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Looking for certain mods and having trouble finding working ones.


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Okay so please don't call me a perv or anything, but I have been trying to find nude mods for ALL Races and ALL Genders to add more realism to the game. For example that one hot spring area or whatever, if I was actually there I would strip down and take a bath, but why the hell would I wear my underwear in it. You would not want to, because then your walking around trying to fight people in wet and probably now cold underwear. I have been looking for this just because why not. So I am looking for a nude mod, but not one that adds lewd or over exaggerated features, more on the realistic side. But sadly most likely these mods are made by pervs and most are for female and I have only found one that was for male, and it crashed my game when I went to make my character's race Khajiit. Another problem with finding these things other than the majority is for female and they are usually lewd and inappropriate, is they also don't have many for the beast races and most are just humanoid. Me personally I freaking hate playing as a human character even though most don't mind at all and prefer it. Why make my character something that I am already when I could choose something cooler and not so ordinary. Anyways please help, this is becoming a pain and I can't find anything.




-Not Lewd or Over exaggerated.


-No Erection for the Penis.


-Overall more smooth features and not rough looking.


-For all Races or at least just Khajiit since that is what I like to play as.


-Need male more than female since I don't play as a female ever, my character is meant to represent me in the game, but both would be prefered.


-More realistic, not the looks of a hentai fantasy game/tv show.


What I have tried already:


-Tempered Skin for Males and Females (It was humans/elves only which was not okay)


-Better Males (Could not find a female equivalent and it crashed my game upon character creation when changing race)


Hopefully I get some help here and not a bunch of rude comments just because I was asking about nude mods. Also basically what I am looking for is just something that will replace the underwear with nude bodies when you take your gear off. Thanks in advanced.




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well , you clearly don't know how to search for mods , as there are quite a few nude mods here

and while some of them are exaggerated , not all of them are such


for female characters , I usually go with either

CBBE : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/198

or UNP : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1699

these mods have quite a few presets (as different mods usually) that are over the top (like H cup breasts or such) , but I always go for C cups or something like that (and both these mods have such presets to choose from)

there are also some great texture mods around , even for female Khajiit if you want


for male bodies , I think the most common mod is Better Males https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3672

I don't know why the mod crashed your game , but you should make sure you have installed the correct version , and installed it correctly


In general , there are two categories you should look through , that will have the mods you are looking for



the first is more specific , but some of the mods are found in the second category

look through these (I usually order by most endorsed , and go through the first few pages . these are usually the most loved mods around)

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  On 2/5/2018 at 5:46 PM, QuagaarWarrior said:

Worth pointing out that the OP may not be able to see certain mods on a nexus search if his filters are hiding them

yes, my filters were hiding mods without me actually putting in any filters to be blocked. then when I tried blocking translation mods, it ended up hiding mods that I wouldn't have expected it to block

Edited by wanderer3292
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  On 2/5/2018 at 5:32 PM, WastelandAssassin said:

well , you clearly don't know how to search for mods , as there are quite a few nude mods here

and while some of them are exaggerated , not all of them are such


for female characters , I usually go with either

CBBE : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/198

or UNP : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1699

these mods have quite a few presets (as different mods usually) that are over the top (like H cup breasts or such) , but I always go for C cups or something like that (and both these mods have such presets to choose from)

there are also some great texture mods around , even for female Khajiit if you want


for male bodies , I think the most common mod is Better Males https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3672

I don't know why the mod crashed your game , but you should make sure you have installed the correct version , and installed it correctly


In general , there are two categories you should look through , that will have the mods you are looking for



the first is more specific , but some of the mods are found in the second category

look through these (I usually order by most endorsed , and go through the first few pages . these are usually the most loved mods around)


The rude comment was unnecessary about "Not knowing how to search for mods" try not to give people an attitude when answering back, it just makes you look immature, But thank you for the links and some help. I have tried looking where I would usually for mods and this is the only mod I seemed to not be able to find, so I do in fact know how to look for mods since every other mod I have wanted I found with no help. So wrap your head around that for a minute.

Edited by KuraiNekoMT13
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  On 2/5/2018 at 5:46 PM, QuagaarWarrior said:

Worth pointing out that the OP may not be able to see certain mods on a nexus search if his filters are hiding them



  On 2/5/2018 at 6:30 PM, wanderer3292 said:


  On 2/5/2018 at 5:46 PM, QuagaarWarrior said:

Worth pointing out that the OP may not be able to see certain mods on a nexus search if his filters are hiding them

yes, my filters were hiding mods without me actually putting in any filters to be blocked. then when I tried blocking translation mods, it ended up hiding mods that I wouldn't have expected it to block


At first it was blocked by default, but I just had to change my preferences. Though even after doing that I still was having trouble finding a mod that works for ALL races, most were just human or elf. I would of certainly not bothered asking the forums if I could find what I wanted, since you never know how long it will be for you to get a reply that helps and some just like to be rude in their reply which is just not needed.

