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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Golden Galleon


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Thomas's knee was fully wrapped, as Alexander approached he got up and sat down the book he was reading. "Look, I know what your going to say and I agree, I did overreact and I'm sorry for that. Me and her have a... clashing past. Somethings happened and that's what lead me to here, I guess I should go apologize before this get's out of hand again." Thomas said.
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"Well, I used to work for the Imperial army as a strategist and tactics soldier on the Commanders ship, one mission went terribly wrong from false information that was given to me, but of course no-one believed me and I was tried for it. I was tried for being a traitor and perilously killing our entire fleet. Of course the evidence was false and the jury was paid to get me discharged. I found out later that Governess Alessia set me up to take the fall, after this I tried to get an explanation out of her but only to be put in prison. I was released after 2 months and ever since I've been trying find her." Thomas said, looking out into the sea.
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"I mean, I think I would have to thank her really, I would not have met my crew if she hadn't. I've done some raids, plundering ships filled with riches. There really isn't anything that I hadn't done that any other pirate could tell you." Thomas said.
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