a medium sized Steel-Bound box on the floor. He tried to open up the box but it was locked. Thomas quickly got out a lock pick that he carries around with him. However, the pick immediately broke. "Magic box eh?" Thomas said out-loud and grabbed the box and brought it back to his ship. He knows a guy that might be-able to help him out...

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"JOHNSON""YES SIR JOHNSON SIR""THERE SHOOTING AT USE ATTACK BACK""YES SIR JOHNSON SIR" Johnson monouvered his ship too close for Richards ship to shoot him. He then prepared the cannon again and shot at the powder kegs on richards ship. Edited by Meciathe
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"JOHNSON""YES SIR JOHNSON SIR""THERE SHOOTING AT USE ATTACK BACK""YS SIR JOHNSON SIR" Johnson monouvered his ship too close for Richards ship to shoot him. He then prepared the cannon again and shot at the powder kegs on richards ship.


OOC: I have several problems with this, first, I don't care what ship your in, there are MORE THAN ENOUGH cannons on this ship to hit your prissy little boat. Second, you couldn't see the powder kegs on a galleon until you cause some damage. Thirdly, moving that close in a ship with one man on board is the worst move ever, no admiral would make that mistake, bottom deck cannons could still shoot you or...


"Board him" About 5 men climbed down into his boat, and another three pointed rifles at him from above "It's over" one said

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