Edited by KuraiNekoMT13
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  On 2/6/2018 at 10:44 AM, KuraiNekoMT13 said:


  On 2/5/2018 at 5:32 PM, WastelandAssassin said:

well , you clearly don't know how to search for mods , as there are quite a few nude mods here

and while some of them are exaggerated , not all of them are such


for female characters , I usually go with either

CBBE : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/198

or UNP : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1699

these mods have quite a few presets (as different mods usually) that are over the top (like H cup breasts or such) , but I always go for C cups or something like that (and both these mods have such presets to choose from)

there are also some great texture mods around , even for female Khajiit if you want


for male bodies , I think the most common mod is Better Males https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3672

I don't know why the mod crashed your game , but you should make sure you have installed the correct version , and installed it correctly


In general , there are two categories you should look through , that will have the mods you are looking for



the first is more specific , but some of the mods are found in the second category

look through these (I usually order by most endorsed , and go through the first few pages . these are usually the most loved mods around)


The rude comment was unnecessary about "Not knowing how to search for mods" try not to give people an attitude when answering back, it just makes you look immature, But thank you for the links and some help. I have tried looking where I would usually for mods and this is the only mod I seemed to not be able to find, so I do in fact know how to look for mods since every other mod I have wanted I found with no help. So wrap your head around that for a minute.



forgive me , I did not intend anything as an insult

considering that there is a good search engine on this site , and the existence of google , I find it hard that people can't seem to find mods

what I meant by this is that there are plenty of tools for you to use , but you don't seem to know how to use them

I hope you will use the category system (or the Top 100 section) in the future , as these are great ways of finding mods


looking at what I wrote , I should have phrased it in a different way , as I see it could be taken as an insult

again I apologize , I hope you take the advice in my post and disregard it's opening , it was indeed rude and disrespectful

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  On 2/6/2018 at 1:42 PM, WastelandAssassin said:


  On 2/6/2018 at 10:44 AM, KuraiNekoMT13 said:


  On 2/5/2018 at 5:32 PM, WastelandAssassin said:

well , you clearly don't know how to search for mods , as there are quite a few nude mods here

and while some of them are exaggerated , not all of them are such


for female characters , I usually go with either

CBBE : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/198

or UNP : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1699

these mods have quite a few presets (as different mods usually) that are over the top (like H cup breasts or such) , but I always go for C cups or something like that (and both these mods have such presets to choose from)

there are also some great texture mods around , even for female Khajiit if you want


for male bodies , I think the most common mod is Better Males https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3672

I don't know why the mod crashed your game , but you should make sure you have installed the correct version , and installed it correctly


In general , there are two categories you should look through , that will have the mods you are looking for



the first is more specific , but some of the mods are found in the second category

look through these (I usually order by most endorsed , and go through the first few pages . these are usually the most loved mods around)


The rude comment was unnecessary about "Not knowing how to search for mods" try not to give people an attitude when answering back, it just makes you look immature, But thank you for the links and some help. I have tried looking where I would usually for mods and this is the only mod I seemed to not be able to find, so I do in fact know how to look for mods since every other mod I have wanted I found with no help. So wrap your head around that for a minute.



forgive me , I did not intend anything as an insult

considering that there is a good search engine on this site , and the existence of google , I find it hard that people can't seem to find mods

what I meant by this is that there are plenty of tools for you to use , but you don't seem to know how to use them

I hope you will use the category system (or the Top 100 section) in the future , as these are great ways of finding mods


looking at what I wrote , I should have phrased it in a different way , as I see it could be taken as an insult

again I apologize , I hope you take the advice in my post and disregard it's opening , it was indeed rude and disrespectful




I agree. I did not find your answer insulting. People get insulted by the air they breath. And I agree, using the mod category is the best way to find mods.

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Okay, so the OP is looking for a decent texture and maybe body replacer for male Khajits (and other males, too), right?


Unfortunatly, there currently aren't too many choyces - especially not for Khajits and Argonians.


Maybe worth a try:

Body replacer "Shlongs of Skyrim LIGHT SE" (google it). Yeah, it was designed for all those adult mods, but if you don't use them, it's just a nude male body replacer, nothing more...

SoS comes with textures for all races. If you don't like them, you can download this replacer from the "classical" Nexus:



Download the "SoS" version (NOT "SoS full!). Store the file somewhere. Add it to NMM with "add mod from file", install. Body textures for "Oldrim" will work in SE, so nothing to worry about.


For human and orc males, SoS LIGHT SE will allow you to use Vitruvia: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9112 IMHO the best male retexture currently available...


Of course, you can also have both "Masculine Khajiit" and "Vitruvia" for the Vanilla male body, too, if you prefer that. Both mods are here on the SE Nexus.

Edited by Algabar
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I really really like this mature skin mod:



UNP has been out for SE longer than CBBE, and hence the reason why it is still more supported overall with a > number of UNP specific mods but CBBE and CBBE supported mods are quickly growing in number. Just from remembering my oldrim days of using CBBE, I've found UNP to be more realisric with the right skin tecture but everyone has their own preference.

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