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Which lesser faction would you rather see control New Vegas?


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First off, I'd like to say that I'm a huge fan of the Followers, Kings, and Great Khans. I'm also not very fond of any of the major factions gunning for New Vegas. If they were more powerful, I'd like to see any of them rule New Vegas as opposed to the Legion, NCR, etc. So now I ask you: if they were powerful enough, which lesser faction out of the entire game would you prefer rule over New Vegas? Again, you can choose any faction. Brotherhood of Steel, Goodsprings, Powder Gangers, you name it. Any faction you please. Edited by bastardofbodom
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First off, I'd like to say that I'm a huge fan of the Followers, Kings, and Great Khans. I'm also not very fond of any of the major factions gunning for New Vegas. If they were more powerful, I'd like to see any of them rule New Vegas as opposed to the Legion, NCR, etc. So now I ask you: if they were powerful enough, which lesser faction out of the entire game would you prefer rule over New Vegas? Again, you can choose any faction. Brotherhood of Steel, Goodsprings, Powder Gangers, you name it. Any faction you please.


Probably the Kings. They are the most "neutral and genuinely helpful" faction, IMHO, in FNV. They don't really have a special agenda other than protecting Freeside, and general law enforcement (take down the thugs). Kings however, are willing to fight to protect what's theirs.


Followers are too passive, IMHO. NCR pushed them around like they're nothing. In the official endings, if they dont' align with NCR they are pushed out. Even if they are aligned, they are overwhelmed.


Great Khans are just too brutal and too savage for a "civilized" world. Barbarian creed works for the more chaotic times just after the war, but as civilization establishes itself, there's no room for barbarians.

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I'd like to see the Kings and the Followers in a joint effort to better Freeside and Westside as well as the smaller communities in the Mojave.

I'd enjoy it if the Khans patrolled the wastes, making sure everyone stays in check. The Boomers could be called upon to help the other factions if needed.

The Chairmen would control The Strip.

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I'm all for total anarchy, with civilisation and total control over new Vegas, eventually there would be no need for me! Also, I don't really see eye to eye with any of the factions... BOS do have a nostalgic place in my heart though...
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  • 4 months later...

The Brother Hood of Steel and maybey a BOS - subfaction and i would want to see a mercenary Faction like the Talon Mercenary's or Reilly's Rangers


And an Enclave Remnant Faction wich has regrets over their earlier plans during Fallout 2 allied to the Westcoast Enclave( i mean the Fallout 2 Enclave )

they were their composit MKII enclave power armor and some newly developped Power armors and one based on Stolen Hellfire Power Armors

They want to better the wasteland and help certain settlements or clear Areas of RAdscorpion Infestation like the area behind goodsprings cemetery...

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-Brotherhood? no, they only care about electronics and they push people around to get it.


-Omertas amd the White Glove Society need to be killed, so no


- I like the tranquility of Goodsprings, since its a western style town, everybody is happy and lives, so something like Goodsprings, where everybody takes care of each other, trade with other small groups etc. however that would not work for the whole of the mohjave


- the only solution would be have a combination of the Khans, Chairman, Kings, Followers and Boomers


The Chairmen run the strip and keep it open for business just like Mr.House did. The Kings police and control Freeside to become a better place.


The Followers help freeside, and assit the kings khans, and boomers in medical issues (acting as the medical corp),


The Khans act as the infantry and rangers of the land protecting the other small towns or at least assisting them without imposing their will or anything (like the NCR)


The Boomers provide air support, artillery support and help keep the Armed Forces of New Vegas ( AFNV) armed and ready for battle.



personally if all this happened though, in real life the best choice would be to find a town to live i and protect it and just live there.

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Brotherhood - I don't like the role they play in NV, too reclusive. Besides, I don't think they really care enough about the little guy.

Khans - As much as I like them, I wouldn't want to see them in charge of things. I think they're too wild. If someone got them under control they would be great to keep raiders and the like at bay though.

Boomers - The Boomers may seem nice and all, but in reality they are hopelessly prejudiced against everyone else in the Wasteland, who they refer to as savages if I'm not mistaken.

Followers - As one guy said, they're too passive. They may be good at patching people up, but as leaders? No. I could see them working with the Kings though.

White Gloves - They are just too despicable for me to even consider them. Even if I didn't know about their cannibalism issues I'd still find them too creepy.

Omertas - Better choice than the White Gloves, sure, but they're gangsters. Wouldn't want them in charge of things.


Kings - I really like the Kings, and I honestly think they would be the best choice. The King has a great personality and seems like he cares. Better them than:


Mr. House - A megalomaniac psychopath who justifies killing innocent people to put his "grand vision" of New Vegas to life.

The NCR - An authoritarian government that tries too hard and fails too often. I believe they spread themselves too thin, and in general I don't agree with them.

The Legion - They may keep the roads safe in their own territory, but they are pathetic, despicable slavers. Brainwashed by Caesars nonsense.


Personally, I'd kill Mr. House, and send his army of securitrons to root out the NCR and the Legion. Then I'd team up with the King and we'd take over and keep New Vegas in a state of peace.

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