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Real Life Oblivion


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I would kill everybody in my attempt to get back to reality. Because you know oblivion is one of the few games where you can kill everybody, ( that isnt quest important.) And then even so you can screw up some quests that way.


Let me rephrase that......................I would pick enough alchemy ingriediants to make 1,000 Strong health potions. I would travel to the imperial city, Attack the first gaurd i see, Kill him, maybe drink a potion ( cause i dont play on easy kiddies, i like to die unexpectadly, ) and start systamatically ridding the land of Cyrodill of All the people that werent important to me becoming the great Champion of Cyrodil. Then i would travel to The Shivering isles and instead of going through all that stuff to become a god, i would just take him out the moment i found him. By then i should have about 225 potions left. After i go back to cyrodill i just rename them potions of Viagra and sell them to the old bums on the street for the coin i gave them so i could become the king of thieves. And after that, well i think i would make the first cyrodill party guild in every city, almost always next to those hot chicks in the mages guilds. And i would party away and that would be it. My luck though i would probably be killed by a fricken Ogre or mountain lion before i could even get the stuff for potions though. And if it was real, well...........I would die and go to oblivion, Take that over too, and bring forth a horde of dremora not even a champion of cyrodill could stop. But we wouldn't kill anybody. just run around scaring children and old people. And then i would dwell in oblivion for the rest of eternity, in a good mood cause i got to scare old people.

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do the people look like in vanilla oblivion? then id kill myself for the lack of beautiful gals...


grow some skooma

open a house of earthly delights

build a bathroom in there

if i have some time between all that watching my beautiful dancers and smoking skooma id try to build myself an assault rifle and take over the world - if thats not possible id try to learn the arcane secrets of magic which should be easy to achieve with my skooma induced spirituality ...

sacrifice some argonians to the daedra and pray for addons to expand my empire and see new places...

travel the world with one of the vessels in anvils harbour...

visit akavir

make love with azura

befriend sheogorath cause hes prolly the funniest bloke around...

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do the people look like in vanilla oblivion? then id kill myself for the lack of beautiful gals...
What??? That is the reason why Cyrodiilic Brandy and Skooma exists. ;D
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If I were magically teleported to the world of Tamriel in Real Life, this is what I'd do (in order)


1. Crap my pants.

2. Find a magical spell to change underwear.

3. Never sleep for fear of leveling up which makes potential enemies stronger.

4. Figure out a way to make money and buy the best armor / weapons (without ever leaving Imperial City)

5. Probably become the best rat exterminator Imperial City has ever seen.



That about summed it up for me on the 2nd thoughts.

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Not in order-

If real life were like Oblivion.


1.Say Console-TCL to enact Ghost-Mode, fly into a car and pretend its really GTA 4 world.

2. Cry "Come On!" if I see a giant solid gold eye while sneaking and no one is around.

3 Create a suit of invisibility and sneak into the Playboy mansion.

4. Item dupe a 100$ about a 100,000,000 times,then dupe that till I can buy Canada.

5. Master Illusion or some other magic and go up to David Copperfield and say "Now what,bi***!"


If I were transported to a real Tamierel.


1. I would piss into one of those big central chapel bowls for the nine divines shouting "Sheogorath Rules!!!"

2. Con some hot maidens to sleep with me claiming since there is no kiddies we have to do it for the survival of humanity.

3. Play "Patty cake" with a clanfer.

4. Open up a donut shop for the guards,bout time some one finally finds away to kill them.Little hint "Sprinkles"

5. Take some some steroids with me,level with me now Bi***s!

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<snip> But we wouldn't kill anybody. just run around scaring children and old people. And then i would dwell in oblivion for the rest of eternity, in a good mood cause i got to scare old people.


Oh, for life's simple pleasures!



As for me, I'd do some investigative reporting to compete with the Blackhorse Courier.

First subject: What is "beef" and where does it really come from?

Followup: Ham--what the Elder Council doesn't want you to know.

Special Report: Looming famine; Too many mouths, not enough farms; "Soon we'll all be eating horses!" says anonymous stable hand.

Science: Invasive slaughterfish and the decline of the Nibenean bass.

Lifestyle: Where have all the children gone? Mage's Guild at heart of looming disaster!

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Close an Oblivion Gate, (...yeah right.)


how will you "hold" the sigil stone?


for the first 2 days, i'll be stunned (going around, saying WTF!!?)

I'll make some childs (wait for me cyrodill girls!!! :D) (I am the maker of the future cyrodill :cool: )

and when i have some guts, i'll go outside the Imp. city (and run inside in the moment :D)

fast travel to cities, saying "player.additem F "insert number here" and buy everything

maybe joining the dark brotherhood (Gorgon-style killing!!) and murdering the defenseless :devil:

there is a rule which says "two family generations can't live in the same time)(expections again but there are three only)

i'll buy every summon spell and go back to real world and cause CHAOS.



Can we select mods before we go? Or we go into our tamriel world which we play? Or the vanilla tamriel?

poo, i need to sleep (GMT +3 here)

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1 laugh, almost to the death

2 when i reallise it isent a dream i will go to imperial city and kick a watchman in the balls

3 go to jail

4 take the prison clothes and make a rope with them

5 hang myself.. and come to athurius.


:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

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never go to the washroom

never shower

sleep without covers

go to dungeons and get confused about which one im in cus they all loook tge same

find forts and find that they also look the same

trying to please people by admiring, boasting, joking and whatever the other one is

Have the urge to not have sex

walk around in the city with weapons

somehow holding 20tons of goods in my non existent backpack which is invisible

can see my state of health in a bar


walk in underpopulated cities

find random treasures

able to somehow type thing in a console and get stuff from nowhere

more comming soon....

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