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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Golden Galleon


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Thomas saw Port Royal in sight, he was finally going to know what was inside that box. As they tied the boat to the dock, the dock-master approached Thomas, he immediately handed him a bag of gold for the fee, and grabbed the box and headed to the Blacksmith. When Thomas approached the shop, Daniel was sitting outside, cleaning his apron from the day of work. "Daniel, I need a favor to ask you." Thomas said as he stood with the box. "Oh no, not one of these trap boxes again Thomas." Daniel replied hastily and walked inside. Thomas followed and set the box on the workbench, "It's not, and will you forget that! It happened two years ago. Grow up." Thomas said as he twisted the box. "Fine, I will open the damn box for you." Daniel said, as he looked at the lock. "It's one of these eh? I know how to open it." Daniel said, as he walked into the backroom, and returned with a silver key, it was different then most keys,,as the key didn't have teeth. Daniel put the key inside the lock and a loud *click* as the locked opened. Thomas quickly pulled the lock off and opened the box, to reveal yet another key. It was black and a little bit bigger then the other key. "What am I supposed to do with this?!" Thomas said as he took the key to his eye. Daniel shrugged and left the store again. Thomas shook his head and returned to the ship. Now he didn't know where the other map pieces are, he was completely sure it would be Ireland.
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Johnson walked through Port Royal before knocking into Alexander,"YOU AND THAT -CENSORED- RICHARD RUINED MY LIFE YOU WILL PAY." Johnson said pulling out his repeter. Edited by Meciathe
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OOC: I was about to post that she's there. So yes she's there. :laugh:


Shalena followed the couple to port Royal, she managed to sneak past the dockmaster and was now roaming near the docks. It's been a while since she was here and the pirate had decided to look around.

She was looking around for anything or anyone suspicious. She will shoot someone in the head before she will give her piece of the map or Jack's compass.

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"Guards! Arrest this heathen!" Alessia shouted, and the imperial guard came rushing to her rescue, they surrounded Johnson with there rifles drawn, one hit him on the back of the head, and dragged him off to the prison...


"Then i give myself fully to this marriage Alexander... i do." She said to Alexander.

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"YOU'LL DIE," Johnson shoated then spat at Alessia as he was dragged away. A guard approched alessia with the charts and the piece of the map johnson had,"For the inconvinence." and handed them over. Edited by Meciathe
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"YOU'LL DIE," Johnson shoated then spat at Alessia as he was dragged away. A guard approched alessia with the charts and the piece of the map johnson had,"For the inconvinence." and handed them over.


Richard walked over "I'll look after that, soldier" he said, taking the map piece "Make sure that man is hung, he's a murderer, a liar and a coward. And most importantly he's insane. Is that understood?"

Edited by Brutii
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