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Real Life Oblivion


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I'd probably say WTF then go oooooh cr@p, what level am I and where the heck am I. I'd then travel to the nearest inn collecting alchemy reagents along the way and wait for a traveling merchant to come by that is selling a amulet of water walking. I'd then hide in his room and rob him while he's sleeping. I'd put the amulet on and travel to the IC via the safest roads in tamriel, the lakes and rivers. Once in the IC I'd go to the arcane university and learn as much magic as possible, culminating in the creation of a new midas magic spell "Open Gate to Earth". Upon returning to earth I will live out my life as a simple janitor who moonlights as a all powerful god-mage freedom fighter at night. I would mosly help and heal the innocent at first but slowly over time become corrupted and crazed by power lust as I saw how easy it is to over power the puny humans of this world. It would probably start with the summoning a Balrog in the corporate headquarters of some company I don't like, then it would just get worse from there to the annihilation of small thrid world countrys. To finally the desruction of every major city on the planet and enslavement of all the remaining living creatures so that I can harvest their souls to power my ring of personality 100pts, aaaahh the only thing that really matters in the world.
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Open a bordello :biggrin:

Dezdi... you do realize that i am still standing on a chair over in your newbie thread, right? You carry on like that and i am likely to have a serious fall, which at my age could be fatal.


And will you be doing discounts for OAP'S? Or take chocolate in exchange?

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I'd pretend to be innocent and lost young girl, wait until some bad people take me in to do something terrible to me or lure them to a secluded dark place, and then rip their throats off, drink their blood, feast on their hearts and throw what is left of them to dogs. I don't like bad people.
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