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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Golden Galleon


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"Know what's even more strange? How two pirates, a Imperial Officer, and a Governor and Governess got the map pieces, and somehow ended up on the same port on the exact same day?" Thomas added as he finished his second bottle, and pulled out a bottle of beer.
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Alessia walked through the streets of port royal, extremely angry and frustrated, her emotions all over the place, and her mannerism of polite and elegant etiquette gone, she walked with her parasol up, her face blank, many guards stopped to greet the Governess, but she walked away without even a glance in there direction. First Thomas, the man who's life she ruined, and whose heart and soul she shattered, had returned to make her pay for her past crimes, with good reason too, she had been devious and cruel. And now her husband to be has shown his emotional side... after she revolted against the station that men had cast upon women, she was tired of being a display piece to be looked at, and a tool to be used when deemed necessary of her keeper.


So she carried on walking until she found a tavern, it was a reasonable place, not too poor, and not too rich. She walked through the door, ignoring the mixed gazes of the patrons, some of admiration, some envy, some dislike, but she shrugged them off and walked up to the bar.

"I'd like a drink please... anything as long as it tastes sweeter than my bitter day." Alessia said. The bartender gave her a strange look, but was not going to refuse.

"Here you are Ma'am, some of our best wine."

"Thank you." Alessia said, drinking a whole glass in under a minute. The patrons were astonished, and gave looks of disdain. Alessia took the bottle and walked over to a gambling table, where the men were playing cards, she puled up a chair and said "Room for another? how about we up the stakes?" She said, throwing a large pouch of money on the table. The dealer reshuffled the cards and everyone had equal.

"So.. what brings the Governess of Port Royal to the gambling table?" One of the men asked.

"A horrible and sour day kind sir... one i would rather drown in liquor if that is al-right with you." Alessia said rather coldly.

"Sure Ma'am, no problem." The man said, clearly put off by her reaction.


After a few hours of gambling, Alessia had won, and lost a lot of money, so she walked home to her Manor in port Royal. She walked through the door tearfully, locking it behind her, she addressed a maid "Would you run me a bath please?"

"Of course Ma'am." The maid said, and rushed off to run a bath...


Once the large tub was full, and the soaps and other product were put in the luxurious bathroom, Alessia stepped inside, closing the door behind her, she looked in the mirror at her makeup, which had run from her eyes down her face, and she unfastened her Earrings, and placed them on the side, she undid her locket, and her choker, and put them neatly upon the white surface. Once again looking in the large mirror, she took her hair out of it's coiffure, and let it tumble down her shoulders and back. Alessia unlaced the back of her dress, and took off her shoes and stockings, pulling of her stomach panel, and letting the back of her corset fall to the ground, she took of the front panel and tossed it aside. She took off the top of her dress, including her bodice, and undid her skirt, pulling it, and her under skirt, and skirt cage off, throwing them to the ground, and letting the remainder of her dress fall off her. She got into the warm bath and relaxed, her aching body soothed by the hot water...

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Johnson sat in the corner of an alley. Cold and without anywhere to sleep. He walked througth the streets until it was dark. He walked into a bar and leaned in the corner in his chair.
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After a long soak in the bath, and washing her body, hair and face, Alessia stepped out of the bath and dried herself off with a crisp towel, she put on a fine lace nightgown and her locket, brushed her hair and heard the knock at the door. She walked barefoot down the staircase, her makeup removed and her healthily glowing face in a rather sad look. She opened the door only to see Alexander. "What exactly do you want?" She said, standing in the doorway.
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Richard knew where three of the map pieces are, and after following Alexander silently (though he smirked when Alessia had a go at Alexander) had listened in on their conversation, and now knew where the fourth was, he approached Thomas "I have a map piece, the governor has a map piece, the other pirate has a map piece. I also know you have one, and I believe it's the last. Are you going to help us, because I really need to find that galleon" he said "My life as I know it, literally depends on it" Edited by Brutii
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