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Fluffy Khajiit Project


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I just made a quick recording of a dance to celebrate the fluffyness "beta"! :smile:

It's on my youtube channel : LINK.


You can see all the physics effects on all parts :

- Body : HDT-SMP

- Skirt : HDT-SMP

- Tail : HDT-SMP

- Ears : HDT-PE

- Hairs : HDT-PE


I hope you'll enjoy it! :smile:

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Good news for Racemenu users, I thnik I'll finally be able to make two versions of this mod, because PsychoMachina manage to make an alpha version of his Ears sliders for racemenu.

For now only the scale slider is working, but that's alreagy a huge step! Nice job!


EDIT : Even better news, I manage to fix the problem with position sliders. It was really nothing. So now the Racemenu version is perfectly working! :smile:


EDIT 2 : As I said before, for now I give up on releasing a full head. BUT I made a fluffy neck. :)

It's far from perfect, but it works. I need to work a bit more on the texture to make it match the neck part of the body texture in a more smooth way.



It'll be loaded like ears, in "aditionnal hairs" slider, as an option. 3 options in fact : Ears / Ears+Neck / Nothing.



We're very close of a release now! :)

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Just a preview picture... some kind of teaser let's say! :wink:






EDIT : If I have enough time tonight, I'll also try to combine all body parts (lefftounge idea), and make it available as an "aditionnal ear" sliders. It would be very cool if it work, because this way there won't be any item slot issue. (for now I use the classic slots for hands/body/feet.... so no classic armor parts are possible on it)


I'm not sure if it's possible at all, because of the 0/1 different meshes.. but it's worth to try^^ (the drawback if it works is that instead of 2 meshes for each body part, I'll need 10 meshes for each... and 15 more entries in the HeadParts of the .esp :/)

With this method, it will also be impossible for you guys to make body variations with bodyslide. But for an UNPB version only, it can still be very interesting.



I made a quick test with the body only, and try to load it as a HDPT (Head Part). It's loading... but since HDPT doesn't have a weight slider support, I don't think there's a way to make if work correctly. T_T


So for now it'll be an outfit. I'll try to use body slots that won't bother you, but with so many items/mods, impossible to be safe. I think I'll use 34 for hands, 38 for feet, 47 for the body. Tails is 40 of course.

(Ears and neck parts are 130, but it won't be a problem since you can have as many HeadParts as you want.)

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Today I'm working on matching colors between body parts (especially neck/body).


Just a cool "trick" I discovered today (didn't think about it before, silly of me^^) :

- open NifSkope and load the body parts you want to work on (for me when working on neck texture, I opened the body, then added all meshes of the neck and the spine/head bones).

- work on your texture in GImp (in my example the neck texture), each time you want to see the result, just overwrite your texture by exporting it

- the result can be seen immediatly in NifSkope! (this way no need to open skyrim, waiting for reload and so on) You can even modify meshes if needed this way. :smile:


Very simple trick but very usefull! :smile:


I'll keep the thread updated with screenshots of the progress as usual!


EDIT : Good news! I just receive the agreement of QuinnWinters to use his Whiskers! Thanks a lot!


EDIT 2 : Twekings between neck and body are quite good for now.

There's still some "seam"/difference between body and neck textures, but nothing important, the whole thing is not bad at all! :smile:

Hands are quite good. Same little differences as for the neck, but once again, nothing to be ashamed of.

Feet are perfect (or almost), because texture for feet and body are the same. As for tails. :wink:

I've tweaked textures also for ears. More white inner part, more dark outter. More fluffy also. I think its quite good now.


I've made a quick photo shoot to show you the progress : LINK. (I'll also publish it on nexus media^^)

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Today, I'll try to finish the first verion of the mod.

I'll need to clean the files, edit some scripts, verify all the setup and files, make several versions of the main esp, correct the weight and armor values of each parts...

And of course I've also to finish the mod page, the readme file, instructions, add some medias...pfiouuu!


I really hope I'll have enough time!




The v1.0 version will contain :

- Base version (UNPB premade) with body, hands, feet, tails (PE and SMP), Ears

- Two add-ons for ECE sliders and Racemenu sliders


The next update will be the whole UUNP Bodyslide conversion kit to allow you to make your own body.

(I'll try to make it as an option at the same time of the v1.0 release, but I'll have to veryfy the whole thing...)


If everything goes well, the v1.0 will be uploaded today... really not sure for the UUNP conversion. *finger crossed*

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