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Misc mods I'm working on


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I thought rather than making a new thread for all the little things I'm doing, I'll just consolidate in one thread. I would have just repurposed the head thread for it, but I don't seem to be able to change the thread title, so here we are.


Today I uploaded a new version of my UI mod, with some fixes and some redesigned elements. These are the notable ones:


http://neverwinter.nexusmods.com/downloads/images/thumbs/81-2-1333520449.jpg http://neverwinter.nexusmods.com/downloads/images/thumbs/81-1-1333520448.jpg


I also posted a video of something else I was working on. I made this for the adventure module I've been planning to start this summer. It's a system of WoW-style indicators for questgivers. I go into detail about my reasons behind this in my blog.


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Somebody was looking for something like this with the exclamation marks not long ago on the bioware forums, I just suggested giving everybody red hats instead ( they could tale them off when the quest is done ).
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I must admi it does make life easier and stop's people getting frustrated at not being able to find people/missing quests. What I normally do is change names instead, if somebody's called peasant then leave them alone but if "peasant" changes to Fred then he might have just become more interesting. But I like the idea of the exclamation marks, there's a conflict between gameplay and realism with things like this but I think gameplay wins everytime as the idea of playing a game is to enjoy it not to struggle.
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Yes. I wrote about those points of view and my own (as well as alternatives to indicators like this) at length in my blog post on the subject. I think at this point, between the factions of "game" and "immersive cinematic experience", I fall squarely in camp of those who want a "game". Edited by Tchos
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Hi Tchos,


It was me who was looking for this mod. How is it progressing?


I think that this was part ofthe original NWN2 setup but must have been dropped. In the original magazine article in Game the npcs had exclamation marks I sure.


I would be realy interested in using this mod, how is it coming along?


Thanks for your time,



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Hi, PJ. You were one of the ones who welcomed me when I was just starting NWN2 sometime last year. :)


The quest indicators work as they are now, by invoking one of four small scripts through a conversation or a trigger script (probably other ways, too). It's not what I'd call ready for a public release, since I just made it messily for my upcoming adventure module, but I have been tinkering around with consolidating the code into a single script that can be called with parameters to activate and deactivate the different symbols and make it more general and easy to apply to different NPCs. It's just one of the things I'm doing in between playing MotB for the first time, studying the OC in the toolset to see how certain things were done, and browsing for interesting things on the Vault and forums.


I know all too well that far too many promising projects disappear or are abandoned after showing demos, and though I'm confident that won't happen here, I'll offer a private alpha build of this and other minor things I've been doing (like the heads) to anyone who privately messages me for it. Of course, I'll have to learn how to export things into an ERF or something, which I haven't done before.


BTW, I'd be very interested in seeing a screenshot of that early version of the game which included indicators.

Edited by Tchos
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I've pretty much completely changed how the quest indicator system is structured, to make it more generically applicable and easier to add to various events without needing to alter any existing scripts. The different indicator types are all consolidated into a single script, but I did have to create several versions of that script to work in different events, like conversations, creature deaths, and interacting with objects and triggers. It now makes use of local variables stored on the relevant objects, which is a concept I've just learned for this purpose.
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